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Explore More Features

Explore Features
March, 2022

macOS users can now greet the UI-friendly company design to manage all the company information on a single screen easily. View the company to check the redesigned UI that includes managing currency, print settings, payment methods, notes, taxes, signature, and many more options via a single screen.

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Explore Features
January, 2022

Android users are lucky to explore the 'sales receipt' feature on the first go. Now, users can add and issue quick sales receipts to their customers and clients by entering the correct payment details and choosing the right payment type from the dropdown menu. Users can also preview, customize, and print the sales receipts on the go!

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Explore Features
December, 2021

Android users can now customize their dashboard screen by applying the necessary filters. Choose from the contacts and summary filters to get the required data on your Android screen. Check and uncheck the summary items you wish to display or hide on your dashboard screen.

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Experience the Single Button Invoice Share

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