Contractors and freelancers are independent contractors who provide services for multiple clients and companies. However, they have distinct ways of operation and generally work in varied industries.

Despite their similarities, contractors and freelancers have various employee benefits and requirements.Hiring an independent contractor is a tough decision to make. The comparison of independent contractors and freelancers in this article will help you in determining which is ideal for you.

What is a Freelancer?

Freelancers are independent contractors who are paid for each job or task they do, typically on a project-by-project basis. Working for oneself rather than an employer is implied by the term “freelance.” Freelancers, often take on work when available.

Freelancers are not regarded as employees of a business and are therefore able to work on multiple projects concurrently for different people or companies unless they have a signed contract obliging them to do so until a specific project is done.

Employing independent freelancers is not just quicker, but also more quick, but also comparatively efficient. You need not worry about completing tasks or getting things done as freelancers can be hired in and assigned with needed tasks. You can build an entire team for any last minute project that may come up.

Freelancers provide a wide range of functions for your company. You have a wide range of options as a freelancer, including writing, editing, consulting, marketing, designing, ICT, virtual administration, social media management, and other professions. With higher degrees, the majority of independent contractors work for themselves.

What is a Contractor?

Contractors are any individuals or organizations engaged on a contractual basis to do services for another individual or organization. These are experts who lend their temporary knowledge or expertise to businesses. They might be bound by a contract for a certain period, a set number of hours, or for the duration of a project.

Contractors have two options for working for themselves: either setting up their own limited company or doing it alone. Contractors are self-employed and seek out their clients.

However, an umbrella firm or agency may also work with contractors. Employees of a company may not even be required to identify their customers because they can make use of those that the company has already identified.

While hiring for a project, it becomes a lot more comfortable to get contract workers, as they provide dual features. They can be flexible as freelance workers, but also are bound to some extent. You an keep headcount to be fixed for the entire year.

The business will also cover the contractor’s taxes and general liability insurance for contractors. They may work on one or many projects at once, regardless of whether they are employees or independent contractors. Additionally, an independent contractor can typically work for a range of companies if they have transferrable talents.

Difference Between Freelancer and Contractor

When referring to work that will be outsourced, the phrases freelance worker and independent contractor are sometimes used interchangeably.

In general, a “person or business that executes a contract to deliver commodities or labor to perform a service or achieve a project” is referred to as a contractor.

The Mode of Hiring

The recruiting procedure can help you determine if a self-employed worker is an independent contractor or a freelancer. This provider then distributes the task at hand among many people. At the month’s end, the vendor is paid and they can in turn pay each contractor.

Independent freelancers, on the other hand, always work alone.

Duration of Agreements

The typical hiring period for independent contractors and contract employees is lengthy, ranging from three months to a year and maybe longer. Additionally, the engagement takes more time than usual because contractors usually work exclusively for a single client during the duration of the contract.

Contrarily, agreements with independent freelancers are often much shorter. Numerous companies hire independent freelancers for a certain task or perhaps just one day.

Work Performed

As the employer, you have more power to regulate a contractor’s working environment. Because the employer has the power to require individuals to work a specific number of hours, they might not be able to set their own schedule. Similarly to this, a freelancer you hire to handle system backup and maintenance duties might need to work when the rest of the team is not. Specific time constraints are outlined in their contracts.

Type of Work Done

Although not always the case, freelancers typically engage in different types of tasks than independent contractors. Many companies use an independent contractor to do recurring, routine work. These tasks could involve managing personnel, carrying out repairs, and analyzing data.

Since businesses are unable to control the timing, location, or other needs of their job, businesses frequently hire freelancers for non-recurrent, irregular assignments. Freelancers are widely used in the marketing, media, and creative sectors.

Selecting Budgets

Independent contractors are supposed to set their own rates. The options available to them are project-based, daily, or hourly billing. Additionally, they are in charge of billing consumers, collecting payments from them, and arguing over prices. For contractors, whose work is often backed by an agency, the situation is slightly different. The agency is in charge of deciding on item own rates and informing the client of it.

Finally, here is a quick illustration of freelancers vs. contractors to help you understand these two concepts, which are comparable yet slightly different: independent contractor vs freelancer.

Freelancers Contractors
A self-employed person who is responsible for self-assessing their own taxes Self-employed and responsible for self-assessment tax filing and payment
Possibly set up as a limited company or a single proprietorship Might be founded as a sole proprietorship or a limited corporation.
Provides services often on an hourly or daily basis to several clients at once. Works only on one client’s project at a time, dedicating several months to it.
Works frequently from home or their location. Primarily operates out of the client’s office.
The media, marketing, and creative industries use it most frequently. Most common in the IT industry.

Freelancer Vs Independent Contractor: Which is the Best Option for your Business?

Now let’s look at which self-employed options best satisfy the needs and objectives of your business.

The Work Effort Required by your Firm

Take into account how much effort will be needed to finish the project you are starting. Do you only need a quick, one-time project finished?

Compared Costs Of Both Options

In general, independent freelancers are less expensive than contract workers. A contract employee typically charges more because they are employed for a longer period and have fewer clients to serve at once.

However, depending on the kind of work you need to do and how skilled you want your freelance workers to be, it is possible to hire expensive freelance workers.

Project Duration Required

Freelancers work on shorter tasks that typically only require a few hours, whereas contractors typically work on longer-term projects. Knowing the internal project scope clearly can help you determine which function is more appropriate for what you have in mind.

Level of Control Required

Independent freelancers typically work alone. This implies that until the work is completed and in your possession, they don’t check in or provide options for you to monitor progress. If they are stationed in your office, a contract employee will provide you with more control over their work and how they satisfy your needs. You might want to stay away from utilizing a freelance worker if you want to keep some control.

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Final Thoughts on Working with Freelancers and Contractors

It’s critical to find the best partner for your own business expansion demands. To maintain a healthy relationship with your hired contractors and freelancers, maintain records of their working hours, and tasks, and bill them correctly. This can be achieved easily by using automated cloud invoicing software like Moon Invoice. Don’t forget to check out our FAQ section for more info.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.