Get started

The Moon Invoice API Provides Online Billing Software for Small Business Owners.

To use this API, you need a secret_key and access_token.

Please contact us at to get your API secret_key or If you have any queries.

API Endpoint

Get Access Token

To get Access Token, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for Get Access Token

required fields
Field Type Description
email String Email of your Moon Invoice account.
secret_key String Your Moon Invoice secret_key.
										Result example Get Access Token JSON Response: {
    "status": "200",
    "message": "Auth token generated successfully!",
    "data": {
      "token": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOioPUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiI0IiwianRpIjoiYTViMjdhOTdlZDIyNzNlZGJmNTE4ZTE4ODdhNGZkNDhjYTdhZmQ1NmFlOTU4NjdkODcwMDE2NjQ2YmQyZjBjNDliM2E5NzQxMWI1NjQ1MjciLCJpYXQiOjE2NjU3NTE3MTAsIm5iZiI6MTY2NTc1MTcxYUwiZXhwIjoxNjk3Mjg3NzEwLCJzdWIiOiI4NzU4OCIsInNjb3BlcyI6W119.NQtDWHUtKVsB2VLNpRmkf56xC-B10ghXvMou2JZhkXcDSFBmpxFb6YyeW94W1MpUgf3_Ua5nY0XmMd2-_L7UH4dNLLauAEHKOsD0HjuxR6mfUqEhTdGazkYw06HBE0v0ZpyzbTIE35VQmciDBqd2tLeGF1AVVs2IZO_wFPtegS8KYUxiPfbzLzk3IwMDxtknrcD3hCo96PCBUobnQAls2cYIXPIiGangNRlp5YhbK4RQlbahAIq3IXkBtWGy-STQvUG9qjT3ZzsSs6zZLrqdzOZcYpAnJinPtsg76sFDNN0EV3fNvVkTONMT5_kgqIpTPtrszxfpL103Vtq1pJq1KgJ3m63MQ_FcIiEqDkfTb09HbhSFRkST-q0wCKhG5yPlCdKQCZWqVdWfE1rWPhRVmVgicCY8PNQWSpgTr11YO1WS59FJNKUm3NB65GXtg6noxTpkmnFb_jdWNT-apka5Y9XoMZM8tvVfUWPhJr-_jN05IM4eCFMppyx1VQhbHEFJY4IHeJgxAgxvasLRm0lhor8hqHqdFNAFVEAU3pwKTUaYcXbHCdzdXL9Li65DfWfnkU04ORFUT5MJhBCoitiaBAG1apXRM5-rF2TdYPuwQR--31mA31xm2H-TwtmvKlPZGH5gsOEBz4IuUUym49UCs7XrM56WJYRHoboby7QqjNA"


Get Product

To Get Product, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Products

required fields
Field Type Description
ProductSort String ProductSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. ProductSort must be contain asc or desc value.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
ProductSortColumn String ProductSortColumn is for sort record by specific Column of table.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Request Sample
										Example GET Product JSON Request: {
    "ProductSort": "ASC",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1,
    "ProductSortColumn": "ProductName",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example GET Product JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "first_page_url": "",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "",
        "links": [
                "url": null,
                "label": "« Previous",
                "active": false
                "url": "",
                "label": "1",
                "active": true
                "url": null,
                "label": "Next »",
                "active": false
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "",
        "per_page": 25,
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 2,
        "total": 2,
        "products": [
                "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
                "ProductBuyCost": "50.00",
                "ProductQuantity": 1,
                "ProductUnitCost": "75.00",
                "ProductName": "Burger",
                "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
                "ProductSelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
                "ProductCategory": "A5B6350D-F0F5-449A-93DA-7DF02C84F0CD",
                "ProductCode": "{\"ProductCode\":\"BUG123\"}",
                "ProductStockManage": "0",
                "ProductLogo": "",
                "IsProductDelete": 0,
                "ProductModificationDate": "2023-02-17 12:37:17",
                "IsUsed": 1,
                "Stock": 0,
                "HSNCode": "",
                "Currency": {
                    "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                    "Code": "INR",
                    "Symbol": "₹"
                "Category": {
                    "CategoryName": "Wages",
                    "CategoryID": "A5B6350D-F0F5-449A-93DA-7DF02C84F0CD"
                "ProductID": "596C34DF-0D4B-44F2-A310-C3D9D64A87FD",
                "ProductBuyCost": "60.00",
                "ProductQuantity": 1,
                "ProductUnitCost": "75.00",
                "ProductName": "Veg Sandwich",
                "ProductNotes": "test sandwich",
                "ProductSelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
                "ProductCategory": "A5B6350D-F0F5-449A-93DA-7DF02C84F0CD",
                "ProductCode": "{\"ProductCode\":\"VSA125\"}",
                "ProductStockManage": "0",
                "ProductLogo": "",
                "IsProductDelete": 0,
                "ProductModificationDate": "2023-02-21 06:09:05",
                "IsUsed": 0,
                "Stock": 0,
                "HSNCode": "",
                "Currency": {
                    "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                    "Code": "INR",
                    "Symbol": "₹"
                "Category": {
                    "CategoryName": "Wages",
                    "CategoryID": "A5B6350D-F0F5-449A-93DA-7DF02C84F0CD"


Create Product

To Create Product, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Products

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for create product by specific Company.
ProductName String Name of product.
optional fields
Field Type Description
ProductCode String SKU code of product.
ProductBuyCost Float Buy cost of product
ProductUnitCost Float Sell or Unit cost of product.
ProductType String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
ProductQuantity Float Quantity of product.
ProductNotes Text Note or Description about product.
ProductCategory String Category of product.
ProductStockManage Boolean ProductStockManage is boolean value 0 or 1. If Stock manage then 1 otherwise 0.
ProductSelectedCurrency String ProductSelectedCurrency is a code of Currency. Like INR, USD, CAD etc.
ProductBuyTax Array ProductBuyTax is array of tax, which is applied on product buy. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"].
ProductSalesTax Array ProductSalesTax is array of tax, which is applied on product sales. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"].
ProductOrder Integer ProductOrder is a serial number or order no. of products.
HSNCode String HSNCode of product.
ShowInMenu Boolean ShowInMenu is a POS company product field, which is use while product need to show in Menu. This field is boolean 0 and 1 contain only.
ProductLogo File Product logo is an image file of product. ProductLogo supported file types are png,jpeg,gif,jpg.
Request Sample
										Example CREATE Product JSON Request: {
    "ProductName" : "Extra Chili Cheese Vadapav",
    "ProductCode" : "ECCP7859",
    "ProductBuyCost" : "45",
    "ProductUnitCost" : "70",
    "ProductType" : "piece",
    "ProductQuantity" : 1,
    "ProductNotes" : "Bombay Vadapav",
    "ProductCategory" : "wages",
    "ProductStockManage" : 0,
    "ProductSelectedCurrency" : "INR",
    "CompanyID" : "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProductOrder" : "1",
    "ShowInMenu" : 0,
    "HSNCode" : "45458",
    "ProductBuyTax" : ["5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"],
    "ProductSalesTax" : ["1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"],
    "ProductLogo" : "Image File Data"

Response Sample
										Result example CREATE Product JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Product added.",
    "data": {
        "ProductData": {
            "ProductID": "98FF4477-0404-414C-B788-15D357DD8DB9",
            "ProductBuyCost": "45.00",
            "ProductQuantity": 1,
            "ProductUnitCost": "70.00",
            "ProductName": "Extra Chili Cheese Vadapav",
            "ProductNotes": "Bombay Vadapav",
            "ProductSelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
            "ShowInMenu": "",
            "ProductCategory": "Wages",
            "ProductCode": "{\"itemCode\":\"ECCP7859\"}",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "ProductTax": "{\"Tax1\":{\"Tax\":[\"5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1\"],\"taxType\":1},\"Tax2\":{\"buy_price\":{\"Tax\":[\"5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1\"],\"taxType\":1},\"sales_price\":{\"Tax\":[\"1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1\"],\"taxType\":1}}}",
            "ProductLineToTax": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1",
            "ProductStockManage": "0",
            "ProductTaxable": 1,
            "ProductOrder": 1,
            "Stock": 0,
            "HSNCode": "45458",
            "ProductCurrencySymbol": "₹",
            "Currency": {
                "Code": "INR",
                "Symbol": "₹",
                "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN"
        "ProductLogo": {
            "ProductLogoID": "86000907-16F1-4B20-BBBD-FDCA6F6F3913",
            "ProductLogo": ""


Update Product

To Update Product, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Products

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for update product by specific Company.
ProductID String ProductID is a Product Identifier.
ProductName String Name of product.
optional fields
Field Type Description
ProductCode String SKU code of product.
ProductBuyCost Float Buy cost of product
ProductUnitCost Float Sell or Unit cost of product.
ProductType String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
ProductQuantity Float Quantity of product.
ProductNotes Text Note or Description about product.
ProductCategory String Category of product.
ProductStockManage Boolean ProductStockManage is boolean value 0 or 1. If Stock manage then 1 otherwise 0.
ProductSelectedCurrency String ProductSelectedCurrency is a code of Currency. Like INR, USD, CAD etc.
ProductBuyTax Array ProductBuyTax is array of tax, which is applied on product buy. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"].
ProductSalesTax Array ProductSalesTax is array of tax, which is applied on product sales. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"].
ProductOrder Integer ProductOrder is a serial number or order no. of products.
HSNCode String HSNCode of product.
ShowInMenu Boolean ShowInMenu is a POS company product field, which is use while product need to show in Menu. This field is boolean 0 and 1 contain only.
ProductLogo File ProductLogo is an image file of product. ProductLogo supported file types are png,jpeg,gif,jpg.
ProductLogoID String ProductLogoID is an identifier of product logo.
Request Sample
										Example UPDATE Product JSON Request: {
    "ProductID" : "98FF4477-0404-414C-B788-15D357DD8DB9",
    "ProductName" : "Extra Chili Cheese Vadapav",
    "ProductCode" : "ECCP7859",
    "ProductBuyCost" : "45",
    "ProductUnitCost" : "70",
    "ProductType" : "piece",
    "ProductQuantity" : 1,
    "ProductNotes" : "Bombay Vadapav",
    "ProductCategory" : "wages",
    "ProductStockManage" : 0,
    "ProductSelectedCurrency" : "INR",
    "CompanyID" : "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProductOrder" : "1",
    "ShowInMenu" : 0,
    "HSNCode" : "45458",
    "ProductBuyTax" : ["5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"],
    "ProductSalesTax" : ["1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"],
    "ProductLogoID": "86000907-16F1-4B20-BBBD-FDCA6F6F3913",
    "ProductLogo" : "Image File Data"

Response Sample
										Result example UPDATE Product JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Product updated",
    "data": {
        "ProductData": {
            "ProductID": "98FF4477-0404-414C-B788-15D357DD8DB9",
            "ProductBuyCost": "60.00",
            "ProductQuantity": 1,
            "ProductUnitCost": "100.00",
            "ProductName": "Extra Chili Cheese Vadapav",
            "ProductNotes": "Extra Chili cheese vadapav update",
            "ProductSelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
            "ShowInMenu": "",
            "ProductCategory": "Wages",
            "ProductCode": "{\"itemCode\":\"ECCP7859\"}",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "ProductTax": "{\"Tax1\":{\"Tax\":[\"1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1\"],\"taxType\":1},\"Tax2\":{\"buy_price\":{\"Tax\":[\"1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1\"],\"taxType\":1},\"sales_price\":{\"Tax\":[\"5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1\"],\"taxType\":1}}}",
            "ProductLineToTax": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1",
            "ProductStockManage": "0",
            "ProductTaxable": 1,
            "ProductOrder": 1,
            "Stock": 0,
            "HSNCode": "0",
            "ProductCurrencySymbol": "₹",
            "Currency": {
                "Code": "INR",
                "Symbol": "₹",
                "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN"
        "ProductLogo": {
            "ProductLogoID": "86000907-16F1-4B20-BBBD-FDCA6F6F3913",
            "ProductLogo": ""


Details Product

To Get Product Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Products

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get details of product of specific Company.
ProductID String ProductID is a Product Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Product JSON Request: {
    "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example DETAILS Product JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "ProductData": {
            "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
            "ProductBuyCost": "50.00",
            "ProductQuantity": 1,
            "ProductUnitCost": "75.00",
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductSelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
            "ProductCategory": "Wages",
            "ProductCode": "{\"itemCode\":\"BUG123\"}",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "ProductTax": "{\"Tax1\":{\"Tax\":[\"5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1\"],\"taxType\":\"1\"},\"Tax2\":{\"buy_price\":{\"Tax\":[\"5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1\"],\"taxType\":\"1\"},\"sales_price\":{\"Tax\":[\"1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1\"],\"taxType\":\"1\"}}}",
            "ProductLineToTax": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1",
            "ProductStockManage": "0",
            "ProductTaxable": 1,
            "ProductOrder": 1,
            "Stock": 0,
            "HSNCode": "94524",
            "ProductCurrencySymbol": "₹",
            "Currency": {
                "Code": "INR",
                "Symbol": "₹",
                "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN"
        "ProductLogo": {
            "ProductLogoID": "F0948113-A916-4694-85BE-EF2CBAD16A6C",
            "ProductLogo": ""


Delete Product

To Delete Product, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Products

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for delete product of specific Company.
ProductID String ProductID is a Product Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DELETE Product JSON Request: {
    "ProductID": "1DA343DB-9D03-4BD5-AD7A-D2736F685A72",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example DELETE Product JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 product(s) deleted.",
    "data": []


Get Contact

To Get Contact, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Contact

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
ContactSort String ContactSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. ContactSort must be contain asc or desc value.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Request Sample
										Example GET Contact JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1,
    "ContactSort": "asc"

Response Sample
										Result example GET Contact JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "first_page_url": "",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "",
        "links": [
                "url": null,
                "label": "« Previous",
                "active": false
                "url": "",
                "label": "1",
                "active": true
                "url": null,
                "label": "Next »",
                "active": false
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "",
        "per_page": 25,
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 4,
        "total": 4,
        "contacts": [
                "ContactID": "0A8F9F2E-4C33-411D-9439-47BF04A7B32A",
                "FirstName": "Alpesh",
                "LastName": "R",
                "Status": "Cactive",
                "Organization": "Alpesh's Company",
                "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
                "MobileNo": "",
                "Email": "",
                "Name": "Alpesh's Company"
                "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
                "FirstName": "Cristiana",
                "LastName": "Rozzer",
                "Status": "Vactive",
                "Organization": "Cristal Store",
                "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
                "MobileNo": "9712439988",
                "Email": "",
                "Name": "Cristal Store"
                "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
                "FirstName": "Mike",
                "LastName": "Brown",
                "Status": "Cactive",
                "Organization": "Emnet Store",
                "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
                "MobileNo": "9712439977",
                "Email": "",
                "Name": "Emnet Store"
                "ContactID": "44162BAB-7A9E-4844-BBC7-2571352BB44E",
                "FirstName": "Rohan",
                "LastName": "Company",
                "Status": "Cactive",
                "Organization": "Rohan's Company",
                "SelectedCurrency": "fr_CA",
                "MobileNo": "9712439988",
                "Email": "",
                "Name": "Rohan's Company"


Create Contact

To Create Contact, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Contact

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for create contact of specific Company.
Organization String Name of Organization/Company.
FirstName String First Name of Contact.
LastName String Last Name of Contact.
optional fields
Field Type Description
VatNo String Vat No. of Contact.
Email String Email of Contact person.
MobileNo Double Mobile No. of Contact person.
BusinessNo Double Business Ph No. of Contact person.
HomeNo Double Home Ph No. of Contact person.
InternalNotes Text Internal Notes of Contact
HourlyRate Float Hourly Rate of Contact person.
CurrencyCode String Currency code like INR, USD, CAD etc.
FaxNo String Fax No.
RegNo String Registration No.
StatusCustomer Boolean StatusCustomer is a boolean value 0 and 1. If Contact is customer then 1 otherwise 0.
StatusVendor Boolean StatusVendor is a boolean value 0 and 1. If Contact is vendor then 1 otherwise 0.
BillingAddressStreet1 String Billing Address Street1 of Contact person.
BillingAddressStreet2 String Billing Address Street2 of Contact person.
BillingAddressZip String Billing Address Zip of Contact person.
BillingAddressCity String Billing Address City of Contact person.
BillingAddressState String Billing Address State of Contact person.
BillingAddressCountry String Billing Address Country of Contact person.
ShippingAddressStreet1 String Shipping Address Street1 of Contact person.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String Shipping Address Street2 of Contact person.
ShippingAddressZip String Shipping Address Zip of Contact person.
ShippingAddressCity String Shipping Address City of Contact person.
ShippingAddressState String Shipping Address State of Contact person.
ShippingAddressCountry String Shipping Address Country of Contact person.
ProductTax Array ProductTax is a default tax of contact person on product. It Contain array of tax title like ["GST18","GST12"].
TaskTax Array TaskTax is a default tax of contact person on task. It Contain array of tax title like ["GST18","GST12"].
Request Sample
										Example CREATE Contact JSON Request: {
    "Organization": "Pointer Farma",
    "FirstName": "Peter",
    "LastName": "Huge",
    "VatNo": "24AAACC8206D1ZM.",
    "Email": "",
    "MobileNo": "9912539988",
    "BusinessNo": "02224325685",
    "HomeNo": "9778439988",
    "InternalNotes": "Test user",
    "HourlyRate": "10",
    "CurrencyCode": "INR",
    "RegNo": "45611879",
    "FaxNo": "455361230",
    "StatusVendor": false,
    "StatusCustomer": true,
    "PaymentReminder": false,
    "BillingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
    "BillingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
    "BillingAddressZip": "360005",
    "BillingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
    "BillingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
    "BillingAddressCountry": "India",
    "ShippingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
    "ShippingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
    "ShippingAddressZip": "360005",
    "ShippingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
    "ShippingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
    "ShippingAddressCountry": "India",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProductTax": [],
    "TaskTax": []

Response Sample
										Result example CREATE Contact JSON Response: {
    "status": "200",
    "message": "Contact added.",
    "data": {
        "ContactID": "5B68242B-4288-41AD-A352-8EAA25ED2B59",
        "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "BillingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
        "BillingAddressCountry": "India",
        "BillingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
        "BillingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "BillingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
        "BillingAddressZip": "360005",
        "BusinessNo": "02224325685",
        "Email": "",
        "PaymentReminder": "0",
        "Extra2": "{\"TaxDic\":{\"Product\":{},\"Task\":{}}}",
        "HourlyRate": "10",
        "FaxNo": "{ \"RegNo\":45611879, \"FaxNo\":455361230 }",
        "FirstName": "Peter",
        "From": "",
        "HomeNo": "9778439988",
        "InternallNotes": "Test user",
        "LastName": "Huge",
        "MobileNo": "9912539988",
        "Organization": "Pointer Farma",
        "ShippingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
        "ShippingAddressCountry": "India",
        "ShippingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
        "ShippingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "ShippingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
        "ShippingAddressZip": "360005",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "Status": "Cactive",
        "VatNo": "24AAACC8206D1ZM.",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-27 09:26:39",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-27 09:26:38",
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-27T09:26:39.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-27T09:26:39.000000Z",
        "Name": "Pointer Farma",
        "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
        "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
        "CurrencyCode": "INR"


Update Contact

To Update Contact, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Contact

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for update contact of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier.
Organization String Name of Organization/Company.
FirstName String First Name of Contact.
LastName String Last Name of Contact.
optional fields
Field Type Description
VatNo String Vat No. of Contact.
Email String Email of Contact person.
MobileNo Double Mobile No. of Contact person.
BusinessNo Double Business Ph No. of Contact person.
HomeNo Double Home Ph No. of Contact person.
InternalNotes Text Internal Notes of Contact
HourlyRate Float Hourly Rate of Contact person.
CurrencyCode String Currency code like INR, USD, CAD etc.
FaxNo String Fax No.
RegNo String Registration No.
StatusCustomer Boolean StatusCustomer is a boolean value 0 and 1. If Contact is customer then 1 otherwise 0.
StatusVendor Boolean StatusVendor is a boolean value 0 and 1. If Contact is vendor then 1 otherwise 0.
BillingAddressStreet1 String Billing Address Street1 of Contact person.
BillingAddressStreet2 String Billing Address Street2 of Contact person.
BillingAddressZip String Billing Address Zip of Contact person.
BillingAddressCity String Billing Address City of Contact person.
BillingAddressState String Billing Address State of Contact person.
BillingAddressCountry String Billing Address Country of Contact person.
ShippingAddressStreet1 String Shipping Address Street1 of Contact person.
ShippingAddressStreet2 String Shipping Address Street2 of Contact person.
ShippingAddressZip String Shipping Address Zip of Contact person.
ShippingAddressCity String Shipping Address City of Contact person.
ShippingAddressState String Shipping Address State of Contact person.
ShippingAddressCountry String Shipping Address Country of Contact person.
ProductTax Array ProductTax is a default tax of contact person on product. It Contain array of tax title like ["GST18","GST12"].
TaskTax Array TaskTax is a default tax of contact person on task. It Contain array of tax title like ["GST18","GST12"].
Request Sample
										Example UPDATE Contact JSON Request: {
    "ContactID": "44162BAB-7A9E-4844-BBC7-2571352BB44E",
    "Organization": "Pointer Farma",
    "FirstName": "Peter",
    "LastName": "Huge",
    "VatNo": "24AAACC8206D1ZM.",
    "Email": "",
    "MobileNo": "9912539988",
    "BusinessNo": "02224325685",
    "HomeNo": "9778439988",
    "InternalNotes": "Updated user",
    "HourlyRate": "10",
    "CurrencyCode": "INR",
    "RegNo": "45611879",
    "FaxNo": "455361230",
    "StatusVendor": false,
    "StatusCustomer": true,
    "PaymentReminder": false,
    "BillingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
    "BillingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
    "BillingAddressZip": "360005",
    "BillingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
    "BillingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
    "BillingAddressCountry": "India",
    "ShippingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
    "ShippingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
    "ShippingAddressZip": "360005",
    "ShippingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
    "ShippingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
    "ShippingAddressCountry": "India",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProductTax": [],
    "TaskTax": []

Response Sample
										Result example UPDATE Contact JSON Response: {
    "status": "200",
    "message": "Contact updated.",
    "data": {
        "ContactID": "44162BAB-7A9E-4844-BBC7-2571352BB44E",
        "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "BillingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
        "BillingAddressCountry": "India",
        "BillingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
        "BillingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "BillingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
        "BillingAddressZip": "360005",
        "BusinessNo": "02224325685",
        "Email": "",
        "PaymentReminder": "0",
        "Extra2": "{\"TaxDic\":{\"Product\":{},\"Task\":{}}}",
        "HourlyRate": "10",
        "FaxNo": "{ \"RegNo\":45611879, \"FaxNo\":455361230 }",
        "FirstName": "Peter",
        "From": "",
        "HomeNo": "9778439988",
        "InternallNotes": "Updated user",
        "LastName": "Huge",
        "MobileNo": "9912539988",
        "Organization": "Pointer Farma",
        "ShippingAddressCity": "Ahemdabad",
        "ShippingAddressCountry": "India",
        "ShippingAddressState": "GUJARAT",
        "ShippingAddressStreet1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "ShippingAddressStreet2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
        "ShippingAddressZip": "360005",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "Status": "Cactive",
        "VatNo": "24AAACC8206D1ZM.",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-27 09:30:33",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-27 09:30:32",
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-17T10:43:56.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-17T10:43:56.000000Z",
        "Name": "Pointer Farma",
        "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
        "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
        "CurrencyCode": "INR"


Details Contact

To Get Contact Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Contact

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get details of contact of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Contact JSON Request: {
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example DETAILS Contact JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
        "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "BillingAddressCity": "Ahmedabad",
        "BillingAddressCountry": "India",
        "BillingAddressState": "Gujarat",
        "BillingAddressStreet1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
        "BillingAddressStreet2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
        "BillingAddressZip": "380060",
        "BusinessNo": "0252236568",
        "Email": "",
        "PaymentReminder": "1",
        "Extra2": "{\"Tax1\":{\"Product\":{\"Tax\":{},\"taxType\":\"1\"},\"Task\":{\"Tax\":{},\"taxType\":\"1\"}},\"TaxDic\":{\"Product\":{},\"Task\":{}}}",
        "HourlyRate": "",
        "FaxNo": "{\"RegNo\":\"74568525\",\"FaxNo\":\"0254785256\"}",
        "FirstName": "Mike",
        "From": "",
        "HomeNo": "9712439977",
        "InternallNotes": "Prime customer",
        "LastName": "Brown",
        "MobileNo": "9712439977",
        "Organization": "Emnet Store",
        "ShippingAddressCity": "Ahmedabad",
        "ShippingAddressCountry": "India",
        "ShippingAddressState": "Gujarat",
        "ShippingAddressStreet1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
        "ShippingAddressStreet2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
        "ShippingAddressZip": "380060",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "Status": "Cactive",
        "VatNo": "24AAACC1206D1ZM.",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-20 09:39:01",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 09:39:01",
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-17T06:46:17.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-17T06:46:17.000000Z",
        "Name": "Emnet Store",
        "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
        "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
        "CurrencyCode": "INR"


Delete Contact

To Delete Contact, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Contact

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for delete contact of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Contact JSON Request: {
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example DELETE Contact JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 contact(s) deleted.",
    "data": []


Get Invoice

To Get Invoice, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Invoice

required fields
Field Type Description
InvoiceSort String InvoiceSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. InvoiceSort must be contain asc or desc value.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Status String Enter Status for get status wise records from th list [ "Draft", "Partial", "Paid", "Open", "Overdue", "Recurring", "Void", "Trash", "All" ]. Bydefault status will be ALL.
Request Sample
										Example GET Invoice JSON Request: {
    "InvoiceSort": "desc",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page" : 1,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "Status": "All"

Response Sample
										Result example GET Invoice JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "first_page_url": "",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "",
        "links": [
                "url": null,
                "label": "« Previous",
                "active": false
                "url": "",
                "label": "1",
                "active": true
                "url": null,
                "label": "Next »",
                "active": false
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "",
        "per_page": 25,
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 2,
        "total": 2,
        "invoices": [
                "InvoiceID": "62DA2EFF-87C6-4EED-A9F4-31EFE44214D8",
                "InvoiceNumber": "2",
                "InvoiceEntryDate": "2023-02-24 07:09:43",
                "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
                "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T07:11:44.000000Z",
                "InvoiceStatus": "Draft",
                "Status": "active",
                "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
                "InvoiceTotal": 25533.01,
                "Invoiceterms": "Test terms",
                "InvoiceHeader": "Invoice 2",
                "InvoiceOrganization": "Emnet Store",
                "FirstName": "Mike",
                "LastName": "Brown",
                "InvoiceNotes": "test note",
                "InvoiceRecurring": 1,
                "InvoiceSubTotal": 24323.5,
                "InvoiceAmountPaid": 0,
                "InvoiceToRecurringInvoice": "",
                "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
                "AmountDue": 25533.01,
                "InvoiceDueDate": "2023-02-24 07:09:43",
                "CompanyName": "Yogesh Public API Update",
                "TotalDueAmount": "25533.01",
                "TotalPaidAmount": "0",
                "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
                "CustomerEmail": "",
                "Currency": {
                    "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                    "Code": "INR",
                    "Symbol": "₹"
                "InvoiceID": "64BE5CA3-AE69-4502-8055-E616AA3A4619",
                "InvoiceNumber": "1",
                "InvoiceEntryDate": "2023-02-22 05:55:05",
                "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
                "CreatedAt": "2023-02-22T05:55:24.000000Z",
                "InvoiceStatus": "Draft",
                "Status": "active",
                "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
                "InvoiceTotal": 60,
                "Invoiceterms": "",
                "InvoiceHeader": "Test",
                "InvoiceOrganization": "Alpesh's Company",
                "FirstName": "Alpesh",
                "LastName": "R",
                "InvoiceNotes": "",
                "InvoiceRecurring": 0,
                "InvoiceSubTotal": 60,
                "InvoiceAmountPaid": 0,
                "InvoiceToRecurringInvoice": "",
                "ContactID": "0A8F9F2E-4C33-411D-9439-47BF04A7B32A",
                "AmountDue": 60,
                "InvoiceDueDate": "2023-02-22 05:55:05",
                "CompanyName": "Yogesh Public API Update",
                "TotalDueAmount": "60",
                "TotalPaidAmount": "0",
                "ContactName": "Alpesh's Company",
                "CustomerEmail": "",
                "Currency": {
                    "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                    "Code": "INR",
                    "Symbol": "₹"


Create Invoice

To Create Invoice, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Invoice

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for create invoice of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Invoice.
InvoiceNumber String Invoice Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Invoice.
DueDate DateTime Payment Due Date of Invoice.
optional fields
Field Type Description
InvoiceHeader String Title or Header of Invoice.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Invoice.
ShippingMethod String Shipping Method of Invoice.
PoNo String PO No of Invoice.
DiscountAmount Float Discount Amount on invoice total.
DiscountBeforeTax Boolean Discount applied before tax applied. This is a boolean field and only contan true and false.
Terms String Terms of Invoice.
Notes String Notes/Description of Invoice.
IsRecurring Boolean IsRecurring is a boolean value 0 or 1. If Invoice is recurring then 1 otherwise 0.
RecurringEndDate DateTime End Date of Invoice recurring. Formate : YYYY-mm-dd
RecurringIntervalInString String Invoice recurring period. Like Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, BiMonthly, Quarterly, 6-Months, Annually, 2-Years
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Invoice.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Invoice.
AmountDue Float Remaining Payment Amount of Invoice.
AmountPaid Float Total Paid Amount of Invoice.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Invoice Attachment File.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Invoice.
Billing_Add Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Secondary_Add Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of estimate. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of estimate. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
										Example CREATE Invoice JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "InvoiceNumber": "9",
    "InvoiceHeader": "Invoice 9",
    "ShippingCost": 50,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "PoNo": "1111",
    "DiscountAmount": "60",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
    "Terms": "Terms and Condition Data",
    "Notes": "Internal Notes Data",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 15:10:27",
    "DueDate": "2023-02-24 15:10:27",
    "IsRecurring": 1,
    "RecurringEndDate": "2023-05-24",
    "RecurringIntervalInString": "Monthly",
    "TotalAmount": 25533.01,
    "SubTotal": 24323.5,
    "AmountDue": 25533.01,
    "AmountPaid": 0,
    "Billing_Add": {
        "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "Street2": "SG Highway",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "Secondary_Add": {
        "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "Street2": "SG Highway",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
    "AttachmentFile": "",
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "94524",
            "UnitCost": "75.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 73.5,
            "SubAmount": 73.5,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "2",
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "TaxID": [
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Car Washing",
            "Hours": "5.00",
            "TaskRate": "5000.00",
            "SACCode" : "454865",
            "TaskNotes": "Car Washing services available",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 24250,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "DiscountValue": "3",
            "TaxID": [
            "TaskType": "Hours"
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"

Response Sample
										Result example CREATE Invoice JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Invoice added.",
    "data": {
        "InvoiceID": "B4D86F19-AC35-4867-AF65-5D9F87777F04",
        "InvoiceHeader": "Invoice 9",
        "InvoiceNumber": "9",
        "InvoiceEntryDate": "2023-02-24 09:40:27",
        "InvoiceDueDate": "2023-02-24 09:40:27",
        "InvoiceNotes": "Internal Notes Data",
        "InvoicePoNo": "1111",
        "AmountDue": 25533.01,
        "AmountPaid": 0,
        "SubTotal": 24323.5,
        "Total": 25533.01,
        "ShippingCost": 50,
        "DiscountAmount": 60,
        "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
        "IsRecurring": 1,
        "RecurringIntervalInDay": "1",
        "InvoiceToRecurringInvoice": "CDBE7AF3-7E0B-4FA2-97AD-074121F728CB,BD63C5E7-7C0E-4F28-B348-7676DA49562E,0914BE82-18CE-42DC-997D-B2D3C4DA62CB",
        "RecurringEndDate": "2023-05-24 00:00:00",
        "RecurringIntervalInString": "Month",
        "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 11:07:55",
        "InvoiceStatus": "Draft",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
        "ArchiveStatus": 0,
        "Status": "active",
        "InvoiceTerms": "Terms and Condition Data",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-24 11:07:56",
        "SyncDate": "",
        "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T11:07:55.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-24T11:07:56.000000Z",
        "CustomerEmail": "",
        "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "PaynowLink": "",
        "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
        "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
        "NextRecurring": 0,
        "RecurringDay": "Monthlykey",
        "RecurringDate": "May 24, 2023",
        "Attachment": "",
        "Billing_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "SG Highway",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "Shipping_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "SG Highway",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "DepositeAmount": 0,
        "Products": [
                "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
                "ItemLineProductID": "8A7E167E-225B-4BEC-A061-D32D0A138388",
                "ProductName": "Burger",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 11:07:55",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Total": 73.5,
                "UnitCost": 75,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "2",
                "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
                "ProductImage": "",
                "TaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
        "Tasks": [
                "TaskID": "AEA4F26D-CF27-4439-A525-359F61CB8E09",
                "ItemLineTaskID": "D7AEF59D-6D2A-4891-81CA-A52D58C4A6D8",
                "taskName": "Car Washing",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 11:07:55",
                "Hours": 5,
                "Total": 24250,
                "Rate": 5000,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "3",
                "TaskNotes": "",
                "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Update Invoice

To Update Invoice, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Invoice

required fields
Field Type Description
InvoiceID String Invoice Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for create invoice of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Invoice.
InvoiceNumber String Invoice Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Invoice.
DueDate DateTime Payment Due Date of Invoice.
optional fields
Field Type Description
InvoiceHeader String Title or Header of Invoice.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Invoice.
ShippingMethod String Shipping Method of Invoice.
PoNo String PO No of Invoice.
DiscountAmount Float Discount Amount on invoice total.
DiscountBeforeTax Boolean Discount applied before tax applied. This is a boolean field and only contan true and false.
Terms String Terms of Invoice.
Notes String Notes/Description of Invoice.
IsRecurring Boolean IsRecurring is a boolean value 0 or 1. If Invoice is recurring then 1 otherwise 0.
RecurringEndDate DateTime End Date of Invoice recurring. Formate : YYYY-mm-dd
RecurringIntervalInString String Invoice recurring period. Like Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, BiMonthly, Quarterly, 6-Months, Annually, 2-Years
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Invoice.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Invoice.
AmountDue Float Remaining Payment Amount of Invoice.
AmountPaid Float Total Paid Amount of Invoice.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Invoice Attachment File.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Invoice.
Billing_Add Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Secondary_Add Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of estimate. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of estimate. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
										Example Update Invoice JSON Request: {
    "InvoiceID": "B4D86F19-AC35-4867-AF65-5D9F87777F04",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "InvoiceNumber": "9",
    "InvoiceHeader": "Invoice 9",
    "ShippingCost": 50,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "PoNo": "2222",
    "DiscountAmount": "60",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
    "Terms": "Terms and Condition Data Update",
    "Notes": "Internal Notes Data Update",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 15:10:27",
    "DueDate": "2023-02-24 15:10:27",
    "IsRecurring": 1,
    "RecurringEndDate": "2023-05-24",
    "RecurringIntervalInString": "Monthly",
    "TotalAmount": 25533.01,
    "SubTotal": 24323.5,
    "AmountDue": 25533.01,
    "AmountPaid": 0,
    "Billing_Add": {
        "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "Street2": "SG Highway",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "Secondary_Add": {
        "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
        "Street2": "SG Highway",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
    "AttachmentFile": "",
    "DeleteItemLinesProduct": ["8A7E167E-225B-4BEC-A061-D32D0A138388"],
    "DeleteItemLinesTask": ["D7AEF59D-6D2A-4891-81CA-A52D58C4A6D8"],
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "94524",
            "UnitCost": "75.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 73.5,
            "SubAmount": 73.5,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "2",
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "TaxID": [
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Car Washing",
            "Hours": "5.00",
            "TaskRate": "5000.00",
            "SACCode" : "454865",
            "TaskNotes": "Car Washing services available",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 24250,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "DiscountValue": "3",
            "TaxID": [
            "TaskType": "Hours"
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"

Response Sample
										Result example UPDATE Invoice JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Invoice updated.",
    "data": {
        "InvoiceID": "B4D86F19-AC35-4867-AF65-5D9F87777F04",
        "InvoiceHeader": "Invoice 9",
        "InvoiceNumber": "9",
        "InvoiceEntryDate": "2023-02-24 09:40:27",
        "InvoiceDueDate": "2023-02-24 09:40:27",
        "InvoiceNotes": "Internal Notes Data Update",
        "InvoicePoNo": "2222",
        "AmountDue": 25533.01,
        "AmountPaid": 0,
        "SubTotal": 24323.5,
        "Total": 25533.01,
        "ShippingCost": 50,
        "DiscountAmount": 60,
        "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
        "IsRecurring": 1,
        "RecurringIntervalInDay": "1",
        "InvoiceToRecurringInvoice": "CDBE7AF3-7E0B-4FA2-97AD-074121F728CB,BD63C5E7-7C0E-4F28-B348-7676DA49562E,0914BE82-18CE-42DC-997D-B2D3C4DA62CB",
        "RecurringEndDate": "2023-05-24 00:00:00",
        "RecurringIntervalInString": "Month",
        "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 11:12:21",
        "InvoiceStatus": "Draft",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
        "ArchiveStatus": 0,
        "Status": "active",
        "InvoiceTerms": "Terms and Condition Data Update",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-24 11:12:21",
        "SyncDate": "",
        "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T11:07:55.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-24T11:12:21.000000Z",
        "CustomerEmail": "",
        "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "PaynowLink": "",
        "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
        "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
        "NextRecurring": 0,
        "RecurringDay": "Monthlykey",
        "RecurringDate": "May 24, 2023",
        "Attachment": "",
        "Billing_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "SG Highway",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "Shipping_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "SG Highway",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "DepositeAmount": 0,
        "Products": [
                "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
                "ItemLineProductID": "49CD8798-115E-4619-827C-EF7535FD77CD",
                "ProductName": "Burger",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 11:12:21",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Total": 73.5,
                "UnitCost": 75,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "2",
                "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
                "ProductImage": "",
                "TaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
        "Tasks": [
                "TaskID": "AEA4F26D-CF27-4439-A525-359F61CB8E09",
                "ItemLineTaskID": "292146E2-059B-4EE1-8179-16058F137890",
                "taskName": "Car Washing",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 11:12:21",
                "Hours": 5,
                "Total": 24250,
                "Rate": 5000,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "3",
                "TaskNotes": "",
                "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Details Invoice

To Get Invoice Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Invoice

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get details of invoice of specific Company.
InvoiceID String Invoice Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Invoice JSON Request: {
    "InvoiceID": "62DA2EFF-87C6-4EED-A9F4-31EFE44214D8",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example DETAILS Invoice JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "InvoiceID": "62DA2EFF-87C6-4EED-A9F4-31EFE44214D8",
        "InvoiceHeader": "Invoice 2",
        "InvoiceNumber": "2",
        "InvoiceEntryDate": "2023-02-24 07:09:43",
        "InvoiceDueDate": "2023-02-24 07:09:43",
        "InvoiceNotes": "test note",
        "InvoicePoNo": "3245",
        "AmountDue": 25533.01,
        "AmountPaid": 0,
        "SubTotal": 24323.5,
        "Total": 25533.01,
        "ShippingCost": 50,
        "DiscountAmount": 60,
        "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
        "IsRecurring": 1,
        "RecurringIntervalInDay": "2",
        "InvoiceToRecurringInvoice": "",
        "RecurringEndDate": "2023-08-24 00:00:00",
        "RecurringIntervalInString": "2_years",
        "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 09:06:19",
        "InvoiceStatus": "Draft",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
        "ArchiveStatus": 0,
        "Status": "active",
        "InvoiceTerms": "Test terms",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-24 09:06:19",
        "SyncDate": "",
        "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T07:11:44.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-24T09:06:19.000000Z",
        "CustomerEmail": "",
        "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "PaynowLink": "",
        "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
        "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
        "NextRecurring": 0,
        "RecurringDay": "Y2YearKey",
        "RecurringDate": "Aug 24, 2023",
        "Attachment": "",
        "Billing_Add": {
            "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
            "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "Shipping_Add": {
            "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
            "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "DepositeAmount": "50",
        "Products": [
                "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
                "ItemLineProductID": "AFC94385-40DC-4917-AE3E-B77B1366270B",
                "ProductName": "Burger",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 09:06:19",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Total": 73.5,
                "UnitCost": 75,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "2",
                "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
                "ProductImage": "",
                "TaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
        "Tasks": [
                "TaskID": "7A0BC3CC-C7BA-49B1-97E0-36F217C245F0",
                "ItemLineTaskID": "2ECE71C5-525A-437E-9617-787962090FAD",
                "taskName": "Car Washing",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 09:06:25",
                "Hours": 5,
                "Total": 24250,
                "Rate": 5000,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "3",
                "TaskNotes": "Car Washing services available",
                "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Invoice Delete

To Delete Invoice, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for Invoice Delete

required fields
Field Type Description
InvoiceID String Invoice Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for delete invoice of specific Company.
Request Sample
										Example Invoice DELETE JSON Request: {
    "InvoiceID": "CC325CE2-FF68-4518-A9FA-69517956EFE2",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example Invoice DELETE JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 invoice(s) moved to trash.",
    "data": []


Get Project

To Get Project, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Project

required fields
Field Type Description
ProjectSort String ProjectSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. ProjectSort must be contain asc or desc value.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Request Sample
										Example GET Project JSON Request: {
    "PageSize": 25,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProjectSort": "asc",
    "page": 1

Response Sample
										Result example GET Project JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "first_page_url": "",
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "last_page_url": "",
        "links": [
                "url": null,
                "label": "« Previous",
                "active": false
                "url": "",
                "label": "1",
                "active": true
                "url": null,
                "label": "Next »",
                "active": false
        "next_page_url": null,
        "path": "",
        "per_page": 25,
        "prev_page_url": null,
        "to": 3,
        "total": 3,
        "total_hours": "00:00",
        "projects": [
                "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
                "DefaultRate": "",
                "ProjectName": "Admin Panel Development",
                "ProjectSecond": "00:00",
                "ProjectIsUsed": 0,
                "ProjectID": "8FF1D7A6-EFBC-4A96-BF65-1646FAFA518A",
                "Contact": {
                    "ContactID": "",
                    "ContactName": ""
                "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
                "DefaultRate": "",
                "ProjectName": "Android App Development",
                "ProjectSecond": "00:00",
                "ProjectIsUsed": 0,
                "ProjectID": "C960643C-DCBA-4A43-9B41-AF83FAAB964D",
                "Contact": {
                    "ContactID": "",
                    "ContactName": ""
                "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
                "DefaultRate": "",
                "ProjectName": "Web Development",
                "ProjectSecond": "00:00",
                "ProjectIsUsed": 1,
                "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
                "Contact": {
                    "ContactID": "",
                    "ContactName": ""


Create Project

To Create Project, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Project

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create project of specific Company.
ProjectName String Name of Project.
optional fields
Field Type Description
ContactID String Contact Identifier.
DefaultRate Float Project Default Rate.
Request Sample
										Example CREATE Project JSON Request: {
    "ProjectName": "Cricket Game Development",
    "ContactID": "",
    "DefaultRate": "",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example CREATE Project JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Project added.",
    "data": {
        "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "ContactID": "",
        "DefaultRate": "",
        "ProjectID": "79E0C58D-02C4-4C7E-86AA-0ED08FC39767",
        "ProjectName": "Cricket Game Development",
        "TotalHours": "00:00",
        "TotalBilledHours": "00:00"


Update Project

To Update Project, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Project

required fields
Field Type Description
ProjectID String Project Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create project of specific Company.
ProjectName String Name of Project.
optional fields
Field Type Description
ContactID String Contact Identifier.
DefaultRate Float Project Default Rate.
Request Sample
										Example UPDATE Project JSON Request: {
    "ProjectName": "Cricket Game Development",
    "ContactID": "0A8F9F2E-4C33-411D-9439-47BF04A7B32A",
    "DefaultRate": 31000,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProjectID": "79E0C58D-02C4-4C7E-86AA-0ED08FC39767"

Response Sample
										Result example UPDATE Project JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Project updated",
    "data": {
        "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "ContactID": "0A8F9F2E-4C33-411D-9439-47BF04A7B32A",
        "DefaultRate": "31000",
        "ProjectID": "79E0C58D-02C4-4C7E-86AA-0ED08FC39767",
        "ProjectName": "Cricket Game Development",
        "TotalHours": "00:00",
        "TotalBilledHours": "00:00"


Details Project

To Get Project Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Project

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for details of project of specific Company.
ProjectID String Project Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Project JSON Request: {
    "ProjectID": "8FF1D7A6-EFBC-4A96-BF65-1646FAFA518A",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example DETAILS Project JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Data received.",
    "data": {
        "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "ContactID": "",
        "DefaultRate": "",
        "ProjectID": "8FF1D7A6-EFBC-4A96-BF65-1646FAFA518A",
        "ProjectName": "Admin Panel Development",
        "TotalHours": "00:00",
        "TotalBilledHours": "00:00"


Delete Project

To Delete Project, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Project

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete project of specific Company.
ProjectID String Project Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DELETE Project JSON Request: {
    "ProjectID": "C960643C-DCBA-4A43-9B41-AF83FAAB964D",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"

Response Sample
										Result example DELETE Project JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 project(s) deleted.",
    "data": []


Get Task

To Get Task, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Task

required fields
Field Type Description
TaskSort String TaskSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. TaskSort must be contain asc or desc value.
ProjectID String ProjectID is use for get task of perticular project.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
required fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Request Sample
										Example GET Task JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
    "TaskSort": "asc",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1

Response Sample
Result example GET Task JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 25,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 2,
      "total": 1,
      "tasks": [
              "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
              "Hours": 1,
              "Rate": 200,
              "TaskName": "Authentication Functionality",
              "Notes": "Test task",
              "TaskType": "Hours",
              "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
              "Taxes": "GST 5, GST INR 10",
              "TaskIsUsed": 1,
              "TaskTax": [


Create Task

To Create Task, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Task

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create task of specific Company.
TaskName String Name of Task.
ProjectID String Project Identifier.
optional fields
Field Type Description
Hours Float Task hours.
Notes String Task notes.
Rate Float Rate of task.
TaskTax Array Array of TaxID for task. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280","CBC0A8DD-EDF5-47B2-B8DB-E7BA953E2C86"]
TaskType String TaskType is describe type of task. Like Hours, Minutes etc.
SACCode String SACCode of task.
Request Sample
										Example CREATE Task JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
    "TaskName": "Registration Module 1",
    "Notes": "Create a registration module 1.",
    "Hours": 5,
    "Rate": 5000,
    "TaskTax": [
    "TaskType": "Hours",
    "SACCode": "454865"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Task JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Task added.",
  "data": {
      "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
      "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
      "Hours": 5,
      "Rate": 5000,
      "TaskName": "Registration Module 1",
      "Notes": "Create a registration module 1.",
      "TaskType": "Hours",
      "TaskToTax": [
      "IsTaxable": 0,
      "SACCode": "454865"


Update Task

To Update Task, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Task

required fields
Field Type Description
TaskID String Task Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create task of specific Company.
TaskName String Name of Task.
ProjectID String Project Identifier.
optional fields
Field Type Description
Hours Float Task hours.
Notes String Task notes.
Rate Float Rate of task.
TaskTax Array Array of TaxID for task. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280","CBC0A8DD-EDF5-47B2-B8DB-E7BA953E2C86"]
TaskType String TaskType is describe type of task. Like Hours, Minutes etc.
SACCode String SACCode of task.
Request Sample
										Example UPDATE Task JSON Request: {
    "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
    "TaskName": "Registration Module 2",
    "Notes": "Create a registration module 2.",
    "Hours": 5,
    "Rate": 5000,
    "TaskTax": [
    "TaskType": "Hours",
    "SACCode": "5454545"
Response Sample
Result example UPDATE Task JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Task updated",
  "data": {
      "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
      "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
      "Hours": 5,
      "Rate": 5000,
      "TaskName": "Registration Module 2",
      "Notes": "Create a registration module 2.",
      "TaskType": "Hours",
      "TaskToTax": [
      "IsTaxable": 0,
      "SACCode": "5454545"


Details Task

To Get Task Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Task

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for get details of task of specific Company.
TaskID String Task Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Task JSON Request: {
    "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Task JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D",
      "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
      "Hours": 1,
      "Rate": 200,
      "TaskName": "Authentication Functionality",
      "Notes": "Test task",
      "TaskType": "Hours",
      "TaskToTax": [
      "IsTaxable": 0,
      "SACCode": "35454"


Delete Task

To Delete Task, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Task

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete task of specific Company.
TaskID String Task Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DELETE Task JSON Request: {
    "TaskID": "E860042C-2C9F-4AEB-817D-1A22586B671E",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DELETE Task JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 task(s) deleted.",
    "data": []


Get Service

To Get Service, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Service

required fields
Field Type Description
ServiceSort String ServiceSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. ServiceSort must be contain asc or desc value.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
required fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Request Sample
										Example GET Service JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ServiceSort": "asc",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1

Response Sample
Result example GET Service JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 25,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 2,
      "total": 1,
      "services": [
              "Hours": 1,
              "Rate": 0,
              "ServiceName": "Test",
              "Notes": "test only",
              "ServiceUnitType": "Hour",
              "ServiceID": "519E5447-6D78-4032-B655-76E1C59CF15B",
              "Taxes": "",
              "ServiceIsUsed": 0,
              "ServiceTax": []


Create Service

To Create Service, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Service

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create service of specific Company.
ServiceName String Name of Service.
optional fields
Field Type Description
Hours Float Service hours.
Notes String Service notes.
Rate Float Rate of service.
ServiceTax Array Array of TaxID for service. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280","CBC0A8DD-EDF5-47B2-B8DB-E7BA953E2C86"]
ServiceUnitType String ServiceType is describe type of service. Like Hours, Minutes etc.
SACCode String SACCode of service.
Request Sample
										Example CREATE Service JSON Request: {
  "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
  "ServiceName": "Wifi Service",
  "Notes": "Wifi or Internet related services available",
  "Hours": 1,
  "Rate": 10000,
  "ServiceTax": [
  "ServiceUnitType": "Hours",
  "SACCode": "754dc878"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Service JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Service added.",
  "data": {
      "ServiceID": "E1AD35F1-1617-4EA5-9289-9657D752F775",
      "Hours": 1,
      "Rate": 10000,
      "ServiceName": "Wifi Service",
      "Notes": "Wifi or Internet related services available",
      "ServiceUnitType": "Hours",
      "ServiceToTax": [
      "IsTaxable": 1,
      "SACCode": "754dc878"


Update Service

To Update Service, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Service

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create service of specific Company.
ServiceID String Service unique identifier.
ServiceName String Name of Service.
optional fields
Field Type Description
Hours Float Service hours.
Notes String Service notes.
Rate Float Rate of service.
ServiceTax Array Array of TaxID for service. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280","CBC0A8DD-EDF5-47B2-B8DB-E7BA953E2C86"]
ServiceUnitType String ServiceType is describe type of service. Like Hours, Minutes etc.
SACCode String SACCode of service.
Request Sample
										Example UPDATE Service JSON Request: {
    "ServiceID": "E1AD35F1-1617-4EA5-9289-9657D752F775",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ServiceName": "Wifi Service",
    "Notes": "Wifi or Internet related services available",
    "Hours": 2,
    "Rate": 11000,
    "ServiceTax": [
    "ServiceUnitType": "Hours",
    "SACCode": "754dc878"
Response Sample
Result example UPDATE Service JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Service updated",
  "data": {
      "ServiceID": "E1AD35F1-1617-4EA5-9289-9657D752F775",
      "Hours": 2,
      "Rate": 11000,
      "ServiceName": "Wifi Service",
      "Notes": "Wifi or Internet related services available",
      "ServiceUnitType": "Hours",
      "ServiceToTax": [
      "IsTaxable": 1,
      "SACCode": "754dc878"


Details Service

To Get Service Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Service

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for get details of service of specific Company.
ServiceID String Service Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Service JSON Request: {
    "ServiceID": "519E5447-6D78-4032-B655-76E1C59CF15B",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Service JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "ServiceID": "519E5447-6D78-4032-B655-76E1C59CF15B",
      "Hours": 1,
      "Rate": 0,
      "ServiceName": "Test",
      "Notes": "test only",
      "ServiceUnitType": "Hour",
      "ServiceToTax": "",
      "IsTaxable": 0,
      "SACCode": ""


Delete Service

To Delete Service, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Service

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete service of specific Company.
ServiceID String Service Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DELETE Service JSON Request: {
    "ServiceID": "0EDD2643-CAA8-4411-8C54-BE46DC445665",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DELETE Service JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "1 service(s) deleted.",
  "data": []


Get Estimate

To Get Estimate, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Estimate

required fields
Field Type Description
EstimateSort String EstimateSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. EstimateSort must be contain asc or desc value.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Status String Enter Status for get status wise records from th list [ "Draft", "Sent", "Approved", "Invoiced", "On Hold", "Disputed", "Declined", "Cancelled", "Received" ]. Bydefault status will be ALL.
Request Sample
										Example GET Estimate JSON Request: {
    "EstimateSort": "desc",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "Status": "All"
Response Sample
Result example GET Estimate JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 25,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 7,
      "total": 7,
      "estimates": [
              "EstimateID": "7C3B3AA0-749D-442C-8F5D-8183CA46D901",
              "EstimateEntryDate": "2023-02-23 09:34:33",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsEstimateDelete": 0,
              "EstimateTotal": 85,
              "Estimateterms": "",
              "EstimateOrganization": "Alpesh's Company",
              "FirstName": "Alpesh",
              "LastName": "R",
              "EstimateNotes": "",
              "EstimateNumber": "5",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Alpesh's Company",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"
              "EstimateID": "6009CBB3-7433-4E03-9679-8DC3C5CDBD7A",
              "EstimateEntryDate": "2023-02-20 07:00:41",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsEstimateDelete": 0,
              "EstimateTotal": 303.25,
              "Estimateterms": "Test Terms",
              "EstimateOrganization": "Emnet Store",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "EstimateNotes": "Test Notes",
              "EstimateNumber": "4",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"
              "EstimateID": "FBD1F72F-ECC2-45DA-82C7-62201ACCCCCF",
              "EstimateEntryDate": "2023-02-20 06:02:10",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsEstimateDelete": 0,
              "EstimateTotal": 281.88,
              "Estimateterms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 7 number",
              "EstimateOrganization": "Emnet Store",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 7 number",
              "EstimateNumber": "8",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"
              "EstimateID": "4478DE1A-B4A7-4794-B4DD-75D11A876625",
              "EstimateEntryDate": "2023-02-20 06:02:10",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsEstimateDelete": 0,
              "EstimateTotal": 281.88,
              "Estimateterms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 7 number",
              "EstimateOrganization": "Emnet Store",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 7 number",
              "EstimateNumber": "7",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"
              "EstimateID": "EB41179B-1D03-4FA9-A55A-6EB0F498054E",
              "EstimateEntryDate": "2023-02-20 06:02:10",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsEstimateDelete": 0,
              "EstimateTotal": 281.88,
              "Estimateterms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 6 number Update",
              "EstimateOrganization": "Emnet Store",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 6 number Update",
              "EstimateNumber": "6",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"
              "EstimateID": "F65F27AC-E104-47EC-B8B8-6CC1018CF1B0",
              "EstimateEntryDate": "2023-02-17 12:39:01",
              "SelectedCurrency": "fr_CA",
              "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsEstimateDelete": 0,
              "EstimateTotal": 75,
              "Estimateterms": "Test burger 2",
              "EstimateOrganization": "Rohan's Company",
              "FirstName": "Rohan",
              "LastName": "Company",
              "EstimateNotes": "Test burger note",
              "EstimateNumber": "2",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Rohan's Company",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "fr_CA",
                  "Code": "CAD",
                  "Symbol": "$"
              "EstimateID": "45FDFD02-21DA-4361-B367-59C0350BC28B",
              "EstimateEntryDate": "2023-02-17 12:36:11",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsEstimateDelete": 0,
              "EstimateTotal": 75,
              "Estimateterms": "Test terms for burger",
              "EstimateOrganization": "Emnet Store",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "EstimateNotes": "Test note for burger",
              "EstimateNumber": "1",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"


Create Estimate

To Create Estimate, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Estimate

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create estimate of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Estimate.
EstimateNumber String Estimate Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Estimate.
optional fields
Field Type Description
EstimateHeader String Title or Header of Estimate.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Estimate
ShippingMethod String Shipping Method of Estimate.
DiscountAmount Float Discount Amount on Estimate total.
DiscountBeforeTax Boolean Discount applied before tax applied. This is a boolean field and only contan true and false.
EstimateTerms String Terms of Estimate.
EstimateNotes String Notes/Description of Estimate.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Estimate.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Estimate.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Estimate Attachment File.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Estimate.
EstimateFolder Array Estimate Folder is array and contain below fields.
Boolean isroundoff is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. isroundoff is a rounded amount of Estimate.
Float Rounded amount of Estimate.
Float Discount Percentage from total amount of Estimate.
Float Deposite Amount of Estimate.
Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of estimate. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of estimate. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
										Example CREATE Estimate JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "EstimateHeader": "Estimate Test 7",
    "EstimateNumber": "7",
    "ShippingCost": 0,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "DiscountAmount": "0.00",
    "EstimateTerms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 7 number",
    "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 7 number",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-20 11:32:10",
    "Status": "active",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": false,
    "TotalAmount": "281.88",
    "SubTotal": 268.25,
    "EstimateFolder": {
        "isroundoff": 0,
        "rounded_amount": 0,
        "Billing": "1",
        "Billing_Add": {
            "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
            "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "Secondary": "1",
        "Secondary_Add": {
            "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
            "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "Percentage": 0,
        "depositeAmount": "0.00"
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
    "UpdateCustBillingVal": 0,
    "UpdateCustomerShippingVal": 0,
    "AttachmentFile": {},
    "AttachmentType": "",
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "",
            "UnitCost": "75.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 73.125,
            "SubAmount": 73.125,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "2.5",
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
            "orderindex": 1
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Authentication Functionality",
            "Hours": "1.00",
            "TaskRate": "200.00",
            "SACCode" : "",
            "TaskNotes": "Test task",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 195,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "DiscountValue": "2.5",
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "TaskType": "Hours",
            "orderindex": 2
    "UsedTax": [],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Estimate JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Estimate added.",
  "data": {
      "EstimateID": "4478DE1A-B4A7-4794-B4DD-75D11A876625",
      "Amount": 0,
      "AmountPaid": 0,
      "DiscountBeforeTax": "A|N",
      "DiscountAmount": 0,
      "DiscountValue": "",
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-20 06:02:10",
      "EstimateHeader": "Estimate Test 7",
      "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "EstimateToPayment": "",
      "Extra1": "",
      "Extra2": "",
      "Extra3": "",
      "EstimateFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\",\"Billing\":\"1\",\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Secondary\":\"1\",\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Percentage\":\"0\",\"depositeAmount\":\"0.00\"}",
      "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 7 number",
      "EstimateNumber": "7",
      "EstimatePoNo": "",
      "EstimateSectionRange": "",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
      "ShippingCost": 0,
      "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
      "Status": "active",
      "SubTotal": 268.25,
      "TaxValue": "",
      "Terms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 7 number",
      "Total": 281.88,
      "Type": 0,
      "EstimateToImageInfo": "",
      "EstimateToItemline": "",
      "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
      "EstimateToTaskLine": "",
      "EstimateToUsedTax": "",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-20 09:30:34",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 09:30:34",
      "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-20T09:30:34.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-20T09:30:34.000000Z",
      "CustomerEmail": "",
      "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
      "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 20, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Yogesh's Company",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Yogesh Chikani",
      "EmailFontName": "",
      "EmailFontSize": "",
      "Attachment": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
          "Code": "INR",
          "Symbol": "₹"
      "Products": [
              "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
              "ItemLineProductID": "E45ECE91-1296-4251-B5FC-516D11B1AB18",
              "ProductName": "Burger",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 09:30:34",
              "Quantity": 1,
              "Total": 73.125,
              "UnitCost": 75,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2.5",
              "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
              "ProductImage": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
      "Tasks": [
              "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
              "ItemLineTaskID": "D3137C70-01E9-4776-A76E-7A0243645BF0",
              "taskName": "Authentication Functionality",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 09:30:34",
              "Hours": 1,
              "Total": 195,
              "Rate": 200,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2.5",
              "TaskNotes": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Update Estimate

To Update Estimate, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Estimate

required fields
Field Type Description
EstimateID String Estimate Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create estimate of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Estimate.
EstimateNumber String Estimate Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Estimate.
optional fields
Field Type Description
EstimateHeader String Title or Header of Estimate.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Estimate
ShippingMethod String Shipping Method of Estimate.
DiscountAmount Float Discount Amount on Estimate total.
DiscountBeforeTax Boolean Discount applied before tax applied. This is a boolean field and only contan true and false.
EstimateTerms String Terms of Estimate.
EstimateNotes String Notes/Description of Estimate.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Estimate.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Estimate.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Estimate Attachment File.
DeleteItemLinesProduct Array DeleteItemLineProducts itemline uniqueIDs array.
DeleteItemLinesTask Array DeleteItemLineTasks itemline uniqueIDs array.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Estimate.
EstimateFolder Array Estimate Folder is array and contain below fields.
Boolean isroundoff is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. isroundoff is a rounded amount of Estimate.
Float Rounded amount of Estimate.
Float Discount Percentage from total amount of Estimate.
Float Deposite Amount of Estimate.
Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of invoice. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
String HSNCode of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of invoice. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
String SACCode of Task.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
										Example UPDATE Estimate JSON Request: {
    "EstimateID": "FBD1F72F-ECC2-45DA-82C7-62201ACCCCCF",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "EstimateHeader": "Estimate Test 8",
    "EstimateNumber": "8",
    "ShippingCost": 0,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "DiscountAmount": "50.00",
    "EstimateTerms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 7 number",
    "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 7 number",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-20 11:32:10",
    "Status": "active",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
    "TotalAmount": "281.88",
    "SubTotal": 268.25,
    "EstimateFolder": {
        "isroundoff": 0,
        "rounded_amount": 0,
        "Billing": "1",
        "Billing_Add": {
            "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
            "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "Secondary": "1",
        "Secondary_Add": {
            "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
            "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
            "City": "Ahmedabad",
            "State": "Gujarat",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "380060"
        "Percentage": 0,
        "depositeAmount": "0.00"
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
    "UpdateCustBillingVal": 0,
    "UpdateCustomerShippingVal": 0,
    "AttachmentFile": {},
    "AttachmentType": "",
    "DeleteItemLinesProduct" : ["ECA7007C-23F4-4B6B-ADD3-6CAA80F12C15", "EFDC9BA9-52CC-4C47-B148-C7C45E138A52"],
    "DeleteItemLinesTask" : ["62836E59-1805-42AC-B967-A11927C1B186", "EDC36375-ED48-49F2-9CFC-D68FBA8A2DA6"],
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "",
            "UnitCost": "75.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 73.125,
            "SubAmount": 73.125,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "2.5",
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
            "orderindex": 1
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Authentication Functionality",
            "Hours": "1.00",
            "TaskRate": "200.00",
            "SACCode" : "",
            "TaskNotes": "Test task",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 195,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "DiscountValue": "2.5",
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "TaskType": "Hours",
            "orderindex": 2
    "UsedTax": [],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
										Result example UPDATE Estimate JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Estimate updated.",
    "data": {
        "EstimateID": "FBD1F72F-ECC2-45DA-82C7-62201ACCCCCF",
        "Amount": 0,
        "AmountPaid": 0,
        "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
        "DiscountAmount": 50,
        "DiscountValue": "",
        "EntryDate": "2023-02-20 06:02:10",
        "EstimateHeader": "Estimate Test 8",
        "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
        "ArchiveStatus": 0,
        "EstimateToPayment": "",
        "EstimateFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\",\"Billing\":\"1\",\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Secondary\":\"1\",\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Percentage\":\"0\",\"depositeAmount\":\"0.00\"}",
        "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 7 number",
        "EstimateNumber": "8",
        "EstimatePoNo": "",
        "EstimateSectionRange": "",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "ShippingCost": 0,
        "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
        "Status": "active",
        "SubTotal": 268.25,
        "TaxValue": "",
        "Terms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 7 number",
        "Total": 281.88,
        "Type": 0,
        "EstimateToImageInfo": "",
        "EstimateToItemline": "",
        "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
        "EstimateToTaskLine": "",
        "EstimateToUsedTax": "",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 10:09:22",
        "SyncDate": "",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 10:09:21",
        "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-23T09:54:34.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-23T10:09:22.000000Z",
        "CustomerEmail": "",
        "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 20, 2023",
        "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
        "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
        "EmailFontName": "Arial",
        "EmailFontSize": 12,
        "Attachment": "",
        "Currency": {
            "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
            "Code": "INR",
            "Symbol": "₹"
        "Products": [
                "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
                "ItemLineProductID": "2569FF95-EBB9-4C0E-A193-6F731CB79BB2",
                "ProductName": "Burger",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 10:09:21",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Total": 73.125,
                "UnitCost": 75,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "2.5",
                "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
                "ProductImage": "",
                "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
        "Tasks": [
                "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
                "ItemLineTaskID": "5A8D494B-10D4-4BEA-B6EE-AC3D36814C63",
                "taskName": "Authentication Functionality",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 10:09:21",
                "Hours": 1,
                "Total": 195,
                "Rate": 200,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
                "DiscountValue": "2.5",
                "TaskNotes": "",
                "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Details Estimate

To Get Estimate Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Estimate

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for details of estimate of specific Company.
EstimateID String Estimate Identifier.
Request Sample
										Example DETAILS Estimate JSON Request: {
    "EstimateID": "EB41179B-1D03-4FA9-A55A-6EB0F498054E",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Estimate JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "EstimateID": "EB41179B-1D03-4FA9-A55A-6EB0F498054E",
      "Amount": 0,
      "AmountPaid": 0,
      "Discount": "A|N",
      "DiscountDec": 0,
      "DiscountValue": "",
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-20 06:02:10",
      "EstimateHeader": "Estimate Test 6 Update",
      "EstimateStatus": "Draft",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "EstimateToPayment": "",
      "Extra1": "",
      "Extra2": "",
      "Extra3": "",
      "EstimateFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\",\"Billing\":\"1\",\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Secondary\":\"1\",\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Percentage\":\"0\",\"depositeAmount\":\"0.00\"}",
      "EstimateNotes": "Testing Notes 6 number Update",
      "EstimateNumber": "6",
      "EstimatePoNo": "",
      "EstimateSectionRange": "",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
      "ShippingCost": 0,
      "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
      "Status": "active",
      "SubTotal": 268.25,
      "TaxValue": "",
      "Terms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 6 number Update",
      "Total": 281.88,
      "Type": 0,
      "EstimateToImageInfo": "",
      "EstimateToItemline": "",
      "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
      "EstimateToTaskLine": "",
      "EstimateToUsedTax": "",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-20 09:11:28",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 09:11:28",
      "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-20T07:59:07.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-20T09:11:28.000000Z",
      "CustomerEmail": "",
      "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
      "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 20, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
      "EmailFontName": "",
      "EmailFontSize": "",
      "Attachment": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
          "Code": "INR",
          "Symbol": "₹"
      "Products": [
              "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
              "ItemLineProductID": "A9DF5A29-531B-4762-9632-9D6D330CCBC8",
              "ProductName": "Burger",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 09:11:28",
              "Quantity": 1,
              "Total": 73.125,
              "UnitCost": 75,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2.5",
              "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
              "ProductImage": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
      "Tasks": [
              "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
              "ItemLineTaskID": "31602B89-2126-49B4-A2ED-A90641FE4FA0",
              "taskName": "Authentication Functionality",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 09:11:28",
              "Hours": 1,
              "Total": 195,
              "Rate": 200,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2.5",
              "TaskNotes": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Estimate Delete

To Delete Estimate, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for Estimate Delete

required fields
Field Type Description
EstimateID String Estimate Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete estimate of specific Company.
Request Sample
										Example Delete Estimate JSON Request: {
    "EstimateID": "CCF9369A-9A3F-4BF2-AFFF-A11FCC7B78E9",
    "CompanyID": "8D5D856F-E370-45CC-8128-11EB9801805D"
Response Sample
Result example Estimate Delete JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 estimate(s) moved to trash.",
    "data": []


Get Expense

To Get Expense, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Expense

required fields
Field Type Description
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
ExpenseSort String ExpenseSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. ExpenseSort must be contain asc or desc value.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Status String Enter Status for get status wise records from th list [ "Recurring", "Invoiced", "All" ]. Bydefault status will be ALL.
Request Sample
											Example GET Expense JSON Request: {
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1,
    "ExpenseSortColumn": "date",
    "ExpenseSort": "desc",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "Status": "All"
Response Sample
Result example GET Expense JSON Response:{
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 25,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 2,
      "total": 2,
      "expenses": [
              "ExpenseID": "FDB7046D-4FCE-4854-88C2-B633B1F121C1",
              "Date": "2023-02-20 11:18:46",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
              "InvoiceInfoID": "",
              "ExpenseStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsExpenseDelete": 0,
              "ExpenseTotalAmount": 620,
              "ExpenseCost": 600,
              "ExpenseShippingCost": "10.0000",
              "ExpenseOrganization": "Cristal Store",
              "FirstName": "Cristiana",
              "LastName": "Rozzer",
              "ExpenseNotes": "Wages expense.",
              "ExpenseNumber": "2",
              "ExpenseRecurring": 0,
              "ExpenseToRecurringExpense": "",
              "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
              "CategoryName": "Wages",
              "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
                  "Code": "USD",
                  "Symbol": "$"
              "ExpenseID": "82428967-F1A0-46A9-87E1-40DF21606608",
              "Date": "2023-02-20 11:15:16",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
              "InvoiceInfoID": "",
              "ExpenseStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsExpenseDelete": 0,
              "ExpenseTotalAmount": 535,
              "ExpenseCost": 500,
              "ExpenseShippingCost": "10.0000",
              "ExpenseOrganization": "Cristal Store",
              "FirstName": "Cristiana",
              "LastName": "Rozzer",
              "ExpenseNotes": "This a  wages expense.",
              "ExpenseNumber": "1",
              "ExpenseRecurring": 0,
              "ExpenseToRecurringExpense": "",
              "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
              "CategoryName": "Wages",
              "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
                  "Code": "USD",
                  "Symbol": "$"


Create Expense

To Create Expense, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Expense

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create expense of specific Company.
Date DateTime Date of Expense.
ExpenseNumber String Expense Number.
ContactID String Contact Identifier.
optional fields
Field Type Description
ExpenseCost Float Cost of Expense.
ExpenseDiscount Float Discount on Expense.
ExpenseNotes String Expense Notes.
IsRecurring Boolean IsRecurring is a boolean value 0 or 1. If Expense is recurring then 1 otherwise 0.
RecurringEndDate DateTime End Date of Expense recurring.
RecurringIntervalInDay Integer No of Days for Expense recurring.
RecurringIntervalInString String Expense recurring period. Like Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, BiMonthly, Quarterly, 6-Months, Annually, 2-Years
PaymentType String Type of Payment. Like Visa, Cash etc.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Expense.
CategoryName String Category Name of Expense.
AttachmentFile File Attachment file of expense. Supported types are png,jpeg,gif,jpg,pdf.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Expense.
TaxID Array TaxID is an array of a UsedTax into the expense. Ex : ["1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"]
IsRoundOff Boolean IsRoundOff is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. Total Amount Round off or not describe.
RoundedAmount String Total Amount Rounded.
Request Sample
Example CREATE Expense JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "Date": "2023-2-20 19:05:16",
    "ExpenseCost": 580,
    "ExpenseShippingCost": 20,
    "ExpenseNotes": "Testing Description 07",
    "ExpenseNumber": "7",
    "IsRecurring": 0,
    "PaymentType": "Cash",
    "RecurringEndDate": "2022-5-24 00:00:00",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
    "RecurringIntervalDay": 0,
    "RecurringIntervalInString": "Day",
    "TotalAmount": 610,
    "IsRoundOff" : 0,
    "RoundedAmount" : 0,
    "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
    "CategoryName": "Travel",
    "AttachmentFile": "",
    "TaxID": ["1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Expense JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Expense added.",
  "data": {
      "ExpenseID": "D3579A73-757A-4109-AEA0-ED809F540BC3",
      "Category": "",
      "Date": "2023-02-20 13:35:16",
      "ExpenseShippingCost": "20.0000",
      "ExpenseCost": 580,
      "ExpenseNotes": "Testing Description 07",
      "ExpenseNumber": "7",
      "ExpenseStatus": "Draft",
      "ExpenseToUsedTax": "",
      "ExpenseToRecurringExpense": "",
      "IsRecurring": 0,
      "PaymentType": "Cash",
      "RecurringEndDate": "2022-05-24 00:00:00",
      "RecurringIntervalDay": 0,
      "RecurringIntervalInString": "Day",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
      "Status": "active",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "ExpenseTotalAmount": 610,
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-21 05:41:23",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-21 05:41:23",
      "CategoryID": "Travel",
      "ImageInfoID": "",
      "InvoiceInfoID": "",
      "ItemlineInfoID": "FFA19A81-008C-4ACA-A197-D5BF18DEAA7B",
      "Extra1": "",
      "Extra2": "",
      "Extra3": "",
      "SyncID": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\"}",
      "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
      "UsedtaxID": "",
      "ExpenseIsDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-21T05:41:23.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "",
      "ProjectID": "",
      "UsedTaxInfo": [
              "TaxID": "",
              "UsedTaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1",
              "Rate": "",
              "TaxName": "GST INR 10",
              "TaxType": ""
      "ExpenseLogo": "",
      "ExpenseLogoOG": "",
      "DateFormate": "Feb 20, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Cristiana Rozzer",
      "NextRecurring": 0,
      "RecurringDay": "",
      "RecurringDate": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
          "Code": "USD",
          "Symbol": "$"


Update Expense

To Update Expense, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Expense

required fields
Field Type Description
ExpenseID String Expense Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create expense of specific Company.
Date DateTime Date of Expense.
ExpenseNumber String Expense Number.
ContactID String Contact Identifier.
optional fields
Field Type Description
ExpenseCost Float Cost of Expense.
ExpenseShippingCost Float Shipping Cost on Expense.
ExpenseNotes String Expense Notes.
IsRecurring Boolean IsRecurring is a boolean value 0 or 1. If Expense is recurring then 1 otherwise 0.
RecurringEndDate DateTime End Date of Expense recurring.
RecurringIntervalInDay Integer No of Days for Expense recurring.
RecurringIntervalInString String Expense recurring period. Like Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, BiMonthly, Quarterly, 6-Months, Annually, 2-Years
PaymentType String Type of Payment. Like Visa, Cash etc.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Expense.
CategoryName String Category Name of Expense.
AttachmentFile File Attachment file of expense. Supported types are png,jpeg,gif,jpg,pdf.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Expense.
IsRoundOff Boolean IsRoundOff is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. Total Amount Round off or not describe.
RoundedAmount Float Total Amount Rounded.
TaxID Array TaxID is an array of a UsedTax into the expense. Ex : ["1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"]
Request Sample
											Example UPDATE Expense JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ExpenseID": "68A7B9AA-5BF0-42D8-BD3B-1724AF20EB18",
    "Date": "2023-2-20 19:05:16",
    "ExpenseCost": 640,
    "ExpenseShippingCost": 20,
    "ExpenseNotes": "Testing Description 05",
    "ExpenseNumber": "05",
    "IsRecurring": 0,
    "PaymentType": "Cash",
    "RecurringEndDate": "2022-5-24 00:00:00",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
    "RecurringIntervalDay": 0,
    "RecurringIntervalInString": "Day",
    "TotalAmount": 670,
    "IsRoundOff" : 0,
    "RoundedAmount" : 0,
    "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
    "CategoryName": "Travel",
    "AttachmentFile": "",
    "TaxID": ["1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Result example Expense UPDATE JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Expense updated.",
  "data": {
      "ExpenseID": "68A7B9AA-5BF0-42D8-BD3B-1724AF20EB18",
      "Category": "",
      "Date": "2023-02-20 13:35:16",
      "ExpenseShippingCost": "20.0000",
      "ExpenseCost": 640,
      "ExpenseNotes": "Testing Description 05",
      "ExpenseNumber": "05",
      "ExpenseStatus": "Draft",
      "ExpenseToUsedTax": "",
      "ExpenseToRecurringExpense": "",
      "IsRecurring": 0,
      "PaymentType": "Cash",
      "RecurringEndDate": "2022-05-24 00:00:00",
      "RecurringIntervalDay": 0,
      "RecurringIntervalInString": "Day",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
      "Status": "active",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "ExpenseTotalAmount": 670,
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-21 05:30:14",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-21 05:30:14",
      "CategoryID": "Travel",
      "ImageInfoID": "",
      "InvoiceInfoID": "",
      "ItemlineInfoID": "0A5EDFAA-5BD7-4C5C-8B27-F351EAA3E816",
      "Extra1": "",
      "Extra2": "",
      "Extra3": "",
      "SyncID": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\"}",
      "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
      "UsedtaxID": "",
      "ExpenseIsDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-20T14:20:19.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "",
      "ProjectID": "",
      "UsedTaxInfo": [
              "TaxID": "",
              "UsedTaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1",
              "Rate": "",
              "TaxName": "GST INR 10",
              "TaxType": ""
      "ExpenseLogo": "",
      "ExpenseLogoOG": "",
      "DateFormate": "Feb 20, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Cristiana Rozzer",
      "NextRecurring": 0,
      "RecurringDay": "",
      "RecurringDate": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
          "Code": "USD",
          "Symbol": "$"


Details Expense

To Get Expense Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Expense

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for details of expense of specific Company.
ExpenseID String Expense Identifier.
Response Sample
											Example DETAILS Expense JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "ExpenseID": "FDB7046D-4FCE-4854-88C2-B633B1F121C1"
Result example DETAILS Expense JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "ExpenseID": "FDB7046D-4FCE-4854-88C2-B633B1F121C1",
      "Category": "",
      "Date": "2023-02-20 11:18:46",
      "ExpenseShippingCost": "10.0000",
      "ExpenseCost": 600,
      "ExpenseNotes": "Wages expense.",
      "ExpenseNumber": "2",
      "ExpenseStatus": "Draft",
      "ExpenseToUsedTax": "",
      "ExpenseToRecurringExpense": "",
      "IsRecurring": 0,
      "PaymentType": "Cash App",
      "RecurringEndDate": "2023-02-20 00:00:00",
      "RecurringIntervalDay": 0,
      "RecurringIntervalInString": "Day",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
      "Status": "active",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "ExpenseTotalAmount": 620,
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-20 11:18:46",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-20 11:18:46",
      "CategoryID": "Wages",
      "ImageInfoID": "",
      "InvoiceInfoID": "",
      "ItemlineInfoID": "0632A79B-E760-4D2F-A916-E1BFF3EF6375",
      "Extra1": "",
      "Extra2": "",
      "Extra3": "",
      "SyncID": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\"}",
      "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
      "UsedtaxID": "",
      "ExpenseIsDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-20T11:18:46.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "",
      "ProjectID": "",
      "UsedTaxInfo": [
              "TaxID": "",
              "UsedTaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1",
              "Rate": "",
              "TaxName": "GST INR 10",
              "TaxType": ""
      "ExpenseLogo": "",
      "ExpenseLogoOG": "",
      "DateFormate": "Feb 20, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Cristiana Rozzer",
      "NextRecurring": 0,
      "RecurringDay": "",
      "RecurringDate": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
          "Code": "USD",
          "Symbol": "$"

Delete Expense

To Delete Expense, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Expense

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete expense of specific Company.
ExpenseID String Expense Identifier.
Request Sample
											Example DELETE Expense JSON Request: {
    "ExpenseID": "D73A8DA1-7907-4AD2-BA07-0219CC1FF613",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DELETE Expense JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "1 expense(s) move to trash.",
  "data": []


Get Sales Receipt

To Get Sales Receipt, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Sales Receipt

required fields
Field Type Description
SalesReceiptSort String SalesReceiptSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. SalesReceiptSort must be contain asc or desc value.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Status String Enter Status for get status wise records from th list [ "All", 'Trash' ]. Bydefault status will be ALL.
Request Sample
											Example GET Sales Receipt JSON Request: {
    "SalesReceiptSort": "desc",
    "PageSize": 3,
    "page" : 1,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "Status": "All"
Response Sample
Result example GET Sales Receipt JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 5,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": "",
              "label": "2",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "3",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "4",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "5",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": "",
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 2,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 2,
      "total": 10,
      "sales_receipts": [
              "SalesReceiptID": "120F1252-A112-4803-9C9E-92A6AFB9B242",
              "SalesReceiptEntryDate": "2023-02-23 14:05:52",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T05:46:30.000000Z",
              "SalesReceiptStatus": "Paid",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsSalesReceiptDelete": 0,
              "SalesReceiptTotal": 26285,
              "SalesReceiptTerms": "terms",
              "SalesReceiptHeader": "Sales Receipt 11",
              "SalesReceiptOrganization": "Emnet Store",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "SalesReceiptNotes": "Sales Receipt 11 notes",
              "SalesReceiptNumber": "11",
              "SalesReceiptSubTotal": 25055,
              "SalesReceiptAmountPaid": 26285,
              "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
              "PaypalEmail": "",
              "AmountDue": 0,
              "TotalDueAmount": "0",
              "TotalPaidAmount": "26285",
              "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
              "CustomerEmail": "",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"
              "SalesReceiptID": "C2C104DF-D2BC-400C-9AE5-B196314A4BC0",
              "SalesReceiptEntryDate": "2023-02-23 14:05:52",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T05:44:01.000000Z",
              "SalesReceiptStatus": "Paid",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsSalesReceiptDelete": 0,
              "SalesReceiptTotal": 26285,
              "SalesReceiptTerms": "",
              "SalesReceiptHeader": "Sales Receipt 10",
              "SalesReceiptOrganization": "Emnet Store",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "SalesReceiptNotes": "Sales Receipt 10 ",
              "SalesReceiptNumber": "10",
              "SalesReceiptSubTotal": 25055,
              "SalesReceiptAmountPaid": 26285,
              "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
              "PaypalEmail": "",
              "AmountDue": 0,
              "TotalDueAmount": "0",
              "TotalPaidAmount": "26285",
              "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
              "CustomerEmail": "",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN",
                  "Code": "INR",
                  "Symbol": "₹"


Create Sales Receipt

To Create Sales Receipt, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Sales Receipt

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyId is for create invoice of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Sales Receipt.
SalesReceiptNumber String Sales Receipt Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Sales Receipt.
optional fields
Field Type Description
PaymentType String Type of Payment.
Terms String Terms of Sales Receipt.
Notes String Notes/Description of Sales Receipt.
SalesReceiptHeader Float Title or Header of Sales Receipt.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Sales Receipt.
ShippingMethod String Shipping Method of Sales Receipt.
PoNo String PO No of Sales Receipt.
DiscountAmount Float Discont Amount on Sales Receipt total.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Sales Receipt.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Sales Receipt.
AmountDue Float Remaining Payment Amount of Sales Receipt.
AmountPaid Float Total Paid Amount of Sales Receipt.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Sales Receipt Attachment File.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Sales Receipt.
Billing_Add Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Secondary_Add Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of estimate. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of estimate. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
											Example CREATE Sales Receipt JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "PaymentType": "American Express",
    "SalesReceiptNumber": "11",
    "SalesReceiptHeader": "Sales Receipt 11",
    "ShippingCost": 10,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "PoNo": "",
    "Terms": "terms",
    "Notes": "notes",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 19:35:52",
    "DiscountAmount": "50",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": false,
    "TotalAmount": 26285,
    "SubTotal": 25055,
    "AmountDue": 0,
    "AmountPaid": 26285,
    "Billing_Add": {
        "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
        "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "Secondary_Add": {
        "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
        "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
    "AttachmentFile": {},
    "AttachmentType": "",
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "94524",
            "UnitCost": "75.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 65,
            "SubAmount": 65,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "0",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "10",
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "TaxID": [
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Registration Module",
            "Hours": "5.00",
            "TaskRate": "5000.00",
            "SACCode" : "sdcdc",
            "TaskNotes": "Create a registration module.",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 24990,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "0",
            "DiscountValue": "10",
            "TaxID": [
            "TaskType": "Hours"
    "UsedTax": [],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Sales Receipt JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Sales Receipt added.",
  "data": {
      "SalesReceiptID": "120F1252-A112-4803-9C9E-92A6AFB9B242",
      "PaymentType": "American Express",
      "SalesReceiptToImageInfo": "",
      "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
      "SalesReceiptToUsedtax": "",
      "SalesReceiptEntryDate": "2023-02-23 14:05:52",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 05:46:30",
      "AmountDue": 0,
      "AmountPaid": 26285,
      "ShippingCost": 10,
      "SubTotal": 25055,
      "Total": 26285,
      "DiscountBeforeTax": false,
      "DiscountAmount": 50,
      "SalesReceiptFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":0,\"rounded_amount\":\"\",\"Billing\":1,\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Secondary\":1,\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Percentage\":0,\"depositeAmount\":0}",
      "SalesReceiptHeader": "Sales Receipt 11",
      "SalesReceiptStatus": "Paid",
      "SalesReceiptNotes": "notes",
      "SalesReceiptNumber": "11",
      "SalesReceiptPoNo": "",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
      "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "SyncID": "",
      "TaxValue": "",
      "SalesReceiptTerms": "terms",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-24 05:46:30",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "SalesReceiptIsDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T05:46:30.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-24T05:46:30.000000Z",
      "PaymentTypes": "",
      "UsedDiscountInfo": "",
      "CustomerEmail": "",
      "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
      "PaynowLink": "",
      "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
      "Attachment": "",
      "Products": [
              "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
              "ItemLineProductID": "2EA254EB-85B5-4BC2-9D4C-D5B767CE82C9",
              "ProductName": "Burger",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 05:46:30",
              "Quantity": 1,
              "Total": 65,
              "UnitCost": 75,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 0,
              "DiscountValue": "10",
              "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
              "ProductImage": "",
              "TaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
      "Tasks": [
              "TaskID": "51F560DD-3831-481C-9204-8959926F97B8",
              "ItemLineTaskID": "B0F4DC07-7353-4B83-A0B9-D107711EE95C",
              "taskName": "Registration Module",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 05:46:30",
              "Hours": 5,
              "Total": 24990,
              "Rate": 5000,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 0,
              "DiscountValue": "10",
              "TaskNotes": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Update Sales Receipt

To Update Sales Receipt, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Sales Receipt

required fields
Field Type Description
SalesReceiptID String Sales Receipt Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyId.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Sales Receipt.
SalesReceiptNumber String Sales Receipt Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Sales Receipt.
optional fields
Field Type Description
PaymentType String Type of Payment.
Terms String Terms of Sales Receipt.
Notes String Notes/Description of Sales Receipt.
SalesReceiptHeader Float Title or Header of Sales Receipt.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Sales Receipt.
ShippingMethod String Shipping Method of Sales Receipt.
PoNo String PO No of Sales Receipt.
DiscountAmount Float Discont Amount on Sales Receipt total.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Sales Receipt.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Sales Receipt.
AmountDue Float Remaining Payment Amount of Sales Receipt.
AmountPaid Float Total Paid Amount of Sales Receipt.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Sales Receipt Attachment File.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Sales Receipt.
Billing_Add Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Secondary_Add Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of estimate. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of estimate. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
											Example UPDATE Sales Receipt JSON Request: {
    "SalesReceiptID": "EBF88CCD-D941-44C0-B51C-FFCDCB42CDEE",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "PaymentType": "American Express",
    "SalesReceiptNumber": "7",
    "SalesReceiptHeader": "Sales Receipt 7",
    "ShippingCost": 10,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "PoNo": "",
    "Terms": "terms",
    "Notes": "notes",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 19:35:52",
    "DiscountAmount": "50",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": false,
    "TotalAmount": 26285,
    "SubTotal": 25055,
    "AmountDue": 0,
    "AmountPaid": 26285,
    "Billing_Add": {
        "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
        "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "Secondary_Add": {
        "Street1": "B 102 Umiya Vijay Society",
        "Street2": "Ognaj-Gota Road",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Country": "India",
        "Zip": "380060"
    "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
    "AttachmentFile": {},
    "AttachmentType": "",
    "DeleteItemLinesProduct": ["8C35DA15-9E1F-4868-89BC-CBD8DAAB41DC", "BCC5AA39-DD16-4DB7-9B2D-C8136352A1C6"],
    "DeleteItemLinesTask": ["238DDAD6-603A-4336-A989-84176DB59BCD","F36B8299-1F6C-4F6C-81B0-AB16FC48D12F"],
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "94524",
            "UnitCost": "75.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 65,
            "SubAmount": 65,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "0",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "10",
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "TaxID": [
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Registration Module",
            "Hours": "5.00",
            "TaskRate": "5000.00",
            "SACCode" : "sdcdc",
            "TaskNotes": "Create a registration module.",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 24990,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "0",
            "DiscountValue": "10",
            "TaxID": [
            "TaskType": "Hours"
    "UsedTax": [],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
											Result example UPDATE Sales Receipt JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Sales Receipt updated.",
    "data": {
        "SalesReceiptID": "EBF88CCD-D941-44C0-B51C-FFCDCB42CDEE",
        "PaymentType": "American Express",
        "SalesReceiptToImageInfo": "",
        "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
        "SalesReceiptToUsedtax": "",
        "SalesReceiptEntryDate": "2023-02-23 14:05:52",
        "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 05:32:02",
        "AmountDue": 0,
        "AmountPaid": 26285,
        "ShippingCost": 10,
        "SubTotal": 25055,
        "Total": 26285,
        "DiscountBeforeTax": false,
        "DiscountAmount": 50,
        "SalesReceiptFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":0,\"rounded_amount\":\"\",\"Billing\":1,\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Secondary\":1,\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Percentage\":0,\"depositeAmount\":0,\"payment_str\":\"\"}",
        "SalesReceiptHeader": "Sales Receipt 7",
        "SalesReceiptStatus": "Paid",
        "SalesReceiptNotes": "",
        "SalesReceiptNumber": "7",
        "SalesReceiptPoNo": "",
        "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
        "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
        "ArchiveStatus": 0,
        "SyncID": "",
        "TaxValue": "",
        "SalesReceiptTerms": "",
        "CreatedDate": "2023-02-24 05:32:02",
        "SyncDate": "",
        "SalesReceiptIsDelete": 0,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-24T05:01:13.000000Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-24T05:32:02.000000Z",
        "PaymentTypes": "",
        "UsedDiscountInfo": "",
        "CustomerEmail": "",
        "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
        "PaynowLink": "",
        "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
        "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
        "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
        "Attachment": "",
        "Products": [
                "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
                "ItemLineProductID": "18F0CCE2-56DB-42B3-A9D3-3D1A66DF868E",
                "ProductName": "Burger",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 05:32:02",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Total": 65,
                "UnitCost": 75,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 0,
                "DiscountValue": "10",
                "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
                "ProductImage": "",
                "TaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
        "Tasks": [
                "TaskID": "51F560DD-3831-481C-9204-8959926F97B8",
                "ItemLineTaskID": "31659CAA-D685-4978-BC03-F1001866D7AA",
                "taskName": "Registration Module",
                "ModificationDate": "2023-02-24 05:32:02",
                "Hours": 5,
                "Total": 24990,
                "Rate": 5000,
                "DiscountIsPercentage": 0,
                "DiscountValue": "10",
                "TaskNotes": "",
                "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Details Sales Receipt

To Get Sales Receipt Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Sales Receipt

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for details of sales receipt of specific Company.
SalesReceiptID String Sales Receipt Identifier.
Request Sample
											Example DETAILS Sales Receipt JSON Request: {
    "SalesReceiptID": "84934EC4-4ED2-4EBC-BB51-11B0BCF1CA12",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Sales Receipt JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "SalesReceiptID": "84934EC4-4ED2-4EBC-BB51-11B0BCF1CA12",
      "PaymentType": "Paypal Checkout",
      "SalesReceiptToImageInfo": "",
      "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
      "SalesReceiptToUsedtax": "",
      "SalesReceiptEntryDate": "2023-02-23 11:52:36",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 13:53:36",
      "AmountDue": 0,
      "AmountPaid": 292.48,
      "ShippingCost": 20,
      "SubTotal": 269.5,
      "Total": 292.48,
      "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
      "DiscountAmount": 10,
      "SalesReceiptFolder": "{\"payment_str\":\"\",\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\",\"Billing\":\"1\",\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"B 102 Umiya Vijay Society\",\"Street2\":\"Ognaj-Gota Road\",\"City\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"State\":\"Gujarat\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"380060\"},\"Secondary\":\"0\",\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"\",\"Street2\":\"\",\"City\":\"\",\"State\":\"\",\"Country\":\"\",\"Zip\":\"\"},\"Percentage\":\"0\",\"depositeAmount\":\"0.00\"}",
      "SalesReceiptHeader": "Sales receipt 1",
      "SalesReceiptStatus": "Paid",
      "SalesReceiptNotes": "sales receipt notes",
      "SalesReceiptNumber": "1",
      "SalesReceiptPoNo": "",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
      "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "SyncID": "",
      "TaxValue": "",
      "SalesReceiptTerms": "Sales receipt terms",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 13:53:36",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "SalesReceiptIsDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-23T11:55:14.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-23T13:53:36.000000Z",
      "PaymentTypes": "",
      "UsedDiscountInfo": "",
      "CustomerEmail": "",
      "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
      "PaynowLink": "",
      "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Emnet Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Mike Brown",
      "Attachment": "",
      "Products": [
              "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
              "ItemLineProductID": "AAC92E83-9C38-4957-A9CC-E47F5D98F5B2",
              "ProductName": "Burger",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 13:53:36",
              "Quantity": 1,
              "Total": 73.5,
              "UnitCost": 75,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
              "ProductImage": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
      "Tasks": [
              "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
              "ItemLineTaskID": "247DD1F8-9203-441A-BB39-4BE0EC48B678",
              "taskName": "Authentication Functionality",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 13:53:40",
              "Hours": 1,
              "Total": 196,
              "Rate": 200,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "TaskNotes": "Test task",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"


Sales Receipt Delete

To Delete Sales Receipt, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for Sales Receipt Delete

required fields
Field Type Description
SalesReceiptID String Sales Receipt Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete sales receipt of specific Company.
Request Sample
											Example DELETE Sales Receipt JSON Request: {
    "SalesReceiptID": "6C4A310A-BA8C-4ADF-AB8D-D8881A4AD9FC",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example Sales Receipt DELETE JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "1 Salesreceipt(s) moved to trash.",
  "data": []


Get Payment

To Get Payment, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Payment

required fields
Field Type Description
PaymentSort String PaymentSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. PaymentSort must be contain asc or desc value.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Status String Enter status for filter. Status Available : active, Trash
Request Sample
												Example GET Payment JSON Request: {
    "PaymentSort": "desc",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page" : 1,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "Status": "active"
Response Sample
Result example GET Payment JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 25,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 4,
      "total": 4,
      "payments": [
              "PaymentID": "23F7C08B-6348-4D31-81FB-3DA8A1E36A3F",
              "PaymentNumber": "4",
              "PaymentAmount": "25533.01",
              "PaymentType": "UPI",
              "PaymentNote": "",
              "InvoiceID": "62DA2EFF-87C6-4EED-A9F4-31EFE44214D8",
              "Number": "2",
              "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
              "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 12:10:07",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "Organization": "Emnet Store",
              "CurrencyCode": "INR",
              "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
              "PaymentTotalAmount": 25533.01
              "PaymentID": "8C3FB3F6-0FDE-46B4-BD3F-F6B44D6583D4",
              "PaymentNumber": "3",
              "PaymentAmount": "25035.00",
              "PaymentType": "UPI",
              "PaymentNote": "",
              "InvoiceID": "A36BD48B-78E2-4478-A860-08142534DBAF",
              "Number": "3",
              "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
              "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 13:19:22",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "Organization": "Emnet Store",
              "CurrencyCode": "INR",
              "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
              "PaymentTotalAmount": 25035
              "PaymentID": "7907EDE3-00FE-42C7-A60F-33E48FD8FD80",
              "PaymentNumber": "2",
              "PaymentAmount": "240.48",
              "PaymentType": "American Express",
              "PaymentNote": "",
              "InvoiceID": "CF9A09BE-FAA6-4D5B-919F-55F369829193",
              "Number": "2",
              "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
              "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 12:58:36",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "Organization": "Emnet Store",
              "CurrencyCode": "INR",
              "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
              "PaymentTotalAmount": 240.48
              "PaymentID": "62C72DA0-B372-4E8D-A0D6-F62EAAD1EC74",
              "PaymentNumber": "1",
              "PaymentAmount": "292.48",
              "PaymentType": "Paypal Checkout",
              "PaymentNote": "",
              "InvoiceID": "84934EC4-4ED2-4EBC-BB51-11B0BCF1CA12",
              "Number": "1",
              "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
              "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 11:52:36",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
              "FirstName": "Mike",
              "LastName": "Brown",
              "Organization": "Emnet Store",
              "CurrencyCode": "INR",
              "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
              "PaymentTotalAmount": 292.48


Create Payment

To Create Payment, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Payment

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create payment receipt of specific Company.
InvoiceID String Invoice Identifier for payment.
PaymentAmount Float Amount of Payment.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Payment.
PaymentType String Type of Payment. Like Paypal, Paytm, Cash etc.
optional fields
Field Type Description
PaymentNote String Payment Notes.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for payment.
Request Sample
												Example CREATE Payment JSON Request: {
    "PaymentAmount": "25533.01",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 18:30:37",
    "PaymentNote": "Payment for Invoice 6",
    "InvoiceID": "32AFF6F8-8758-415A-AE5F-38C0BEFF6B81",
    "PaymentType": "American Express",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Payment JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Payment added.",
  "data": {
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 13:00:37",
      "PaymentToCreditNote": "",
      "PaymentAmount": 25533.01,
      "PaymentNote": "Payment for Invoice 6",
      "PaymentNumber": "6",
      "PaymentType": "American Express",
      "PaymentID": "43678DA4-0C1A-4090-B801-6334957BA911",
      "InvoiceID": "32AFF6F8-8758-415A-AE5F-38C0BEFF6B81",
      "Number": "6",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
      "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
      "Organization": "Emnet Store",
      "FirstName": "Mike",
      "LastName": "Brown",
      "CurrencyCode": "INR",
      "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
      "PaymentAmountDue": 0,
      "PaymentTotal": 25533.01,
      "PaymentAmountPaid": 25533.01,
      "PaymentTotalAmount": 25533.01,
      "CreditNoteNumber": ""


Update Payment

To Update Payment, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Payment

required fields
Field Type Description
PaymentID String Payment Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create payment receipt of specific Company.
InvoiceID String Invoice Identifier for payment.
PaymentAmount Float Amount of Payment.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Payment.
PaymentType String Type of Payment. Like Paypal, Paytm, Cash etc.
optional fields
Field Type Description
PaymentNote String Payment Notes.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for payment.
Request Sample
												Example UPDATE Payment JSON Request: {
    "PaymentID": "43678DA4-0C1A-4090-B801-6334957BA911",
    "PaymentAmount": "25533.01",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 18:30:37",
    "PaymentNote": "Payment for Invoice 6 Update",
    "InvoiceID": "32AFF6F8-8758-415A-AE5F-38C0BEFF6B81",
    "PaymentType": "American Express",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example UPDATE Payment JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Payment updated.",
  "data": {
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 13:00:37",
      "PaymentToCreditNote": "",
      "PaymentAmount": 25533.01,
      "PaymentNote": "Payment for Invoice 6 Update",
      "PaymentNumber": "6",
      "PaymentType": "American Express",
      "PaymentID": "43678DA4-0C1A-4090-B801-6334957BA911",
      "InvoiceID": "32AFF6F8-8758-415A-AE5F-38C0BEFF6B81",
      "Number": "6",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
      "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
      "Organization": "Emnet Store",
      "FirstName": "Mike",
      "LastName": "Brown",
      "CurrencyCode": "INR",
      "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
      "PaymentAmountDue": 0,
      "PaymentTotal": 25533.01,
      "PaymentAmountPaid": 25533.01,
      "PaymentTotalAmount": 25533.01,
      "CreditNoteNumber": ""


Details Payment

To Get Payment Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Payment

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for details of payment receipt of specific Company.
PaymentID String Payment Identifier.
Request Sample
												Example DETAILS Payment JSON Request: {
    "PaymentID": "23F7C08B-6348-4D31-81FB-3DA8A1E36A3F",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Payment JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-24 12:10:07",
      "PaymentToCreditNote": "",
      "PaymentAmount": 25533.01,
      "PaymentNote": "",
      "PaymentNumber": "4",
      "PaymentType": "UPI",
      "PaymentID": "23F7C08B-6348-4D31-81FB-3DA8A1E36A3F",
      "InvoiceID": "62DA2EFF-87C6-4EED-A9F4-31EFE44214D8",
      "Number": "2",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_IN",
      "ContactID": "0DC7146C-D006-441F-B3D4-2E0EDED8814F",
      "Organization": "Emnet Store",
      "FirstName": "Mike",
      "LastName": "Brown",
      "CurrencyCode": "INR",
      "CurrencySymbol": "₹",
      "PaymentAmountDue": 0,
      "PaymentTotal": 25533.01,
      "PaymentAmountPaid": 25533.01,
      "PaymentTotalAmount": 25533.01,
      "CreditNoteNumber": ""


Delete Payment

To Delete Payment, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Payment

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete payment receipt of specific Company.
PaymentID String Payment Identifier.
Request Sample
												Example DELETE Payment JSON Request: {
    "PaymentID": "43678DA4-0C1A-4090-B801-6334957BA911",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DELETE Payment JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "1 payment(s) moved to trash.",
  "data": []


Get Time Log

To Get Time Log, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Time Log

required fields
Field Type Description
TimeLogSort String TimeLogSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. TimeLogSort must be contain asc or desc value.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
optional fields
Field Type Description
Page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Request Sample
												Example GET Time Log JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1,
    "TimeLogSort": "asc"
Response Sample
Result example GET Time Log JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 25,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 2,
      "total": 2,
      "total_hours": "03:00",
      "invoice_count": 0,
      "timelogs": [
              "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 07:24:25",
              "Second": "7200",
              "TimeLogID": "30DFCF44-5F12-4061-B4C9-FBFCA5A99211",
              "TimeLogNotes": "Registration Module update.",
              "LastElapsedTime": 0,
              "IsContinue": 0,
              "LastContinueDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
              "IsCreatedInvoice": "",
              "EntryDates": "Feb 23, 2023",
              "Name": "Registration Module 2",
              "Task": {
                  "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
                  "TaskName": "Registration Module 2",
                  "Project": {
                      "ProjectName": "Web Development",
                      "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D"
                  "ContactID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
                  "ContactName": ""
              "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 07:35:25",
              "Second": "3600",
              "TimeLogID": "D13F996A-C865-417C-A84A-2A5662EB2590",
              "TimeLogNotes": "Registration Module Analysis.",
              "LastElapsedTime": 0,
              "IsContinue": 0,
              "LastContinueDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
              "IsCreatedInvoice": "",
              "EntryDates": "Feb 23, 2023",
              "Name": "Registration Module 2",
              "Task": {
                  "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
                  "TaskName": "Registration Module 2",
                  "Project": {
                      "ProjectName": "Web Development",
                      "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D"
                  "ContactID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
                  "ContactName": ""


Create Time Log

To Create Time Log, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Time Log

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create time logs of specific Company.
TaskID String Task Identifier.
optional fields
Field Type Description
IsContinue Boolean IsContinue is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. if time log is continue then 1 otherwise 0.
EntryDate DateTime Time Logs Entry Date.
Notes String Time Logs Notes.
Second String Time logs time count in second.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Time Logs.
InDate String InDate is a datetime of inout IN. Format : "YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s"
OutDate String OutDate is a datetime of inout OUT. Format : "YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s"<
Request Sample
												Example CREATE Time Log JSON Request: {
    "IsContinue": 0,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 12:48:25",
    "Notes": "Registration Module creating.",
    "Second": 3600,
    "InDate": "2023-02-23 12:48:25",
    "OutDate": "2023-02-23 12:48:25",
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Time Log JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Timelog added.",
  "data": {
      "IsContinue": 0,
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 07:18:25",
      "LastContinueDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
      "LastElapsedTime": 0,
      "InvoiceID": "",
      "IsCreatedInvoice": "",
      "TimeLogNotes": "Registration Module creating.",
      "Second": "3600",
      "SyncID": "",
      "TimeLogID": "30DFCF44-5F12-4061-B4C9-FBFCA5A99211",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 07:18:47",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 07:18:47",
      "Hrs": 1,
      "Mins": 0,
      "Sec": 0,
      "InsyncDate": "2023-02-23",
      "InsyncTime": "12:48",
      "OutsyncDate": "2023-02-23",
      "OutsyncTime": "12:48",
      "Type": "inout",
      "DateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "Task": {
          "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
          "TaskName": "Registration Module 2",
          "Hours": 5,
          "Rate": 5000,
          "TaskType": "Hours",
          "Project": {
              "ProjectName": "Web Development",
              "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D"
          "ContactID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
          "ContactName": "",
          "HourlyRate": 5000


Update Time Log

To Update Time Log, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Time Log

required fields
Field Type Description
TimeLogID String Time Logs Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create time logs of specific Company.
TaskID String Task Identifier.
optional fields
Field Type Description
IsContinue Boolean IsContinue is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. if time log is continue then 1 otherwise 0.
EntryDate DateTime Time Logs Entry Date.
Notes String Time Logs Notes.
Second String Time logs time count in second.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Time Logs.
InDate String InDate is a datetime of inout IN. Format : "YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s"
OutDate String OutDate is a datetime of inout OUT. Format : "YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s"
Request Sample
												Example UPDATE Time Log JSON Request: {
    "TimeLogID": "30DFCF44-5F12-4061-B4C9-FBFCA5A99211",
    "IsContinue": 0,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
    "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 12:54:25",
    "Notes": "Registration Module update.",
    "Second": 7200,
    "InDate": "2023-02-23 12:48:25",
    "OutDate": "2023-02-23 12:48:25",
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example UPDATE Time Log JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Timelog updated.",
  "data": {
      "IsContinue": 0,
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 07:24:25",
      "LastContinueDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
      "LastElapsedTime": 0,
      "InvoiceID": "",
      "IsCreatedInvoice": "",
      "TimeLogNotes": "Registration Module update.",
      "Second": "7200",
      "SyncID": "",
      "TimeLogID": "30DFCF44-5F12-4061-B4C9-FBFCA5A99211",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 07:26:51",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 07:26:51",
      "Hrs": 2,
      "Mins": 0,
      "Sec": 0,
      "InsyncDate": "2023-02-23",
      "InsyncTime": "12:48",
      "OutsyncDate": "2023-02-23",
      "OutsyncTime": "12:48",
      "Type": "inout",
      "DateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "Task": {
          "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
          "TaskName": "Registration Module 2",
          "Hours": 5,
          "Rate": 5000,
          "TaskType": "Hours",
          "Project": {
              "ProjectName": "Web Development",
              "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D"
          "ContactID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
          "ContactName": "",
          "HourlyRate": 5000


Details Time Log

To Get Time Log Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Time Logs

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for get details of time logs of specific Company.
TimeLogID String Time Logs Identifier.
Request Sample
												Example DETAILS Time Log JSON Request: {
    "TimeLogID": "30DFCF44-5F12-4061-B4C9-FBFCA5A99211",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Time Logs JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "IsContinue": 0,
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 07:24:25",
      "LastContinueDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
      "LastElapsedTime": 0,
      "InvoiceID": "",
      "IsCreatedInvoice": "",
      "TimeLogNotes": "Registration Module update.",
      "Second": "7200",
      "SyncID": "",
      "TimeLogID": "30DFCF44-5F12-4061-B4C9-FBFCA5A99211",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 07:26:51",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 07:26:51",
      "Hrs": 2,
      "Mins": 0,
      "Sec": 0,
      "InsyncDate": "2023-02-23",
      "InsyncTime": "12:48",
      "OutsyncDate": "2023-02-23",
      "OutsyncTime": "12:48",
      "Type": "inout",
      "DateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "Task": {
          "TaskID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
          "TaskName": "Registration Module 2",
          "Hours": 5,
          "Rate": 5000,
          "TaskType": "Hours",
          "Project": {
              "ProjectName": "Web Development",
              "ProjectID": "952B5B73-58E4-4F4C-9C54-E156306AF13D"
          "ContactID": "3B688125-F208-4D40-A82F-E5F1EC6BFF7C",
          "ContactName": "",
          "HourlyRate": 5000


Delete Time Log

To Delete Time Log, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Time Logs

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete time logs of specific Company.
TimeLogID String Time Logs Identifier.
Request Sample
												Example DELETE Time Log JSON Request: {
    "TimeLogID": "D13F996A-C865-417C-A84A-2A5662EB2590",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DELETE Time Logs JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "1 Time log(s) deleted",
  "data": []


Get Purchase Order

To Get Purchase Order, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Purchase Order

required fields
Field Type Description
PurchaseOrderSort String PurchaseOrderSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. PurchaseOrderSort must be contain asc or desc value.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Status String Enter Status for get status wise records from th list [ "Draft", "Sent", "Approved", "Open", "Closed", "On Hold", "Disputed", "Declined", "Cancelled", "Received" ]. Bydefault status will be ALL.
Request Sample
												Example GET Purchase Order JSON Request: {
    "PurchaseOrderSort": "asc",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "Status": "All",
    "page": 1
Response Sample
Result example GET Purchase Order JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 25,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 5,
      "total": 5,
      "purchase_order": [
              "PurchaseOrderID": "1602A036-3B3D-4430-8B40-DB706AACF659",
              "PurchaseOrderEntryDate": "2023-02-23 08:00:42",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
              "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsPurchaseOrderDelete": 0,
              "PurchaseOrderTotal": 52.5,
              "PurchaseOrderTerms": "PO1 terms",
              "PurchaseOrderOrganization": "Cristal Store",
              "FirstName": "Cristiana",
              "LastName": "Rozzer",
              "PurchaseOrderNotes": "PO1 Notes",
              "PurchaseOrderNumber": "1",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
                  "Code": "USD",
                  "Symbol": "$"
              "PurchaseOrderID": "331A309E-E304-4458-B0CD-B23D846717D4",
              "PurchaseOrderEntryDate": "2023-02-23 08:56:46",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
              "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsPurchaseOrderDelete": 0,
              "PurchaseOrderTotal": 67260,
              "PurchaseOrderTerms": "Test terms",
              "PurchaseOrderOrganization": "Cristal Store",
              "FirstName": "Cristiana",
              "LastName": "Rozzer",
              "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Test notes",
              "PurchaseOrderNumber": "2",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
                  "Code": "USD",
                  "Symbol": "$"
              "PurchaseOrderID": "E38FD176-B682-431E-ADE7-E1600C6C4A29",
              "PurchaseOrderEntryDate": "2023-02-23 10:40:33",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
              "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsPurchaseOrderDelete": 0,
              "PurchaseOrderTotal": 234.75,
              "PurchaseOrderTerms": "Terms related purchase order",
              "PurchaseOrderOrganization": "Cristal Store",
              "FirstName": "Cristiana",
              "LastName": "Rozzer",
              "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Notes related purchase order",
              "PurchaseOrderNumber": "5",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
                  "Code": "USD",
                  "Symbol": "$"
              "PurchaseOrderID": "D46F3A24-CA23-4C14-8B32-7ECFB27BDF91",
              "PurchaseOrderEntryDate": "2023-02-23 10:40:33",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
              "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsPurchaseOrderDelete": 0,
              "PurchaseOrderTotal": 224.75,
              "PurchaseOrderTerms": "Testing Terms and Conditions 4 number Update",
              "PurchaseOrderOrganization": "Cristal Store",
              "FirstName": "Cristiana",
              "LastName": "Rozzer",
              "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Testing Notes 4 number",
              "PurchaseOrderNumber": "6",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
                  "Code": "USD",
                  "Symbol": "$"
              "PurchaseOrderID": "E6DB0DD5-54DB-4514-BABE-63FB826E026E",
              "PurchaseOrderEntryDate": "2023-02-23 10:40:33",
              "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
              "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
              "Status": "active",
              "IsPurchaseOrderDelete": 0,
              "PurchaseOrderTotal": 206.95,
              "PurchaseOrderTerms": "Test Terms",
              "PurchaseOrderOrganization": "Cristal Store",
              "FirstName": "Cristiana",
              "LastName": "Rozzer",
              "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Test Notes",
              "PurchaseOrderNumber": "3",
              "TotalAmount": "0",
              "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
              "Currency": {
                  "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
                  "Code": "USD",
                  "Symbol": "$"


Create Purchase Order

To Create Purchase Order, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Purchase Order

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create purchase order of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Purchase Order.
PurchaseOrderNumber String Purchase Order Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Purchase Order.
optional fields
Field Type Description
PurchaseOrderHeader String Title or Header of Purchase Order.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Purchase Order
ShippingMethod Float Shipping Method of Purchase Order.
DiscountAmount Float Discount Amount on Purchase Order total.
DiscountBeforeTax Boolean Discount applied before tax applied. This is a boolean field and only contan true and false.
PurchaseOrderTerms String Terms of Purchase Order.
PurchaseOrderNotes String Notes/Description of Purchase Order.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Purchase Order.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Purchase Order.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Purchase Order Attachment File.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Purchase Order.
PurchaseOrderFolder Array Purchase Order Folder is array and contain below fields.
Boolean isroundoff is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. isroundoff is a rounded amount of Purchase Order.
Float Rounded amount of Purchase Order.
Float Discount Percentage from total amount of Purchase Order.
Float Deposite Amount of Purchase Order.
Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of estimate. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of estimate. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
												Example CREATE Purchase Order JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "PurchaseOrderHeader": "Purchase Order 5",
    "PurchaseOrderNumber": "5",
    "ShippingCost": 10,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "DiscountAmount": "50.00",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
    "PurchaseOrderTerms": "Terms related purchase order",
    "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Notes related purchase order",
    "EntryDate": "2023-2-23 16:10:33",
    "Status": "active",
    "TotalAmount": 206.95,
    "SubTotal": 245,
    "PurchaseOrderFolder": {
        "isroundoff": 0,
        "rounded_amount": 0,
        "Billing": "1",
        "Billing_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
            "City": "Ahemdabad",
            "State": "GUJARAT",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "360005"
        "Secondary": "1",
        "Secondary_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
            "City": "Ahemdabad",
            "State": "GUJARAT",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "360005"
        "Percentage": 0,
        "depositeAmount": "0.00"
    "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
    "UpdateCustBillingVal": 0,
    "UpdateCustomerShippingVal": 0,
    "AttachmentFile": {},
    "AttachmentType": "",
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "94524",
            "UnitCost": "50.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 49,
            "SubAmount": 49,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "2",
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
            "orderindex": 1
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Authentication Functionality",
            "Hours": "1.00",
            "TaskRate": "200.00",
            "SACCode" : "35454",
            "TaskNotes": "Test task",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 196,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "DiscountValue": "2",
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
                "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1", "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "TaskType": "Hours",
            "orderindex": 2
    "UsedTax": [],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Purchase Order JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Purchase Order added.",
  "data": {
      "PurchaseOrderID": "E38FD176-B682-431E-ADE7-E1600C6C4A29",
      "Amount": 0,
      "AmountPaid": 0,
      "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
      "DiscountAmount": 50,
      "DiscountValue": "",
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 10:40:33",
      "PurchaseOrderHeader": "Purchase Order 5",
      "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "PurchaseOrderToPayment": "",
      "PurchaseOrderFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\",\"Billing\":\"1\",\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"BH 105 Alpha House\",\"Street2\":\"KH Road, Near HCG Hospital\",\"City\":\"Ahemdabad\",\"State\":\"GUJARAT\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"360005\"},\"Secondary\":\"1\",\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"BH 105 Alpha House\",\"Street2\":\"KH Road, Near HCG Hospital\",\"City\":\"Ahemdabad\",\"State\":\"GUJARAT\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"360005\"},\"Percentage\":\"0\",\"depositeAmount\":\"0.00\"}",
      "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Notes related purchase order",
      "PurchaseOrderNumber": "5",
      "PurchaseOrderPoNo": "",
      "PurchaseOrderSectionRange": "",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
      "ShippingCost": 10,
      "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
      "Status": "active",
      "SubTotal": 245,
      "TaxValue": "",
      "Terms": "Terms related purchase order",
      "Total": 206.95,
      "Type": 1,
      "PurchaseOrderToImageInfo": "",
      "PurchaseOrderToItemline": "",
      "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
      "PurchaseOrderToTaskLine": "",
      "PurchaseOrderToUsedTax": "",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 10:59:26",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 10:59:26",
      "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-23T10:59:26.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-23T10:59:26.000000Z",
      "CustomerEmail": "",
      "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
      "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Cristiana Rozzer",
      "EmailFontName": "Arial",
      "EmailFontSize": 12,
      "Attachment": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
          "Code": "USD",
          "Symbol": "$"
      "Products": [
              "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
              "ItemLineProductID": "A153F221-0E32-4E6D-BF0E-0060BA2B6536",
              "ProductName": "Burger",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 10:59:26",
              "Quantity": 1,
              "Total": 49,
              "UnitCost": 50,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
              "ProductImage": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
      "Tasks": [
              "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
              "ItemLineTaskID": "505D3C18-B1E7-41DA-9F17-B116989A3A90",
              "taskName": "Authentication Functionality",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 10:59:26",
              "Hours": 1,
              "Total": 196,
              "Rate": 200,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "TaskNotes": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1,1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"


Update Purchase Order

To Update Purchase Order, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Purchase Order

required fields
Field Type Description
PurchaseOrderID String Purchase Order Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create purchase order of specific Company.
ContactID String Contact Identifier of Purchase Order.
PurchaseOrderNumber String Purchase Order Number.
EntryDate DateTime Entry Date of Purchase Order.
optional fields
Field Type Description
PurchaseOrderHeader String Title or Header of Purchase Order.
ShippingCost Float Shipping Cost of Purchase Order
ShippingMethod Float Shipping Method of Purchase Order.
DiscountAmount Float Discount Amount on Purchase Order total.
DiscountBeforeTax Boolean Discount applied before tax applied. This is a boolean field and only contan true and false.
PurchaseOrderTerms String Terms of Purchase Order.
PurchaseOrderNotes String Notes/Description of Purchase Order.
TotalAmount Float Total Amount of Purchase Order.
SubTotal Float Sub Total Amount of Purchase Order.
SelectedCurrency String Selected Currency is code of local currency language. Like en_IN, en_US etc.
AttachmentFile File Purchase Order Attachment File.
TimeZone String TimeZone of contact person for Purchase Order.
PurchaseOrderFolder Array Purchase Order Folder is array and contain below fields.
Boolean isroundoff is a contain boolean value 1 and 0. isroundoff is a rounded amount of Purchase Order.
Float Rounded amount of Purchase Order.
Float Discount Percentage from total amount of Purchase Order.
Float Deposite Amount of Purchase Order.
Array Billing_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Billing Address Street1.
String Billing Address Street2
String Billing Address City
String Billing Address State
String Billing Address Country
String Billing Address Zip
Array Secondary_Add is array and contain below fields.
String Shipping Address Street1.
String Shipping Address Street2
String Shipping Address City
String Shipping Address State
String Shipping Address Country
String Shipping Address Zip
DeleteItemLinesProduct Array DeleteItemLineProducts itemline uniqueIDs array.
DeleteItemLinesTask Array DeleteItemLineTasks itemline uniqueIDs array.
ProductData Array Product Data is a contain array of all product of estimate. ProductData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Product.
Integer Quantity of Product.
Float Selling price of Product.
String Product Notes.
String Itemline ProductID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
String Total Amount of Product.
String SubAmount of Product.
Boolean Discount on product is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of product like kg, piece, liter etc.
String Discount amount
Boolean TaxUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Boolean StockUpdate is a contain boolean value. If Tax Update then 1 otherwise 0.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on product. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
TaskData Array Task Data is a contain array of all task of estimate. TaskData contain multidimensional array.
String Name of Task.
Float Total hours of task for invoice.
Float Rate of task.
String Task Notes.
String Itemline TaskID ( Itemline uniqueID ).
Float Total amount of task.
Boolean Discount on task is in percetage or not. If in percentage then 1 otherwise 0.
String Type of task.
String Dicount value on task in percentage. Like 1P, 2P etc.
Array Array of Tax ID which is apply on tax. Like ["95A1956E-E60A-4FAC-8EC4-C88EE7431280"]
Request Sample
												Example UPDATE Purchase Order JSON Request: {
    "PurchaseOrderID" : "E38FD176-B682-431E-ADE7-E1600C6C4A29",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "PurchaseOrderHeader": "Purchase Order 5",
    "PurchaseOrderNumber": "5",
    "ShippingCost": 20,
    "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
    "DiscountAmount": "50.00",
    "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
    "PurchaseOrderTerms": "Terms related purchase order",
    "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Notes related purchase order",
    "EntryDate": "2023-2-23 16:10:33",
    "Status": "active",
    "TotalAmount": 216.95,
    "SubTotal": 255,
    "PurchaseOrderFolder": {
        "isroundoff": 0,
        "rounded_amount": 0,
        "Billing": "1",
        "Billing_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
            "City": "Ahemdabad",
            "State": "GUJARAT",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "360005"
        "Secondary": "1",
        "Secondary_Add": {
            "Street1": "BH 105 Alpha House",
            "Street2": "KH Road, Near HCG Hospital",
            "City": "Ahemdabad",
            "State": "GUJARAT",
            "Country": "India",
            "Zip": "360005"
        "Percentage": 0,
        "depositeAmount": "0.00"
    "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
    "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
    "UpdateCustBillingVal": 0,
    "UpdateCustomerShippingVal": 0,
    "AttachmentFile": {},
    "AttachmentType": "",
    "DeleteItemLinesProduct" : ["A153F221-0E32-4E6D-BF0E-0060BA2B6536"],
    "DeleteItemLinesTask" : ["505D3C18-B1E7-41DA-9F17-B116989A3A90"],
    "ProductData": [
            "ProductName": "Burger",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "HSNCode" : "94524",
            "UnitCost": "50.00",
            "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
            "ProductID": "",
            "Total": 49,
            "SubAmount": 49,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "ProductType": "piece",
            "DiscountValue": "2",
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "StockUpdate": 1,
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
            "orderindex": 1
    "TaskData": [
            "TaskName": "Authentication Functionality",
            "Hours": "1.00",
            "TaskRate": "200.00",
            "SACCode" : "35454",
            "TaskNotes": "Test task",
            "TaskID": "",
            "Total": 196,
            "DiscountIsPercentage": "1",
            "DiscountValue": "2",
            "ExtraDate": "",
            "TaxID": [
                "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1", "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
            "TaxUpdate": 0,
            "TaskType": "Hours",
            "orderindex": 2
    "UsedTax": [],
    "TimeZone": "Asia/Calcutta"
Response Sample
Result example UPDATE Purchase Order JSON Response:{
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Purchase Order updated.",
  "data": {
      "PurchaseOrderID": "E38FD176-B682-431E-ADE7-E1600C6C4A29",
      "Amount": 0,
      "AmountPaid": 0,
      "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
      "DiscountAmount": 50,
      "DiscountValue": "",
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 10:40:33",
      "PurchaseOrderHeader": "Purchase Order 5",
      "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "PurchaseOrderToPayment": "",
      "PurchaseOrderFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\",\"Billing\":\"1\",\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"BH 105 Alpha House\",\"Street2\":\"KH Road, Near HCG Hospital\",\"City\":\"Ahemdabad\",\"State\":\"GUJARAT\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"360005\"},\"Secondary\":\"1\",\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"BH 105 Alpha House\",\"Street2\":\"KH Road, Near HCG Hospital\",\"City\":\"Ahemdabad\",\"State\":\"GUJARAT\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"360005\"},\"Percentage\":\"0\",\"depositeAmount\":\"0.00\"}",
      "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Notes related purchase order",
      "PurchaseOrderNumber": "5",
      "PurchaseOrderPoNo": "",
      "PurchaseOrderSectionRange": "",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
      "ShippingCost": 20,
      "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
      "Status": "active",
      "SubTotal": 255,
      "TaxValue": "",
      "Terms": "Terms related purchase order",
      "Total": 216.95,
      "Type": 1,
      "PurchaseOrderToImageInfo": "",
      "PurchaseOrderToItemline": "",
      "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
      "PurchaseOrderToTaskLine": "",
      "PurchaseOrderToUsedTax": "",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
      "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-23T10:59:26.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-23T11:26:37.000000Z",
      "CustomerEmail": "",
      "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
      "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Cristiana Rozzer",
      "EmailFontName": "Arial",
      "EmailFontSize": 12,
      "Attachment": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
          "Code": "USD",
          "Symbol": "$"
      "Products": [
              "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
              "ItemLineProductID": "0FFDC1AF-F768-42A1-984B-1CAF37F987E3",
              "ProductName": "Burger",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
              "Quantity": 1,
              "Total": 49,
              "UnitCost": 50,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
              "ProductImage": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
      "Tasks": [
              "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
              "ItemLineTaskID": "3EEE0B3E-CDE6-4F19-BCA2-3B5698B29BBD",
              "taskName": "Authentication Functionality",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
              "Hours": 1,
              "Total": 196,
              "Rate": 200,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "TaskNotes": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1,1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"


Details Purchase Order

To Get Purchase Order Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Purchase Order

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for details of purchase order of specific Company.
PurchaseOrderID String Purchase Order Identifier.
Request Sample
												Example DETAILS Purchase Order JSON Request: {
    "PurchaseOrderID": "E38FD176-B682-431E-ADE7-E1600C6C4A29",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Estimate JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "PurchaseOrderID": "E38FD176-B682-431E-ADE7-E1600C6C4A29",
      "Amount": 0,
      "AmountPaid": 0,
      "DiscountBeforeTax": true,
      "DiscountAmount": 50,
      "DiscountValue": "",
      "EntryDate": "2023-02-23 10:40:33",
      "PurchaseOrderHeader": "Purchase Order 5",
      "PurchaseOrderStatus": "Draft",
      "ArchiveStatus": 0,
      "PurchaseOrderToPayment": "",
      "PurchaseOrderFolder": "{\"isroundoff\":\"0\",\"rounded_amount\":\"0\",\"Billing\":\"1\",\"Billing_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"BH 105 Alpha House\",\"Street2\":\"KH Road, Near HCG Hospital\",\"City\":\"Ahemdabad\",\"State\":\"GUJARAT\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"360005\"},\"Secondary\":\"1\",\"Secondary_Add\":{\"Street1\":\"BH 105 Alpha House\",\"Street2\":\"KH Road, Near HCG Hospital\",\"City\":\"Ahemdabad\",\"State\":\"GUJARAT\",\"Country\":\"India\",\"Zip\":\"360005\"},\"Percentage\":\"0\",\"depositeAmount\":\"0.00\"}",
      "PurchaseOrderNotes": "Notes related purchase order",
      "PurchaseOrderNumber": "5",
      "PurchaseOrderPoNo": "",
      "PurchaseOrderSectionRange": "",
      "SelectedCurrency": "en_US",
      "ShippingCost": 20,
      "ShippingMethod": "Standard Ground",
      "Status": "active",
      "SubTotal": 255,
      "TaxValue": "",
      "Terms": "Terms related purchase order",
      "Total": 216.95,
      "Type": 1,
      "PurchaseOrderToImageInfo": "",
      "PurchaseOrderToItemline": "",
      "ContactID": "D726E12A-E9D1-46F8-B5E6-C4C497ADBD31",
      "PurchaseOrderToTaskLine": "",
      "PurchaseOrderToUsedTax": "",
      "CreatedDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
      "SyncDate": "",
      "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
      "IsInvoiceDelete": 0,
      "CreatedAt": "2023-02-23T10:59:26.000000Z",
      "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-23T11:26:37.000000Z",
      "CustomerEmail": "",
      "CompanyId": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
      "EntryDateFormat": "Feb 23, 2023",
      "ContactName": "Cristal Store",
      "ContactFirstLastname": "Cristiana Rozzer",
      "EmailFontName": "Arial",
      "EmailFontSize": 12,
      "Attachment": "",
      "Currency": {
          "CurrencyLocale": "en_US",
          "Code": "USD",
          "Symbol": "$"
      "Products": [
              "ProductID": "494ADE52-1034-48C2-B5A0-80DCDAEFB1E3",
              "ItemLineProductID": "0FFDC1AF-F768-42A1-984B-1CAF37F987E3",
              "ProductName": "Burger",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
              "Quantity": 1,
              "Total": 49,
              "UnitCost": 50,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "ProductNotes": "Veg Cheese Burger",
              "ProductImage": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
      "Tasks": [
              "TaskID": "96B5696B-22C1-42E3-BF7D-71824966D5BE",
              "ItemLineTaskID": "3EEE0B3E-CDE6-4F19-BCA2-3B5698B29BBD",
              "taskName": "Authentication Functionality",
              "ModificationDate": "2023-02-23 11:26:37",
              "Hours": 1,
              "Total": 196,
              "Rate": 200,
              "DiscountIsPercentage": 1,
              "DiscountValue": "2",
              "TaskNotes": "",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1,1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"


Purchase Order Delete

To Delete Purchase Order, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for Purchase Order Delete

required fields
Field Type Description
PurchaseOrderID String Purchase Order Identifier.
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete of purchase order of specific Company.
Request Sample
												Example Delete Purchase Order JSON Request: {
    "PurchaseOrderID": "D46F3A24-CA23-4C14-8B32-7ECFB27BDF91",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example Purchase Order Delete JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "1 purchase order(s) move to trash.",
  "data": []


Get Company

To Get Company, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Company

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanySort String CompanySort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. CompanySort must be contain asc or desc value.
Request Sample
												Example GET Company JSON Request:{
    "CompanySort": "asc"
Response Sample
Result example GET Company JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": [
          "CompanyID": "0AEB9BE8-7C90-4DE5-BD4F-C50E76E2E681",
          "Email": "",
          "CompanyName": "Freeny Store",
          "Country": "India",
          "PhNo": "",
          "CompanyLogo": "",
          "CompanyLogoThumb": "",
          "ServiceType": "MI"
          "CompanyID": "3FC4DA6C-A6BD-4A27-8B93-77018CE53ABC",
          "Email": "",
          "CompanyName": "Jhonson Shop",
          "Country": "India",
          "PhNo": "",
          "CompanyLogo": "",
          "CompanyLogoThumb": "",
          "ServiceType": "POS"
          "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
          "Email": "",
          "CompanyName": "Joshep Retailer",
          "Country": "India",
          "PhNo": "",
          "CompanyLogo": "",
          "CompanyLogoThumb": "",
          "ServiceType": "MI"


Create Company

To Create Company, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Company

required fields
Field Type Description
ServiceType Integer ServiceType is describe type of Service like MI WEB or POS. For MI enter MI and for POS enter POS.
CompanyName String Name of Company/Organization.
optional fields
Field Type Description
City String City name.
Country String Company name.
CurrencyLocale String Currency code for company like INR, USD, CAD etc.
Email String Company's email.
FinancialYear Numeric FinancialYear Year start month value of company. It should in range of 1 to 12 only.
CompanyName String Name of Company.
PhNo String Phone No. of company.
State String State of Company.
Street1 String Street1 of address of company.
Street2 String Street2 of address of company.
Zip String Zip of address of company.
GSTIN String GSTIN of company.
RegNo String Registration No. of company.
CompanyLogo File Logo of company.
Request Sample
												Example CREATE Company JSON Request: {
    "ServiceType": "MI",
    "CurrencyCode": "INR",
    "Email": "",
    "FinancialYear": 1,
    "CompanyName": "Craft Coursee Pvt Ltd.",
    "PhNo": "9877898525",
    "Street1": "102 Fly Complex",
    "Street2": "SG Highway",
    "City": "Ahmedabad",
    "State": "Gujarat",
    "Country": "India",
    "Zip": "360005",
    "GSTIN": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
    "CompanyLogo": ""
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Company JSON Response: {
  "status": "200",
  "message": "Company created.",
  "data": {
      "CompanyData": {
        "CompanyID": "F17EFE5F-5297-4119-8DEC-678DFBFD48AF",
        "FinancialYear": 0,
        "Address": "102 Fly Complex SG Highway Ahmedabad Gujarat-360005",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "Country": "India",
        "Email": "",
        "CompanyName": "Craft Coursee Pvt Ltd.",
        "PhNo": "9877898525",
        "State": "Gujarat",
        "Street1": "102 Fly Complex",
        "Street2": "SG Highway",
        "VatNo": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
        "GSTIN": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
        "Zip": "360005",
        "Address2": "",
        "CompanyLogo": "",
        "CompanyLogoThumb": "",
        "Modificationdate": "2023-02-27 09:45:41",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-27 09:40:51",
        "CreatedAt": "2023-02-27 09:40:51",
        "SyncDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
        "CountryID": 101,
        "LanguageID": "en_US",
        "CurrencyLocale_c": "en_IN",
        "Currency": {
            "Code": "INR",
            "Symbol": "₹",
            "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN"


Update Company

To Update Company, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Company

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String Company Identifier
CompanyName String Name of Company/Organization.
optional fields
Field Type Description
City String City name.
Country String Company name.
CurrencyLocale String Currency code for company like INR, USD, CAD etc.
Email String Company's email.
FinancialYear Numeric FinancialYear Year start month value of company. It should in range of 1 to 12 only.
CompanyName String Name of Company.
PhNo String Phone No. of company.
State String State of Company.
Street1 String Street1 of address of company.
Street2 String Street2 of address of company.
Zip String Zip of address of company.
GSTIN String GSTIN of company.
RegNo String Registration No. of company.
CompanyLogo File Logo of company.
Request Sample
												Example UPDATE Company JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "F17EFE5F-5297-4119-8DEC-678DFBFD48AF",
    "ServiceType": "MI",
    "CurrencyCode": "INR",
    "Email": "",
    "FinancialYear": 4,
    "CompanyName": "Craft Coursee Pvt Ltd.",
    "PhNo": "9877898525",
    "Street1": "102 Fly Complex",
    "Street2": "SG Highway",
    "City": "Ahmedabad",
    "State": "Gujarat",
    "Country": "India",
    "Zip": "360005",
    "GSTIN": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
    "CompanyLogo": ""
Response Sample
Result example UPDATE Company JSON Response: {
  "status": "200",
  "message": "Company updated",
  "data": {
      "CompanyData": {
          "CompanyID": "F17EFE5F-5297-4119-8DEC-678DFBFD48AF",
          "FinancialYear": 4,
          "Address": "102 Fly Complex SG Highway Ahmedabad Gujarat-360005",
          "City": "Ahmedabad",
          "Country": "India",
          "Email": "",
          "CompanyName": "Craft Coursee Pvt Ltd.",
          "PhNo": "9877898525",
          "State": "Gujarat",
          "Street1": "102 Fly Complex",
          "Street2": "SG Highway",
          "VatNo": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
          "GSTIN": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
          "Zip": "360005",
          "Address2": "",
          "CompanyLogo": "",
          "CompanyLogoThumb": "",
          "Modificationdate": "2023-02-27 09:57:45",
          "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-27 09:40:51",
          "CreatedAt": "2023-02-27 09:40:51",
          "SyncDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
          "CountryID": 101,
          "LanguageID": "en_US",
          "CurrencyLocale_c": "en_IN",
          "Currency": {
              "Code": "INR",
              "Symbol": "₹",
              "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN"


Details Company

To Get Company Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Company

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String Company Identifier
Request Sample
												Example DETAILS Company JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "F17EFE5F-5297-4119-8DEC-678DFBFD48AF"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Company JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "CompanyData": {
          "CompanyID": "F17EFE5F-5297-4119-8DEC-678DFBFD48AF",
          "FinancialYear": 0,
          "Address": "102 Fly Complex SG Highway Ahmedabad Gujarat-360005",
          "City": "Ahmedabad",
          "Country": "India",
          "Email": "",
          "CompanyName": "Craft Coursee Pvt Ltd.",
          "PhNo": "9877898525",
          "State": "Gujarat",
          "Street1": "102 Fly Complex",
          "Street2": "SG Highway",
          "VatNo": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
          "GSTIN": "18AABCU9603R1ZM",
          "Zip": "360005",
          "Address2": "",
          "CompanyLogo": "",
          "CompanyLogoThumb": "",
          "Modificationdate": "2023-02-27 09:45:41",
          "UpdatedAt": "2023-02-27 09:40:51",
          "CreatedAt": "2023-02-27 09:40:51",
          "SyncDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
          "CountryID": 101,
          "LanguageID": "en_US",
          "CurrencyLocale_c": "en_IN",
          "Currency": {
              "Code": "INR",
              "Symbol": "₹",
              "CurrencyLocale": "en_IN"


Delete Company

To Delete Company, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Company

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String Company Identifier
Request Sample
												Example DELETE Company JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "F17EFE5F-5297-4119-8DEC-678DFBFD48AF"
Response Sample
Result example DELETE Company JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 Company(ies) deleted.",
    "data": []


Get Tax

To Get Tax, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Tax

required fields
Field Type Description
TaxSort String TaxSort is for sorting record by ascending or decending order wise record. TaxSort must be contain asc or desc value.
CompanyID String CompanyId is for get record by specific Company.
PageSize Integer PageSize is for size of per page record.
optional fields
Field Type Description
page Integer Enter page no. for get page wise records.
Request Sample
												Example GET Tax JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "TaxSort": "asc",
    "PageSize": 25,
    "page": 1
Response Sample
Result example GET Tax JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "current_page": 1,
      "first_page_url": "",
      "from": 1,
      "last_page": 1,
      "last_page_url": "",
      "links": [
              "url": null,
              "label": "« Previous",
              "active": false
              "url": "",
              "label": "1",
              "active": true
              "url": null,
              "label": "Next »",
              "active": false
      "next_page_url": null,
      "path": "",
      "per_page": 1000,
      "prev_page_url": null,
      "to": 3,
      "total": 3,
      "taxes": [
              "TaxValue": 3,
              "TaxName": "GST 3",
              "TaxType": "Percentage",
              "TaxID": "6F8F921A-311B-4767-807D-F8F8BCF7BEF4"
              "TaxValue": 5,
              "TaxName": "GST 5",
              "TaxType": "Percentage",
              "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
              "TaxValue": 10,
              "TaxName": "GST INR 10",
              "TaxType": "Amount",
              "TaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"


Get All Tax

To Get All Tax List, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for GET Tax

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String Company Id for get company's all tax.
Request Sample
												Example GET Tax JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example GET Tax JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data Received!",
  "data": [
          "TaxValue": 5,
          "TaxName": "GST 5",
          "TaxType": "Percentage",
          "TaxID": "5206AFBB-1425-467E-BF69-077C32C8F0A1"
          "TaxValue": 10,
          "TaxName": "GST INR 10",
          "TaxType": "Amount",
          "TaxID": "1C34BE89-2FC6-48A4-9808-99490F40D3E1"
          "TaxValue": 3,
          "TaxName": "GST 3",
          "TaxType": "Percentage",
          "TaxID": "6F8F921A-311B-4767-807D-F8F8BCF7BEF4"


Create Tax

To Create Tax, you need to make a POST call to the following URL:

parameters for CREATE Tax

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create tax of specific Company.
TaxName String Name of Tax.
TaxValue Float Tax value in percentage.
TaxType String TaxType is a type of tax like Percentage or Amount.
Request Sample
												Example CREATE Tax JSON Request: {
    "TaxName": "GST6",
    "TaxValue": 6,
    "TaxType": "Percentage",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example CREATE Tax JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Task added.",
  "data": {
      "TaxValue": "6",
      "TaxName": "GST6",
      "TaxType": "Percentage",
      "TaxID": "5F067F47-1059-4CC6-B44F-1AD2C017FDAF"


Update Tax

To Update Tax, you need to make a PUT call to the following URL:

parameters for UPDATE Tax

required fields
Field Type Description
TaxID String Tax Identifier
CompanyID String CompanyID is for create tax of specific Company.
TaxName String Name of Tax.
TaxValue Float Tax value in percentage.
TaxType String TaxType is a type of tax like Percentage or Amount.
Request Sample
												Example UPDATE Tax JSON Request: {
    "TaxID" : "5F067F47-1059-4CC6-B44F-1AD2C017FDAF",
    "TaxName": "GST7",
    "TaxValue": 7,
    "TaxType": "Amount",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example UPDATE Payment JSON Response:{
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Task updated",
  "data": {
      "TaxValue": "7.00",
      "TaxName": "GST7",
      "TaxType": "Amount",
      "TaxID": "5F067F47-1059-4CC6-B44F-1AD2C017FDAF"


Details Tax

To Get Tax Details, you need to make a GET call to the following URL:

parameters for DETAILS Tax

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for details of tax of specific Company.
TaxID String Tax Identifier.
Request Sample
												Example DETAILS Tax JSON Request: {
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD",
    "TaxID": "6F8F921A-311B-4767-807D-F8F8BCF7BEF4"
Response Sample
Result example DETAILS Tax JSON Response: {
  "status": 200,
  "message": "Data received.",
  "data": {
      "TaxValue": "3",
      "TaxName": "GST 3",
      "TaxType": "Percentage",
      "TaxID": "6F8F921A-311B-4767-807D-F8F8BCF7BEF4"


Delete Tax

To Delete Tax, you need to make a DELETE call to the following URL:

parameters for DELETE Tax

required fields
Field Type Description
CompanyID String CompanyID is for delete tax of specific Company.
TaxID String Tax Identifier.
Request Sample
												Example DELETE Tax JSON Request: {
    "TaxID": "027C8535-F9D0-4D2C-AE4D-4655E4098B03",
    "CompanyID": "8065DFC9-5EFC-438E-8E8A-045BA5B44CAD"
Response Sample
Result example DELETE Tax JSON Response: {
    "status": 200,
    "message": "1 tax(es) deleted.",
    "data": []



The Moon Invoice API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
201 Validation or other common error.
204 Request has been succeed but content not available or other.
400 Bad Request.
401 Unauthorized.


Our API usage policy affords the policy of conducting a maximum of 100 API calls per hour. If your operational demands surpass this threshold, you must apply for an add-on plan by contacting our support team at Our support team shall be pleased to facilitate you for an add-on subscription at the earliest time.