To run a successful consulting business, you must keep track of your billable hours and send client invoices for the hours worked.

To be paid for all the services, each consultant in consulting industry must keep meticulous records of the time spent working on the project. They must also send invoices to clients regularly.

It is also crucial to keep track of billable hours and charge clients accordingly. Consultants who want to be paid must keep meticulous time records for each project. They must also bill their customers regularly.

This blog will discuss methods for invoices as a consultant and tips for profitable consultant invoicing. Let’s get started!

How to Invoice as a Consultant?

Consulting provides specialized knowledge in a particular field from an external source. They implement policies or provide advisory services in exchange for payment. This professional service is a one-person show, has billions of transactions and is very profitable.

However, consulting services require proper accounting, just like other business endeavours. Consultants must produce expert consultant invoices explaining their benefits, work hours, and the amount due to avoid confusion.

The format of a consulting business invoice is comparable to that of other commercial invoices.

Steps to Create an Invoice for Consultants

Whether you’re a consultant or a small business owner, invoices need to be properly prepared and contain all the necessary payment terms. An invoice, essential accounting, and a legal document attesting to a consultant’s services.

Are you ready to understand how to invoice as a consultant? To efficiently plan, create, manage, and send clients invoices for the work you performed, follow these general steps.

Add Invoice Number

The first step is to add an invoice number. It is simple to overlook an invoice without a specific invoice number. These numbers serve as identifiers, making it simple for you and your client to refer back to this data in the future. To make understanding easier, add the numbers in numerical order.

Include the Invoice Date

After the client’s information and contact details, phone number, including the date, the invoice was created. This data is helpful to invoice clients because it makes it simple for both parties to locate the specific transaction in question.

Track your Hours

The most common way consulting services bill their clients is via hourly billing. You must use software or effective time trackers to keep track of your billable business hours for such a system. You can figure out the total amount that should be on the invoice by keeping track of the hours and multiplying them by your hourly rates.

Include Professional Headers

A streamlined invoice header is necessary. Use a bold, readable font to make the purpose abundantly clear whenever “invoice” is mentioned. You can also include your company logo to help your client remember your business or agency.

Mention the Contact Details of your Clients

Give the specific invoice a space for the contact and payment terms. Invoices are used for more than just accounting purposes; they also make it simpler for either party to contact the other in an emergency or to ask a question. You can also mention the billing address.

List your Services

The itemized list of services should be stated when billing as a consultant in the same manner as the product description in any commercial invoice. Remember to include the hourly rates, total hours worked, and subtotal when organizing the data into columns.

Mention the Payment Terms

Payment terms are another crucial aspect. Don’t forget to include the payment method and the schedule of late fees. You should talk about the available payment options before signing the contracts. Keep your payment methods flexible to avoid payment delays brought on by incompatibility between them. Track invoices to keep records of payments.

Date of Payment Due

The payment due date is a crucial element of an invoice that encourages prompt payment. Put the payment due date in bold to make it very clear to your clients.

Indicate the Total Amount Due

At the bottom, in a legible font, is the total amount due, including applicable taxes and a late fee. This makes it easier for the customer to determine how much they owe you.

Invoicing Tips for Consulting Services

Invoicing Tips for Consulting Services

Many consultants need to generate invoices so that their clients can complete payments. Invoices act as legally enforceable contracts between a consulting firm or independent contractor and its clients as they are evidence of the services provided and the money owed.

The way consultants invoice customers depends on their specific accounting requirements. You may speed up the billing process and be paid more quickly for your consulting job by utilizing these invoicing tips.

Be Sure to Log your Hours

When you work as a consultant, only your billable hours are important. Similar to other professions that necessitate extensive on-hour tracking. There is some pressure on how you set up your workday as a freelance consultant. Create a system for keeping track of your working hours. This process needs to be simplified and customized for you.

Automate, where Possible

One of the essential invoicing tips is automating repetitive, routine administrative tasks whenever possible to save time for your billing department.

Time: One way to handle this is to automatically track your hours instead of checking the time, manually record them on paper or in a digital note, and keep track of your tasks. Time-tracking software automates the invoicing immediately for you.

Filling Professional Invoice Details: Another automation strategy is to use invoicing software. Moon Invoice, a cloud-based and on-premise billing and invoicing solution, can create professional invoices for you. Moon Invoice will even fill in the invoice date, number, business contact information, and logo. It can even handle recurring payments to maintain cash flow by creating invoices and sending them to your clients to recover at least partial payments.

Be Polite

Even though it can seem trivial, being polite in your interactions with clients regarding invoices might help you be compensated for your services. By adding a brief note of gratitude at the bottom of your invoice and by always being courteous in the accompanying emails you send, you can raise the proportion of invoices that are paid.

Assign an Invoice Date and Number

The consultants are required to issue each invoice with a unique invoice number and issuance date. For consultants and their clients, the invoice numbers act as references and facilitate future citations. The invoice’s date is crucial since it affects the due date for payments and is used in accounting to establish the invoice’s due date. Using the serial number as the invoice number and the fiscal year as the fiscal year is one technique to assign numbers.

Submit Invoice Promptly

Send an invoice as soon as your work or project is complete. Several days or even weeks after the job is completed, a bill shouldn’t be sent. Sending invoices after the fact will only lead to payments being made after the fact, which will negatively affect your cash flow. You also keep in mind all the wonderful work you did for your client by promptly sending out invoices. Psychologically speaking, that also means that they are more likely to pay that bill!

Provide a Range of Payment Choices

If you accept a range of payment options, it will be simpler for clients to pay you as a consultant. When payment is made simply for customers, they tend to pay their bills more quickly. Accepting cheques and other standard payment methods is usually good, but you could also want to accept mobile payments online. Even better, you can set up regular prices for your clients, so their accounts are automatically paid on a defined schedule. You can take recurring payments using the cloud-based accounting software you use. You can even charge late fees if the client does not follow the late payment policy.

Why do Small Business Owners Need Consultant Invoice Templates?

The consulting invoice template was developed for consultants who want expert invoices that speed up payment. By utilizing several online tools and templates, you may quickly create professional invoices while saving time and money.

One of the most critical accounting tips for small businesses or freelancers is simply modifying the consulting invoice template to suit your needs.

This kind of invoice form can be used by both independent consultants and business owners of consulting firms. You may instantly download a variety of custom-made consultant invoice templates from Moon Invoice that can be customized to your business’s needs.

Streamline Your Finances with Efficient Invoicing

Moon Invoice makes invoicing faster and easier, so you can get paid quickly and easily.

Try it for free now!


Whether you’re a consultant or a small business owner, invoices need to be created with accuracy and thoroughness. A consulting invoice is a crucial accounting document that can be used in court to prove that the consultant provided the services. The consultants must automate billing or invoicing to avoid errors that result in overdue invoices and payments being lost or lower than expected.

As a result, if you’re looking for consultant invoice templates to create your first consultant invoice, you should start with our guide to invoicing, which has all the payment details you need. You can also generate an invoice using our free invoice maker, Moon Invoice.

If you don’t want to spend time creating your professional invoices from scratch you can use free consultant invoice template provided by Moon Invoice.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.