With the help of invoice factoring, a third-party company may accelerate its expansion by gaining quick access to funds that would otherwise be locked up in unearned revenue. Consequently, the unpredictability of waiting for payment is eliminated, allowing income to be recorded and money to be spent.

Arrangements like invoice discounting and factoring are crucial for a company’s growth opportunities and access to cash. Let’s take a look at invoice factoring for business financing here.

What is Invoice Factoring?

Invoice factoring is a subset of invoice financing in which a business “sells” its unpaid invoices to an outside entity in exchange for immediate cash. With the help of a factoring company, you may be paid quickly for most of your billed amount without worrying about collecting payment directly from your clients. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of invoice factoring.

Factoring unpaid invoices is also known as accounts receivable, debt, or business factoring.

Not every company can benefit financially from invoicing factoring services. Let’s say your company seldom issues invoices, and almost all of them get paid within 15 days. Therefore, the advantages of invoice factoring would be small. Furthermore, if your company operates only on cash, there are no AR accounts to fund.

The cases mentioned above are easy to understand. The cost-benefit analysis of the factoring system is more nuanced for most firms. However, before entering any financial deal, it is wise to calculate the costs and advantages.

Each Business will benefit differently from bill factoring in terms of how much money it may save. As a result, invoicing factoring firms’ rates of interest, as well as other factoring fees, will vary. The costs and benefits, however, are measurable and comparable.

Why Use Bill Factoring?

Payment for invoices may be slow. Therefore invoice factoring helps small businesses get their hands on their money and cash in the door faster. The third-party factoring company pays you for your invoices and receives funds when the customer pays back.

The 30–120-day range common for invoice payment periods is problematic since it might impede a company’s ability to generate immediate revenue. Overdrafts at banks or company loans have been common ways to bridge the cash flow gaps. Accounts receivable financing is one kind of alternative financing that might be useful in this situation.

However, these choices may not be accessible in cases when a company’s or personal credit is less than stellar. Therefore, invoice factoring might be a useful option and greater flexibility in cases like these.

How Does Invoice Factoring Work?

When you factor in your invoices, you sell your invoices to the right factoring company. This is how the improved cash flow of invoice factoring works:

  1. You do Business as usual by providing a product or service to your clientele.
  2. If you sell things or provide services, you should send an invoice to your consumers.
  3. Invoices “raised” are “sold” to a factoring firm. After confirming that the invoices are legitimate, the factoring business will pay you the first instalment of 80-90% of the total.
  4. Your clients will make payments directly to the factoring company. If required, the factoring company will pursue payment of the invoice. The factoring company collects payment at the end of this process. The factoring company may receive the sun from a client.
  5. Once the factoring business has been paid in full, they will pay you the balance due on the invoice, less their charge.

Invoice Factoring Example: Calculation

Steve’s Business requires assistance to keep positive cash flow and agrees with a lender to a business factoring arrangement. The cash advance percentage under Steve’s agreement with The Invoice Company is 70%, so when he generates and files an invoice for 50,000$, The factoring company takes advances of 35,000$.

As we’ve discussed, credit management is a possible benefit of the factoring system. If Steve’s clients were late with a payment, The Invoice Company would contact them on his behalf and warn them that the account was past due. In severe circumstances, lenders will take legal action if required; these credit management services are a significant advantage of factoring.

After the client has paid, The Invoice Company gets the payment, and Steve receives the remainder of the invoice amount less the Invoice Company’s expenses. In this scenario, Steve would pay around 2000$ in factoring fees. Therefore, he would get approximately 13,000$ after the buyer paid. Steve’s consumers would also be aware that he uses a factoring company.

Recourse Vs. Non-Recourse Factoring

The basic steps of invoice factoring is the money due to your company, but what happens if a client doesn’t pay?

If you choose to pursue a remedy, you’ll be responsible for paying the associated costs of the outstanding account. However, under a non-recourse arrangement, the lender would take on the loss, protecting your company’s access to cash flow. Non-recourse financing shields your company from the consequences of a borrower defaulting on a loan. It’s natural to assume that if the lender is taking on additional risk or additional fees, the cost of the factoring facility will increase to compensate.

When deciding the main difference between recourse and non-recourse, consider the nature of your interactions with your slow-paying customers and the likelihood of non-payment. Even though you’ll have a skilled credit control system working to reduce this probability on your behalf (a perk of factoring), you may want to weigh the potential benefits against the additional costs associated with a recourse facility.

Advantages of Invoice Factoring


When you use a factoring service, the time it takes to be paid for your receivables is cut short. The resultant financial surplus might then be allocated to many good purposes.

Therefore, comparing interest rates is part of a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of factoring. Further benefits should also be tallied. A cost-benefit analysis should consider the following advantages of sales invoice factoring.

1. Increase in Capital Markets Sales

Invoices may be paid faster anywhere between 30 and 90 days after being sent to the customer. An expanding company, however, needs money to invest in acquiring or producing more inventory to keep up with customer demand.

Additionally, suppliers of goods or services may be pressing for payment within 30 days. Consequently, this might cause a serious shortage of resources, which in turn can stunt development.

Thanks to invoice factoring, it is no longer necessary to wait for creditworthy clients to pay sales invoices. As a result, the working capital cycle is reduced. More money is available for the next round of purchases or manufacturing expenses needed to fulfill sales orders.

As a result, small business administration may raise their gross profit margin, speed up their sales growth, and better serve their customers.

2. Avoiding or Minimizing the Accumulation of Bad Debt

Bad debts are a reality that often affects small firms to the tune of 2.7% of revenue. Accounts receivable factoring, however, might help minimize or even do away with bad debts, depending on the net terms of the deal. For this reason, we must also include this in our calculations.

The factoring provider must take on the risk of bad debts if you want to use their non-recourse factoring service.

Therefore, advances provided to you will not often need repayment if bills are not paid. But there are circumstances when the factoring company may not pay. However, with a non-recourse factoring agreement, the expense of bad business loans is completely covered.

A recourse factoring agreement requires you to pay for any overdue bills. Debts will decrease regardless of whether or not AR management is part of the arrangement.

When you outsource AR management to a factoring business, they will do credit checks on your new clients, which should decrease bad debts. In addition, a factoring business will use a dedicated group of experts to handle the unpleasant work of recovering overdue bills.

3. Fees Saved on Managing AR Systems

Your Business may save money on accounts receivable management expenses by working with a factoring company. The factoring service will cover the cost of things like credit checks. The time and effort spent on responsible for collecting late payments will be eliminated.

Also gone will be the expenses incurred via the purchase of stationary to send out notifications and statements.

The amount of money you save on administrative fees will be proportional to the number of sales invoices you generate. The monthly number of sales invoices will determine the yearly admin cost. Reallocating staff time to higher-value activities may also provide benefits.

4. Time Saved in Managing Cash Flow

If you choose to factor in your sales invoices, you may be certain that you will get most of your invoices’ cash value within 24 hours.
That makes forecasting and controlling cash flows a lot less of a hassle. Therefore, you or your finance manager will spend less time juggling the cash flow projection due to clients that pay late.

Additionally, it will lessen the frequency with which suppliers contact you about payments, thereby cutting down on administrative expenses.

5. Fewer Requirements for Alternative Financing

When you sign into a factoring arrangement, an initial advance payment is made against your present accounts receivable.

These advance funds, often between 85.0 and 95.0 percent of the single invoice amount, will immediately improve working capital. This reserve of liquid assets is replenished when new invoices are sent out to customers.

The need for other invoice funding forms, including bank loans or overdraft facilities, may be minimized or even eliminated via factoring. For this reason, interest savings on other kinds of working capital financing will be the first positive factor in your cost-benefit analysis.

6. Rebates from Vendors

With more money on hand, you can pay your suppliers more quickly. As a result, you may potentially save money via early settlement discounts or stronger vendor negotiations.

Your negotiation position with potential new suppliers might also benefit from better liquidity.

Furthermore, your company’s creditworthiness will increase due to increased liquidity, making it easier to qualify for other forms of financing at competitive interest rates.

Disadvantages of Invoice Factoring

While it’s natural that you want to be paid what’s due to your company, it’s important to be aware of the financial and operational drawbacks of invoice factoring.

1. Customer Reliance

The creditworthiness of your clients is a key consideration for the factoring firm when deciding whether or not to accept your invoices for financing.

The selective factoring businesses will likely not take on your accounts if they have a history of late payments from your consumers. As a result, they may be hesitant to take on your bills due to potential loss.

2. The Price

This sort of financing might be restrictive due to the costs involved. A factoring company’s service fees are typically between 1 and 5% of the entire invoice amount. Consequently, you’ll need to weigh the cost of the loss against the benefit of having cash now.

If a cash flow problem arrives, it may make sense for your company to wait for client pays rather than pay more for invoice factor. There can also be some hidden fees involved.

3. Lack of Control

When you factor invoices, you allow a third-party organization to handle all aspects of the invoicing process on your behalf. This bothers some company heads since they don’t want a third party to have access to their financial records.

You should feel confident in the legitimacy and financial stability of the factoring process before applying. If you work with a reliable factoring service, you can know that everything will happen as planned.

4. Obligations & Liabilities

You should be aware that you may be liable for any outstanding bills. The factoring company collects payments, so you shouldn’t expect them to go out of their way to find consumers who are late on payments.

You must either pay the outstanding bills or submit a replacement invoice for the same amount if you have a recourse invoice factoring arrangement.

How Much Does Invoice Factoring Cost?

The cost of invoice factoring can vary based on several criteria, including the total value of the invoices being factored, the nature of the Business requesting the service (small business factoring vs invoice factoring pros for medium-sized businesses and large companies), and the perceived risk level of the lending partner.

Expenses are divided into the transaction fee and the discounting or factoring fee (discount rate). For example, bad credit protection services and early service cancellation may incur extra costs or a small fee.

The factoring fees charged by a factoring enterprise vary widely. However, the main factoring cost, often called the discounting rate, is a percentage of the total value of the sales individual invoices that are discounted.

There is a possibility that the discounted rate, which is typically between 1% and 3%, will be a flat price. Or, the factoring companies’ charge might shift as the length of time of unpaid invoice. To give you an idea, the factoring costs maybe 1-2% for the first 30 days, and then 0.5% for every ten days outstanding.

Variables such as invoice volume, total invoice value, and client creditworthiness go into the calculation of factoring rates. The specific days it takes clients’ pay may also play a role in determining your factoring rate.

However, the factoring rate of many small businesses includes all or almost all of the expenditures that the Business incurs. Many businesses, however, charge for extra features and amenities on top of their standard rates which can cause cash flow issues. Consequently, while calculating a return on investment and comparing factoring quotations, it is essential to have a business bank account for all the different fees.

Factoring companies may charge additional fees associated with factoring, such as those for a credit check, managing the invoices, sending the payment, and a possible chargeback. A minimum monthly charge may also be required under certain factoring agreements.

How Invoice Factoring is Being Used to Improve Cash Flow?

Debt factoring helps firms by providing access to their receivables within 24 hours of a request being made. Because it streamlines the entire process by skipping the lengthy wait times typically associated with invoice payments, it has become particularly popular among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Debt factoring’s capacity to boost poor cash flow is, by far, the largest advantage it offers. Enough money is essential for every company’s development and day-to-day existence with minimum extra fees.

When a company is paid the full invoice amount directly in cash, that money may be reinvested into the company without delay. The gap between sending an invoice and being paid is closed, allowing the Business to take on additional work without negatively impacting its cash flow.

As a result, trade capital is increased, which is crucial since many enterprises lack access to alternative financing sources and must rely on small business owner savings or an expensive bank loan in a business bank account to remain afloat. Therefore, accounts receivable are often a valuable time and asset for a business. Growth, though, will stall if you can’t get your hands on some quick money.

Picture this: your company is approved for debt or invoice factoring. That would open the door for you to:

  • Increase your workload.
  • Business costs must be met.
  • Spend money on tools and materials.
  • The emphasis should be on expansion, with no necessary interim.

Customers and clients are likewise attempting to control their cash flow, which creates a vicious cycle for many organizations. Because of the disruption to the seller’s financial flow, paying them sooner is not recommended.

The factoring system, on the other hand, helps both parties involved by accommodating clients who are late with their payments, managing extended payment periods, and pursuing payments without jeopardizing existing customer relationships. Meanwhile, the company can concentrate on maintaining its growth with faster access to funds for rapid reinvestment with only small extra fees.

How Do Companies Qualify for Invoice Factoring?

Invoice financing may be as useful for new and small businesses as for established ones. There are several criteria for growing businesses with a limited operating history that use invoice factoring to determine who is eligible for their services.

  • The total and country of origin of the bills you’ve submitted for payment
  • Duration of Time
  • Possible dangers
  • You are responsible for your own company’s credit and reputation.

This last element is less crucial since the factor’s main concern is the viability of the third-party company that is indebted to them. The creditworthiness of your consumers is more important to factoring firms than your own.

For small businesses with less-than-perfect credit or just starting traditional factoring companies might be a great way to get the capital they need. Because of this, startups and enterprises with low credit scores may pay somewhat higher rates.

Invoice Factoring Vs Invoice Financing

Besides having the same first name and comparable application scenario, that’s where their similarities stop. Here are the key differences: Invoice financing enables you to utilize your invoicing as financial evidence that you will repay the lender in advance.

To put it simply, invoice finance is the big commitment of selling outstanding invoices to a third party (also known as “accounts receivable factoring”). Factoring businesses, other lenders, and several factors are all names for the same kind of Business that makes loans on outstanding bills.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, every business today that regularly sends out sales invoices may gain from using invoice factoring from traditional factoring companies. However, those above must be incorporated to calculate the full worth of such advantages.

The full value of the advantages will often outweigh the fees associated with invoice factoring companies. However, factoring may not be the answer for every firm. So, it would be prudent to study the costs and advantages before signing any factoring and invoice financing arrangement.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.