GAAP accounting principles are a set of rules that covers all the intricacies and requirements of corporate and company accounting. In addition, standardized accounting procedures developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are GAAP-based.

Companies that trade on U.S. stock markets and indexes and provide financial statements to the public are required by law to prepare their books in accordance with GAAP principles.

What is GAAP in Accounting?

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles is an abbreviation for GAAP. GAAP Accounting Principles (GAAP) are a set of long-evolved accounting principles and are widespread practice within the industry. Organizations use it to track their money systematically by keeping accounting records, summarising those data in financial statements, and making certain supporting information public.

Using GAAP concepts ensures that all organizations’ financial statements are prepared according to the same standards, making it easier to compare them.

Most companies only utilize GAAP procedures for reporting their financial results in the United States. However, most nations use a system of accounting called International Financial Reporting Standards or international accounting standards board (IFRS). When compared to IFRS, GAAP is more rule-based.

Since the focus of IFRS is on broad concepts rather than specific rules, the IFRS body of work is far more concise, organized, and straightforward than the GAAP reporting process. However, due to IFRS’s incompleteness, GAAP principles are now regarded as the more thorough accounting standard.

Understanding GAAP

The following are some of the many areas that GAAP extends to cover:

  • Display of Financial Statements
  • Assets
  • Liabilities
  • Equity
  • Revenue
  • Expenses
  • Alliances in business
  • Hedging and derivatives
  • Equal Value
  • Money from abroad
  • Leases
  • Money-less exchanges

GAAP accounting rules and regulations permit or mandate treatment that deviates significantly from the generally accepted practice for certain accounting transactions. In recent years, the FASB has tried reducing the number of sector-specific accounting rules, particularly in revenue recognition.

Pro forma accounting, on the other hand, is a non-GAAP financial reporting approach that may be compared with GAAP accounting practices. International Financial Reporting Standards are the worldwide analog to the U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (IFRS). Currently, 166 countries utilize IFRS as their accounting standard.

The GAAP accounting standards assist in maintaining order in the field of accounting. The goal is to control and standardize accounting terminology, assumptions, and practices across all sectors. Revenue recognition, categorization of balance sheets, and materiality are all areas that GAAP addresses.

The overarching purpose of GAAP is to guarantee completeness, uniformity, and comparability in financial reporting. This facilitates the analysis and extraction of relevant information from the company’s financial records, such as trend data over time, for the benefit of investors. It also makes comparing data from other firms’ financial statements easier.

The 10 Key Principles of GAAP

1. The Rule of a Single Entity

According to the idea of a company acting as a legal entity unto itself, the company’s books and records should be kept independently of those of the owners or other companies. A parent corporation must keep track of its subsidiaries’ assets and liabilities independently of its other divisions. If this rule weren’t in place, there would be no way to conduct a reliable financial audit or comply with tax regulations if many organizations were involved.

2. The Concept of a Monetary Unit

Each transaction must be recorded in the company’s chosen unit of currency. All transactions in the financial statements must be recorded in the same currency unit. Not all transactions should be recorded in the same currency.

3. Revenue Recognition Principle

This concept emphasizes that income and expenditures should be recorded when earned rather than when the cash is received. You’ll see accumulated revenue and costs on the company’s income statement. Suppose the accountant has any reason to suspect that a supplier will not be paid. In that case, s/he should record the transaction in the allowance for dubious accounts.

4. Full Disclosure Principle

All businesses require complete transparency, and all relevant information and financial data must be made available to the public. By adhering to the full disclosure concept, businesses may guarantee that their stakeholders will not be misled by any hidden information that might affect their investment choices. Equally important, this principle assumes prevents enterprises from engaging in dishonest practices. Furthermore, no purposefully disguised financial data exists that should be freely available.

5. Going Concern Principle

The very name implies that the company will continue operating indefinitely. It also means the company can’t just shut down tomorrow and sell off its assets at rock-bottom prices. Based on this theory, a business can put off paying for certain costs later.

Accounting professionals must include in their report if they have doubts about the company’s viability as a going concern. The accountant must reduce the value of the assets to their liquidation value in the event of a liquidation. An organization is considered worth more as a continuing concern than if it were liquidated. This is because, under the former scenario, the firm still has a possibility of being successful.

6. Specific Time Period Principle

Invariably, the end of the accounting period is noted in the income statement. Additionally, the income statement, financial statements, and cash flow statement all include both beginning and closing balances. The goal is to make sure everyone is on the same page about the time frame that the firm is using for its financial reports.

7. The Materiality Principle

Under GAAP rules, the accountant has to take a cold, hard look at everything. There will always be mistakes made while doing accounting. The bookkeeper, however, must evaluate whether or not the error warrants further investigation. Whether or whether an accountant chooses to disregard a $10 mistake is one such example.

8. The Conservative Accounting Principle

According to GAAP guidelines, all expenditures should be recorded as soon as possible after they are incurred. On the contrary, the bookkeeper should only tally revenue when there is a real cash inflow. This rule is useful while keeping track of shady business dealings.

9. Matching Principles

The matching principle expects that organizations utilize the gathering premise of bookkeeping and match business pay to costs of doing business in a given time span.

10. Historical Cost Theory

Companies should adhere to this approach by recording the cost of products, services, and fixed assets at the time of purchase. Then, despite changes in the asset’s market value, corporations continue to report it on their balance sheets at its original, depreciated value.

How Does GAAP Work?

Financial reports must be issued regularly by all publicly traded firms. They must contain income, expenses (both recurring and one-time), taxes paid, profits, and more. They do this for their investors, creditors, benefactors, and the taxpaying public.

A shrewd investor always keen to know how money comes in and goes out of the business and how business makes money. Similarly, it would help if you believed that the data you have gathered about a corporation is reliable.

Firms would have no consistent convention by which to disclose these financials. Investors would be unable to make reliable comparisons of the financial situations of various companies if they employed diverse ways of reporting the information included in their financial statements.

Any company’s financial statements are always will be reliable as they are made up using GAAP standards and they must comply with the following standards.

Recognized: GAAP standards specify what elements—income, assets, liabilities, and expenses—should be included in financial statements.
The accounting rules also specify how much of each item is to be reported.

Method of Presentation: GAAP standards specify which line items, subtotals, and totals must be included in aggregated financial statements.
GAAP standards also offer investors context for the information presented in financial statements by highlighting the elements of the comments that are most relevant to the investment decision-making process.

Who Follows GAAP?

Accountants use GAAP rules and standards and other financial professionals to prepare and present the quarterly financial reporting required by the U.S. publicly listed corporations.

GAAP’s primary purpose is to provide thorough, accurate, and consistent financial reporting across organizations; it impacts investment choices by facilitating investors’ capacity to compare corporate performance objectively.

GAAP standards do not have a unified definition, and their application varies by region and sector. However, for filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), GAAP compliance is required. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Publicly listed corporations must meet both SEC and GAAP regulations.

Compliance Rules

Suppose a company’s shares are traded on public markets. In that case, the SEC requires that its financial statements be prepared a certain way (SEC). To maintain their listings on U.S. stock exchanges, the Securities and Exchange Commission requires publicly traded corporations in the U.S. to produce GAAP-compliant financial statements periodically.

A suitable auditor’s opinion, based on an external audit by a CPA firm, guarantees GAAP conformity.

Lenders and creditors prefer businesses that use GAAP even if they are not required. When a company needs a business loan – the majority of the lenders mainly financial institution needs business documents and accounts which adheres to GAAP principles. Therefore, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are followed by most corporations in the U.S.

Investors and independent accountants should exercise caution if they see a financial statement not produced following GAAP. Even within the same sector, analyzing the financial statements of various firms without GAAP would be exceedingly difficult. Financial results may be reported using GAAP and non-GAAP metrics by certain firms.


GAAP is primarily used in the U.S. Around 110 countries use IFRS.
GAAP principles require splitting liabilities into current and non-current. IFRS does not have such a classification.
GAAP procedures prefer the LIFO method for the value of inventory. IFRS does not recommend LIFO.
Only the cost model can be used for valuing the fixed asset. IFRS also recognizes the revaluation model in addition to the cost model.
Intangible assets are valued at Fair value. Intangible assets are valued based on future economic benefits.
GAAP principles prefer a risk and rewards model. IFRS is in favor of a control model.
All development costs are expensed under GAAP accounting principles. Some development costs are expensed, and others are capitalized & amortized.


While these GAAP principles aim to increase openness, there is no assurance that organizations using them will produce error-free financial statements (both intentional and unintentional). Several examples of corporations using GAAP intentionally mislead investors by manipulating financial data. Financial statements should be carefully reviewed regardless of whether or not a firm uses GAAP.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.