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Explore More Features

Explore Features
November, 2021

We have redesigned the company and contact screens for delivering a better user experience to our Windows users. Adding contacts and managing business analytics is more fun with the new screen.

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Explore Features
September, 2021

iPhone and iPad users can now experience the latest UI changes while managing contacts and their recent activities with an improvised dashboard view! With the recent activity dashboard view, managing contacts & their updates is quick!

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Explore Features
August, 2021

Now mac users can mark their invoices as paid to eliminate the settlement confusion. Yes, we have added an exclusive new invoice feature, 'Mark as Paid.' Also, now users can access the direct payment view option in the invoice. The App and PDF Settings screen has been revised with a few updates. And, the users can now explore more modules in the Duplicate options.

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Experience the Single Button Invoice Share

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