Invoice factoring is a way for small company owners to be reimbursed quickly for bills that have gone unpaid by their customers. Financing like this is ideal for company owners whose clientele consists mainly of other companies.

Invoice factoring may help company owners who rely on rapid payment from their clients but who need access to cash quickly to continue paying wages and other operating costs while waiting for payment.

What is a Factoring Fee?

Invoices are purchased by factoring companies before they are due, and the discount they obtain is called a “factoring fee.” The cost of factoring is determined by multiplying the factoring rate by either the amount advanced or the total invoice amount, according to the agreed-upon rate structure by the parties.

For instance, if a one percent rate is applied to an invoice with a value of one hundred rupees, the factoring charge will be one rupee. Still, if the rate is applied to an advance of eighty percent, the price would be just eight paise.

The factor will receive its fees upon receipt of payment, which often occurs on the day after the receivable was acquired.

To better manage cash flow and free up resources, consider invoice factoring.

A wide variety of industries uses it. However, due to these distinctions, invoice factoring costs vary from one company to the next.

Examining invoice factoring in the context of your industry and unique business circumstances can help you decide whether it’s the best answer for you and how much it will cost.

Here is a basic example of a factoring fee:

Value of Invoice: $5,000

Advance amount: $1000

Consider invoice factoring fees of 1%

If computed on the amount advanced, the result is $10.

If based on invoice value, the result is $50

Later in this blog, we’ll include more on how much a factoring company charges and what factors influence the factoring costs.

What is a Factoring Rate?

The discount rate is employed to determine the total cost of a factoring agreement. Many different pricing structures exist. Common choices include a “flat discount rate” (such as 1% every 30 days) or a “flat discount with margin” (such as 0.5% every 30 days plus PRIME+2% interest rate).

Typical Factoring Fees

Your business’ invoice factoring rate will be determined mainly by the following:

Factoring companies calculate discount rates based on several factors, including the number of invoices you expect to sell each month, the riskiness of your business and your customers, and the factoring firm’s business strategy.

Flat Rates Vs. Variable Fees

Flat Rate Variable Fees
Some factoring companies provide a flat fee system in which an upfront, one-time cost is levied. With a flat-rate charge structure, the fee stays constant regardless of when the invoice is open. Factoring companies often use a variable charge structure to determine their prices. With variable fees, they decrease the invoice by a tiny amount (1 to 3 percent) for as long as it remains unpaid.
So, No matter when you submit your invoice – you will be charged a fixed fee only. Therefore, the longer your consumer waits to pay, the higher your costs will be. Suppose an invoice is unpaid for more than 30 days. In that case, the invoice factoring companies may assess a fee of 2% plus 0.5% for each additional 10 days.

Advance Costs

When your organization processes bills, you will generally get a significant portion of the invoice immediately. The remaining is kept in reserve until your consumers pay the invoice.

Rates for factoring advances vary by industry. Medical and construction sectors, which are riskier and more challenging to finance, might anticipate advance rates between 60% and 80%. Advances for public enterprises and staffing agencies might range between 80 and 90 percent. The most significant advance rates are often seen in the transportation sector, ranging from 92% to 97%.

We suggest obtaining estimates from different factoring companies to understand what you should anticipate spending for factoring services and find the most affordable invoice factoring costs for your company.

How Much Does a Factoring Company Charge?

Depending on factors like volume, invoice size, industry, risk, customer credit, turnaround time, etc. – the normal range for invoice factoring rates is between 1% and 5%. Remember that the factoring rate is just one component of the total amount you can wind up spending.

When you factor in more invoices, the amount of money you bill will increase. Your interest rates will be reduced as a direct result of the creditworthiness of your customers.

Factoring Cost Vs. Factoring Rate

Understanding the difference between the invoice factoring cost and the invoice factoring rate can help you avoid sticker shock. The “invoice factoring rate” is the discount rate retained by the factoring firm as compensation for their services. It’s not complicated at all. However, the amount you pay to a factor depends on various factors. Invoice factoring companies have different rates, fees, and other charges.

Ask each company you’re considering (beyond their invoice factoring rates) to provide a detailed estimate of your overall factoring cost before you sign anything. When you include all the hidden costs and fees, the cheapest option isn’t always the best.

6 Factors that Influence Factoring Costs

Interest rates are merely one factor. Several factors influence the factoring costs.

Business Industry

Factoring companies may process invoices from various sectors and provide competitive rates depending on market conditions. Contrasted with industries like construction and healthcare, transportation is relatively safe. Consulting a specialized factoring company can bring you the finest prices.


Invoice factoring costs may also be affected by the health of your company. Newer firms may initially pay higher rates.

Additional Fees for Factoring

Check the fine print of any factoring agreement for hidden costs. There are two main approaches to freight factoring fees: those included in the factoring rate and those added on top of your rate. Application costs, onboarding fees, invoice processing fees, automatic clearing house or wire transfer fees, same-day payment fees, etc.

Bulk of Invoices

To what extent do you anticipate monthly factoring? Most factoring companies provide discounts for an increased volume of invoices. Rates from certain factoring providers are tiered, meaning they might go down as your business expands.

The cost of invoice factoring may also depend on the total quantity of your invoices. A factoring firm will spend the same amount of time on an invoice of whatever size.

Amount of Time Required to Process a Payment

If brokers can be reliable with their payments, it will reduce the risk for factoring firms. The best customers get the lowest prices. Your rate may be impacted if your broker often pays late or takes longer than usual to pay invoices. Additional fees may be assessed by factoring providers for unpaid bills beyond the agreed-upon time frame.


As far as possible, truck factoring services would want to limit their exposure to harm. Pricing is based on risk. Thus, charges increase as the danger grows. Factoring firms will look at your portfolio and clientele to see whether they are suitable investments.

Invoice discounting for clients: Your broker’s credit history matters to freight factoring firms, not your own. Better rates are possible if the brokers have solid credit histories and are reliable billpayers. Contrarily, you might expect to pay higher interest rates if your clientele has poor credit.

Is Invoice Factoring Right for your Company?

There are several types of invoice financing. Typically, the cost-effectiveness of invoice factoring relies on whether you need to enhance cash flow to sustain or expand sales volume.

You may employ a facility for invoice factoring for just a few high-value accounts or a short period. Perhaps your accounting facilities, which were designed to handle a lesser amount of invoices, have been momentarily overwhelmed by fast expansion.

If you do not need rapid payment of your bills, invoice factoring expenses would be a waste of money. After all, invoice factoring reduces your total amount of invoice value.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.