We use estimations daily in business and real life. Accurate project estimation is crucial since your project’s success is at stake. As a project manager or business owner, your top goal is to adhere to the deadlines and financial limitations of the project.

Eventually, your project’s success depends on accurately estimating project hours. To plan the work required to accomplish your project, take into account the timeframe, costs, scope, risk, and other elements. All of these elements are to be noted by project estimation techniques.

The estimation process helps you decide whether your project will be successful. If you decide to proceed, they are crucial for accurately forecasting projects. Let’s define project estimation methods, list the things that need to be estimated, and discuss the importance of estimating project hours.

What is Project Estimation?

It is the procedure of estimating a project’s timeframe, budget, and resources. It takes into account the project’s scope, deadlines, and potential risks and typically takes place during project planning or project initiation.

Clients are informed about project completion costs and timeframe through project estimating methods. The project manager must convey to the client that the project will be valuable and that they will receive a return on their investment. If the project is approved, the project manager will need to use these estimation techniques to create a practical plan for completing it on time and under budget.

In general, the process of determining the time, cost, and resources needed to carry out a project involve reviewing the data of similar projects that is currently available. Scope, budgets, timeframes, and risks are frequently taken into account during project estimation.

Using software for project management has its advantages. A web-based project management program offers the features needed for project planning, monitoring, and reporting in addition to assisting with cost, time, and resource estimation.

Importance of Cost Estimation in Project Management?

Businesses must consider all of their financial restrictions. Therefore, project managers need to be careful to create precise cost estimates.

A budget that provides enough funds to complete a project on time and follows quality standards is made possible by cost estimation.

This additional work of assigning funds to certain projects helps the team stick to the overall budget and avoid irrational spending. Furthermore, it helps project leadership identify potential overages so that resources can be relocated as needed to cover costs.

There are several benefits to accurate estimates and cost forecasts, some of which include the following:

Increased Planning Accuracy

When you can correctly estimate the activities and resources required to complete the job, you will be able to simply develop a work breakdown schedule, assign tasks to staff, and stick to anticipated timeframes.

Increased Margins of Profit

Inflation, unplanned events, and improperly assessed workload are just a few of the factors that can drive up job expenses during a project, making it more difficult to complete the work on time and meet profitability goals. Accurate estimating helps you maintain cash flow and benefit businesses by taking into account both anticipated and unplanned costs.

Improvement in Resource Management

You can make sure you have the specific proficiency required to accomplish each delivery, discover resource shortages, employ more workers as needed, and take on new projects with confidence if you have greater insight into the tasks and timeframes required to finish work.

Improved Client Interactions

When clients understand the “why” behind a project’s pricing, it helps to establish trust with them and gets them ready for adjustments to the project estimate as the project moves forward. Better working relations result from this initial top-down estimate.

Enhanced Brand Recognition and Customer Retention

You’re more likely to make clients happy, gain their repeat business, and get more recommendations when projects are finished on estimated task duration and within project costs.

How to estimate project hours? 7 easy steps

When calculating your team’s project hours, take into account the following steps:

1. Analyze the Project’s Scope and the Skill Levels of your Teams

The first step in calculating project hours is to look at the project’s scope or final objective. This can help you better understand the project and any associated tasks. The scope declaration may also specify deadlines or budgetary constraints. This will help you create advance level professional estimates.

Secondly, it could be problematic if project managers place too much importance on the numbers and not enough on the people.

Adequate project estimation is a crucial step for businesses. This is because it is simpler to project estimate someone’s workload the more you are familiar with their work and demeanor.

2. List the Tasks in Detail

Following a review of the project’s objectives, create a list of all the tasks involved. You might find this information in the execution plan, depending on where your project is in the process. If you are only starting to plan the project, think about collaborating with a project team to divide it into smaller tasks.

You can mark your originally planned timetable as the project progresses, compare it to your actual work, and make notes about any potential issues and how they may have affected your level of effort.

3. Gather Data for Each Assignment

You can estimate upcoming projects after this. To complete this challenge, you can use several strategies. Inquiring about the individual who completes the assignment is a typical strategy. The team manager or leader may also provide you with an estimate customized to your department. As an alternative, you might conduct your independent research or use project management tools to estimate.

For new initiatives, you can surely use old data. When historical data of past projects is preserved, you can analyze the information to provide more precise estimates.

4. Include the After-Hours Time

These might be specialists, employed professionals, or independent contractors. Additionally, you can figure out the number of hours required by researching each activity separately or by looking at estimates from comparable projects.

5. Consider the Time Spent on Revisions

Depending on the project type and industry, you may need to rework or readjust your tasks. These hours can be required for reviewing or revising the work. Think about asking the professionals who handle these tasks for advice. These hours can vary significantly depending on the project, so it’s preferable to receive a precise estimate from someone familiar with completing the job.

6. Remember to Factor in Backup Hours

You can include backup hours to plan for unexpected cases. Hours set aside specifically for contingencies allow for last-minute changes. This is optional and subject to change depending on the industry.

If the occurrences had not occurred, your team would have completed the project earlier than anticipated. Your team may complete the task 10 hours sooner if, for instance, you allow for 10 contingency hours for shipment delays and shipping goes according to schedule.

7. Add up Each Component

As soon as you have gathered all of the data, you can calculate the hours. This includes all commitments, both internal and external, as well as time for review and emergencies. Professionals often spend hours rather than days writing the final estimate. This allows team members to work on multiple projects at once and accounts for the possibility that a variable number of specialists may be needed to complete various jobs.

8. Examine and Amend the Estimate

Once you have a final estimate, check the number to make sure it is correct. This number can be used to discuss it with your team and to compare it to other initiatives. Consider evaluating a project to determine why it appears to be significantly higher or lower than earlier, comparable endeavors. If you collected information from different team members, you can compare the tasks and decide what action to take next. You might raise your total number of hours and receive a more accurate estimate if you do this.

Example of Project Hours Estimate

Here is how you can estimate the number of hours needed to complete a project:

Assume you are in charge of managing a project for a construction company. You are estimating the project hours at the start of the project estimation process. When estimating the project’s expenses and completion date, the estimate must be used appropriately to adequately incorporate all relevant facts.

Before you can estimate, you must create a list of all the project tasks. You should also get in touch with each member of the project team to inquire about their specific estimates and availability.
It’s time to look over the final numbers and judge their accuracy by comparing them to numbers from comparable endeavors.

Project Time Estimate


  1. Creating plot layer and eco-ready reports, developing property-owner database, etc.
  2. Creating waypoint files for plot centers and local GPS units for field crews.



Total Hours: 20 Hours
Project Coordinator:

  1. Create and format the project.
  2. Contact parcel owners for plot access permission.
  3. Train volunteer data collectors.
  4. Conduct quality assurance at checkpoints.
  5. Data entry


Total Hours: 251 Hours
Field Crews:
8 Hours/day * 3 person crew
Total Project Hours: 1791 Hours

Estimating Projects and Tasks in Moon Invoice

Moon Invoice makes it simple to keep track of the durations of all your jobs and projects. When it comes time to estimate your upcoming project, you will have everything at your disposal. Any information on what went wrong, what was learned, and what could make your project operate even more smoothly will be visible to you.

You will also have access to details about who contributed to the project, the tasks carried out, and any modifications made along the road.

When using Moon Invoice to plan your project, you can quickly select task lengths, account for weekends and vacations, keep track of your critical path, and provide notes to note assumptions you made on length estimations.

Automated estimation can be a key to your business’s success. It is possible to plan for costs, length, scope, and other project-related difficulties. Once the project gets underway, things get quite exciting. If you want to deliver your project successfully, you need online management software that can track your time, scope, and cost in real time.

Here is how you can create estimates on Moon Invoice step-by-step:

  • Open the Moon Invoice app or web page.
  • Click on Sales Module
  • Go to Estimate.
  • Click on the ‘+’ icon to generate a new estimate.
  • Fill in details like line items, date, number, and description.
  • Finally, click on the ‘Save’ icon.

Ready to start accurately estimating your projects and tasks?

With Moon Invoice, your businesses can accurately forecast project costs and get a detailed view of resources, availability, and budget.

Try For Free Now!


Even experienced project managers are prone to mistakes that alter the project’s scope, cause delays, and put personnel under too much stress. Thus cost estimating is a crucial step that requires expertise and understanding. Based on the estimated findings, you will obtain the software’s architecture and the necessary document outlining the project scope.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.