Managing cash flow is crucial for every firm, whether you are a rookie or an experienced businessman. However, you can’t take your company to the next level by mastering the ins and outs of accounting for your chosen billing model. For example, invoice advance payment is one of the most common payment structures. Thus upon taking a closer look it’s essential to know about it if you work in accounting.

Advance billing refers to an invoice in which the client is charged before the service is delivered. It’s the standard method. You may ask for money upfront before providing goods or services.

Making payments in advance helps you get your hands on operating cash flow without taking on unnecessary risk. Record them as such if you want to take deposits or total payments in advance.

Invoice payment is in the advanced system, but you need to know where to begin; we’ve covered you. Here, we’ll explain what advance billing is, why it’s useful, and how to handle payments sent in advance.

There are a few advantages to advance billing that arrears billing lacks.

  • Billing may be easily automated.
  • Before a job begins, cash flow is available to use as seed money.
  • The collection process is simplified since payment is required before services are provided.
  • Immediate short-term credit credit was created for new customers and a cash flow crisis is averted
  • Schedule and payments are consistently up to date for recurring services.

In case prepayment is a novel concept for your company and its clients, it’s essential to be aware of the following arguments against advance billing:

  • Suppose the task comes in under budget or is terminated before completion. In that case, you may need to offer a refund or credit to the client.
  • Billing for overtime must be postponed until the following statement.
  • Up-front operational costs might be off-putting for customers who would rather see results before committing.

What is an Advance Payment?

A prepayment is a term used to describe a transaction in which money is received before a service is rendered. Invoicing for project management services, for instance, is done according to the agreed-upon deliverables.

Unlike traditional billing, advance billing is collecting full payment before work has begun on a project. Payments in advance may take the form of a deposit, a prorated portion of the amount, or single lump money.

Risks may be mitigated, and the immediate operating capital requirements can be met via accepting advance payments. Whether deposits or complete payments, all advance invoicing need effective record-keeping and accounting.

Advance Invoice

Suppose you want to charge your client or customer before delivering the goods or performing the service. In that case, you should issue an advance invoice. With an advance payment invoice, the issuing company may establish clear payment conditions and know when they will be paid for the goods or services they have provided.

Having their expenses covered in advance is a significant advantage versus waiting for payment after the service has been rendered.

Many businesses of varying sizes may benefit from this method of advance billing. Advance invoices are a great way to collect money. They may be used for everything from covering the labor cost on large projects to the overhead of delivering a smaller product or subscription box. So how do you manage advance billing?

The subscription model is a terrific method to automate and shift advance payments. Depending on the subscription model, clients may be able to prepay for many renewal periods. Minimum contract durations may also be used to guarantee future date income.

For advance billing to be effective, an invoice must include the following details:

  • Your organization’s name and address.
  • The client’s name and address are provided.
  • A unique invoice number.
  • Specifics about the VAT details
  • Invoice due date.
  • Specified services and merchandise.
  • Payment conditions and due dates are specified explicitly.

What are the Benefits of Advance Billing?

Advance billing has numerous advantages:

  • For regular clients, setting up automatic payments is far less hassle.
  • The business has sufficient funds to pay its upcoming operating expenses (helps to manage cash flow).
  • When opposed to typical billing methods, advance billing may be easily automated.
  • Less need of time hunting down payments with advance billing.

How is Advanced Billing Managed in Invoicing?

Your company may start collecting money from consumers even before the items are sent or the services are finished, thanks to the ability to issue bills or regular invoices in advance. In addition, revenue is recorded at discrete intervals during the service duration via an advanced billing process. As a result, income and expenses related to the project may be tracked in the same accounting period.

An advance bill invoice consists of two parts: the accounts receivable section and accrual. You may find the AR section of the invoice in your AR aging report, where it acts and appears the same way as any other regular invoice. The difference is that instead of crediting a revenue account, it will be credited to the deferred income accrual account you choose.

Instead, the accrual section should be seen as a credit note. The standard debit to AR would be replaced with a debit to the deferred revenue account you choose.

Advance billing from a client for their invoices must be carefully recorded in the books. Posts to the general ledger and an identification of the money received are typical next steps. Finally, payment may be allocated adequately after the goods and services linked to it have been invoiced.

Type of Advance Payment

The first step is to classify the kind of advance payment, which is further determined by whether or not the products or services have been provided.

Revenue is earned from a consumer for a product or service that has been supplied to them in whole or part. There has yet to be a bill for this amount.

Unearned income is money received as payment for products or services that have not yet to been completely delivered or for which the buyer has not yet received any benefits.

Developing a deferred revenue account is essential. You owe the consumer money; thus, taking a deposit from them creates a current liability for your company.

Making sure the prepayment is credited to the correct client and payment terms cash account is crucial. If this is a brand-new client, you’ll need to set them up as a separate entity in your books. However, specifics about the earned revenue or unearned revenue in such account must be provided.

How to Account for Advance Invoice Payments Received?

It is essential to keep accurate records if your company receives the project’s income in advance. In the accrual method of accounting, pre-earned income is treated as a debt. However, advances are classified as current liabilities when received within a year.

Cash must be debited, and the correct customer account must be credited in the same amount when recording a prepayment. Therefore, when debits are recorded, costs, dividends, and assets like cash and machinery increase while liabilities and shareholders’ equity decrease.

An invoice must be sent to the client once the service has been rendered or the product has been delivered. Include the deposit amount on the invoice and subtract it from the total due. The completion of service delivery and the customer’s receipt of a bill constitutes revenue, not the actual receipt of cash. Therefore, recording the transaction in your accounting records journal is necessary.

Advance Billing vs. Billing in Arrears

Business owners may either charge their customers in advance or after the fact. Customers are charged in advance of the completion of the service or job. Arrears billing is when money is owed to the business from a client after the service has been delivered.

One billing approach, like recurring customer payments, may be more appropriate depending on your company’s needs and preferences. In addition, there are benefits and drawbacks to each charging structure.

Let’s see a few reasons to know the distinctions between invoicing in advance and invoicing after the fact to learn about advance payment invoicing:

Advance Billing Billing in Arrears
You may jumpstart the project using the money you get through advance invoices and billing. However, some clients prefer to wait to pay upfront to see the final result. With billing in arrears, you may demonstrate the quality of your work before requesting money. Thus, charging in arrears is more efficient for establishing customer confidence. However, you must also have faith that consumers will pay their bills.
With advance billing, you are not responsible for collecting payment. However, if extra labor or supplies are required, you will need to send the client a new invoice, delay payment processing. With billing options in arrears, you incur the danger of persistently pursuing customer payment. In certain instances, these outstanding debts may be overlooked. However, you may put the amount for the whole project on a single invoice, even if there are revisions.
With advance billing, you are more likely to offer a refund. This may occur if a customer cancels a task before completion or if the job is finished for less than the initial estimate. Refunds are significantly less familiar with invoicing in arrears since money is not received until after completion.

Best Practices to Keep Track of the Advance Payment

If you’re thinking about making the transition to advance billing cycles, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Take into account whether or not charging in advance is the most efficient approach for specific clients and tasks (for a better customer experience, you can personalize)
  • Create, transmit, and track bills with the help of third-party applications.
  • Carefully check your books to ensure that advance payments are being appropriately allocated.
  • Instead of recording these transactions with a reverse entry, you should credit the revenue account.


When handling payments from repeat customers, advance billing is an intelligent strategy. If customers know they can count on the product or service they paid for; they are more likely to remain loyal to the company, thus improving accounts receivable.

However, careful planning and record-keeping are necessary to record the appropriate revenue numbers in your financial statements.

Use Moon Invoice’s customizable invoice software, such as the Revenue Recognition and Deferred Revenue reports, to automatically produce advance invoices for scheduled recurring payments and collect late payments.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.