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Explore More Features

Explore Features
Apr, 2024

We have enabled duplicate options across all modules that will make your data management process a breeze. In simple words, you don't need to learn different options in every module. You can familiarize yourself quickly with a new module taking less time and effort. With this new addition of features, we aim to improve your user experience and save valuable time.

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Explore Features
February, 2024

Say goodbye to the complex approach to analysis of your billing process. Now, avail the summary report feature recently introduced by us. Switch to this latest feature that enhances your analysis. Also, the new time log report attribute boosts your time tracking and analysis potential with “One Tap”. While fixing some minor issues we have promoted the user-centric concept to the next level. Enjoy the online billing process and tracking with the newly launched features in this terrific tool.

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Explore Features
January, 2024

Say goodbye to the hassle of handling bills and welcome a more streamlined approach to your billing processes. With our new tool, you can create, manage, and track purchase bills effortlessly. Convert purchase orders to bills with simply a 'Click.' Also, we have rolled out our new Payment Module, and it's here to make your financial life much easier. This nifty tool is seamlessly integrated with our Bill module so that you can handle transactions more smoothly than ever before.

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Experience the Single Button Invoice Share

Let's getting started. Here, we have more than 5,00,000 users on the platform and many of them started to use new features with 1 easy step as below and see how it's quick, easy and professional

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