Net 30 billing is a prominent and well-known flexible invoicing choice for businesses. Most organizations realize that occasionally providing consumers with more flexible payment choices is important to have invoices paid on time.

If you allow them enough time to pay, you can more precisely forecast when payments will appear in your bank account. This is also advantageous to their accounts payable divisions.

It is a standard invoice payment period that is the default option for many firms. But what does net 30 mean, how it works, and if it’s right for you is all dependent on your business, your goals, and other factors.

In this comprehensive guide, you can learn all you need to know about it to get clients to pay early.

What Does Net 30 Mean for Businesses?

The term “Net 30” on invoices indicates that a client has 30 days to settle the whole amount of their invoice. This straightforward concept can be used for a variety of economic activities, including bookkeeping and customer service. It is one of the payment methods utilized by businesses.

An invoice provides transaction information such as the sale date, the name of the goods or service acquired by the client, the price, and the option of a “Net 30” payment. A company may use the phrase “Net 30” to specify that a customer must make payment within 30 days after receiving the invoice. It is also best to download a Net 30 invoice template from Moon Invoice to start customizing the invoice directly, saving both time and resources.

On invoices, use straightforward terms so they know what to expect. Because incentive discounts are frequently incorporated into this billing, your incentive discounts must be appropriately identified on the invoice and in the accompanying communication. If you impose late payment penalties when a client pays late, you must state them clearly.

When Does Net 30 Begin After the Invoice Date?

Commonly, the term “Net 30” means that the client must make the payment within 30 days of the invoice date. However, it can also be used to describe the time after purchase, product delivery, the end of work, and so on. Days following receiving the invoice may also be included in shorter terms.

Everything depends on the kind of invoice you’re submitting, the particulars of your first client agreement, and your flexibility with the deadline. This should be made clear in your contract and on all invoices.

To receive immediate payment from clients, make sure the customer is aware of it and that it is reflected in any contracts you enter into with them, whatever the situation may be.

What are the Advantages of Using the Net 30 Payment Term?

A popular and well-known flexible billing option for enterprises and small businesses is net 30 billing. These payment terms are preferable for several reasons, including extending credit. Here are a few illustrations:

Purchase Incentives

The net 30 credit term’s main benefit is that it promotes buying. Giving customers some payment flexibility increases their propensity to buy from small businesses because it gives them more time to collect the necessary finances. You can impose fines for late payments, too.

Maintain Your Competitiveness

If the majority of your competitors provide net-30 credit terms but you still demand early payment from customers, your ability to compete in the market suffers. By receiving your payments in shorter business days, you also maintain good cash flow.

Increases Trust and Customer Loyalty

A net 30 payment period shows your clients that you believe in them. This makes it easier to form strong ties with them and, over time, establish a loyal clientele and get them to pay early without nagging.

Working with Big Businesses

Many large firms have laborious payment procedures, and numerous signatures may be needed before an invoice can be paid. Some businesses or individuals only make monetary transfers once a week, twice a week, or once a month.

Client Services

Providing credit terms to your customers can improve your ability to forge bonds with them and win their loyalty. That is a great trick small businesses can use to increase their likeability and gain trust.

Securing Contracts and Finding New Customers

The payment conditions of a vendor are regularly taken into consideration by businesses. They might prefer you over another supplier if you offer “net 30”.

What are the Disadvantages of Using Net 30 on Trade Credit?

Due to this payment term, the finances of smaller businesses may land in jeopardy. Longer trade credit periods may prohibit your organization from having enough cash flow to fulfill its debts. It is a good payment option used by a wide range of businesses but comes with a few disadvantages that are discussed below.

Cash Flow Constrained

Credit expansion may create cash flow problems. Smaller businesses generally require faster payments to continue in more business. It creates longer payment terms for the net amount.

Possibility of Late Payments

Even if you charge late fines and offer rewards for early payment, your customers may still pay beyond the payment due date.

Possibility of Nonpayment

Unfortunately, businesses do not always pay their payments on time. If you’ve given them credit, your only option may be to sue, which may not always be possible based on the amount owed.

Cost of Opportunity

When your cash flow becomes twisted up in the credit you’ve provided, you won’t be able to buy supplies or other items and services your company needs to expand or take on additional work. As a buyer, you may pass up supplier discounts.


Credit is usually unavailable to small enterprises and startups. Especially for small businesses with limited credit, it is not an option.

Net 30 Vs. Due in 30 Days

Giving credit terms to your clients is a risky business move. When done properly, it significantly improves the financial stability of your business. If you execute it improperly, you will undoubtedly incur big losses.

The purpose of this table is to emphasize the key distinctions between “net 30” and “due in 30 days.”

Net 30 Due In 30 Days
The phrase “Net 30” in business means that a customer must pay the full amount due within 30 days. If it reads “due in 30 days,” payment is to be made in 30 days.
Some businesses offer incentives to clients, such as “2.5 percent 10, net 30,” to encourage payment before the legally required 30 days have passed. Despite being widely used, the term “due upon receipt” can be interpreted as “not urgent” because it does not specify a deadline.
When completing duties or mailing items, weekends and holidays are taken into account. Examples of potential inducements include gift cards, freebies, future credits, and complimentary items and services.

Examples of Net 30 Payment Terms

The Net 30 payment term is used commonly:

2/10 Net 30 Term

A 2/10 net 30 means that the amount balance can be paid by a discount of 2% if the buyer pays within the first ten days. As a result, the “2” denotes the percent discount (2%) and the “10” denotes the due dates (10 days out).

Net 30 EOM

“Net 30 EOM” is used by businesses on their invoice to receive payments 30 days after the end of the month. If your trusted clients has agreed to this term, then payment is due within 30 days.

3/10 Net 30

If a customer pays within ten days, they will get a 3% discount. If the customer has not paid within 10 days, then the entire amount is due 30 days after the invoice’s due date.

Net 30 Alternatives to Consider

For organizations that will be offering trade credit to their clients, “Net 30” is one of the most commonly used terms for invoice payment. However, in addition to its advantages, it has substantial risks and cons. The financial status of your firm may also have an impact on how you differ between payment periods.

To assist you in determining the appropriate payment terms for your firm, we investigated several payment choices that are suitable substitutes for Net 30 terms.

Net 10

If you provide “Net 10” terms, your customer must pay you in full within 10 days of getting the invoice for your products or services. This quick payment term is suitable for small firms with limited cash on hand since it enables you to offer respectable credit conditions while bringing in cash more quickly than Net 30 terms.

Net 15

When customers sign an invoice that reads “Net 15,” they commit to paying you in full within 15 days of receiving the paperwork. Net 15, like net 10, is an appropriate length for enterprises with little cash flow. Consider using this basic phrase for bills from new clients and late payers. It is best for a new business.

Net 60

If the term “Net 60” is used, payment is due 60 days following the date of the invoice.

A payment period of 60 days is excessive for a small business and would most certainly have a detrimental impact on operations. If you own a small business and wish to use net 60, we recommend that you limit your clients to those who are loyal, trustworthy, and reputable. It can help a new business grow in the long term and incentivize customers to pay early.

2/EOM net 45

Customers who pay by the end of the month under 2/EOM net 45 receive a 2% discount. If the net amount is not paid before the end of the month, the client will forfeit the 2% discount. The full payment is due 45 days after the invoice is issued.


For small to medium businesses, it is important to maintain trade credit and keep the limited cash flow in proper order. To avoid cash flow issues, it is beneficial to set up common invoice payment terms net terms, offer early payment discount offers, offer trade credit, etc. To encourage customers to pay early or within a specific date, a small business owner in a good financial position can offer some discounts.

Small business owners can even employ invoicing software like Moon Invoice to maintain business finances, prompt payment, and encourage clients to pay immediately, always to hold a profit margin. As far as profit margin is concerned, you can opt for a profit margin calculator to get the exact idea of earned profits. With automated reminders from invoicing software, you can also receive overdue invoices and receive payment while maintaining a good relationship with clients. It will keep a record of late fees, non-payment, late-paying clients, longer payment terms, etc., for many businesses to help a business well over long calendar days.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.