When it comes to billing or invoicing – most of us consider them the same. In the corporate world, bills and invoices are often interchanged. There are distinguishing qualities between the two, although they are roughly on the same trajectory. It is necessary to understand these terms in order to receive immediate payment with respect to the services rendered. Let’s investigate billing vs invoice in depth!

Not only do business owners owe it to their clients but also to themselves to educate themselves on the financial instruments they will employ daily in a business transaction. Regarding billing vs invoice, it may be challenging to determine the distinction between the two papers and when to utilize each when you as a business request payment. So, keep on reading to know the exact difference between an invoice.

A misunderstanding might result in tragedy since it can cause anything from a bit of inconvenience to significant financial loss. While reading this article, you still have a question: Is an invoice a bill? Or is an invoice the same as a bill? Does accounting software generate both?

So, in this blog post, we will lay down the clear difference between billing and invoice. Let’s begin with what is an Invoice.

What is an Invoice?


When it comes to invoice and billing, an invoice is a document that details the items and services a business gives to customers and who is responsible for paying for them against services provided.

The accounting system and invoicing process of a small firm are built based on invoices. Your client’s payment due date and the services you provided are included on an invoice. In simpler terms invoice is a document requesting payment.

Small businesses rely on invoices to be paid for their services, making them vital to their operations.

The Oxford English Dictionary describes an invoice as “a list of items shipped or services rendered, with a description of the price payable for them; a bill.”.

When you send an invoice, you’re asking for money to be paid to you within a specific time frame, like within 15 days (What the customer owes to the business). Since an invoice is a demand for payment, it’s usually sent after the acquired goods or service is delivered.

Invoices are also unique in that they show the existence of credit since the seller will not be paid immediately but at a later time.

An invoice serves these purposes

  • When a firm asks a customer for money, it is through invoices.
  • Payment is requested by issuing an invoice sent out before the money is received.
  • An invoice records the products or services sold to the firm for accounting reasons.

In the end, we can say that an invoice is a description of costs presented to the customer by the vendor (for a product sold or a service provided) What was delivered is listed and described, along with the customer’s due date and payment terms.

What is a Bill?


In invoice and billing, The amount of money owed by a consumer to a firm is known as a bill. Customers are likely to pay for things and services they obtain or utilize. As a form of payment, it is either printed or written out. Every business has its own billing process.

A bill refers to providing evidence of a transaction to both the seller and the purchaser.

Most retail enterprises use billing, such as grocery and merchandise shops, restaurants, and eating places that need customers to pay for their goods or services in advance.

Let’s have a quick look at the key features of bill and billing statement

  • In advance of the payment, the consumer receives it.
  • For the goods or services given, it serves as proof of the transaction between the parties.
  • The consumer is responsible for paying any invoices issued by a third party.

Therefore, you must be quite explicit at this point about billing vs invoice. They are different. Now it’s time to look at the comparison chat between the term bill and invoice.

Difference Between Billing and Invoice

As we are clear that billing and invoicing are two different terms – here is a comparison of billing vs invoice. And keep in mind that whether you use a bill or invoice – accounting software will always help you to get paid faster. You may consider it as a comparison chart.

Billing Invoice
A bill is considered a business document. For retail services, it is often utilized for one-time and upfront transactions. A transaction’s proof is the fundamental function of these records. A one-time or recurring invoice, depending on the kind of invoice that is being sent. To collect a payment, companies provide an invoice to customers who purchase products or services on credit.
When a transaction can be completed in a single sitting, it is more common to utilize a bill. If the consumer pays for and gets the products or services promptly, they are being utilized. For customers who have bought products or services on credit, invoices may be recurring and are routinely used to seek prompt payment.
Restaurants, retail shops, shopping malls, salons, and grocery stores are just a few places where this practice is common. In addition to tracking sales, invoices are used for inventory management, recording income for tax reasons, and more.
It’s common for a law to provide simply a little information like pricing and taxes. When dealing with a restaurant bill, the only information we have about the consumer is the table number. Invoices contain the following:

  • The word “invoice” appears at the top.
  • Contact details to reach the company
  • The invoice number
  • a brief description of goods and services sold
  • Per-unit prices, as well as an overall sum due
  • Terms and conditions for making a payment

The following is an illustration of the differences between billing & invoicing in accounting

As soon as a customer gets an invoice from a company, they treat it as a bill and pay what they owe. The firm then offers a receipt as evidence of payment.

So, that was the key difference between billing and invoice in billing vs invoice. Now let us look at which situation we shall use a bill and when we shall use an invoice.

When to Use a Bill vs Invoice

A bill might be less formal than an invoice, but why? When making a one-time sale, people prefer to use cash instead of using a bank card, which means they pay at the moment of purchase and delivery of the products or services. Customers get them practically immediately after they pay for products and services.

Talking about the invoice, possesses a formal outlook. Its core purpose is to initiate a payment request for clients. Business owners may share it with clients before or after the completion of the service. Ready-made templates are the best options for simplifying the invoicing process. For instance, a professional graphic designer may use a logo design invoice template to craft an accurate invoice in less time.

Bills may still be utilized for instant transactions; they’re also necessary for bookkeeping in most businesses. Even if products and services are paid for promptly, an invoice is almost always utilized in B2B transactions. As a result, accounting procedures are made easier by the use of formalized invoices.

However, while dealing with customers, it’s critical to remember that invoices exist for one specific reason: to recover overdue payments. A basic bill is all you need at a restaurant or store.

Could One Document Serve Both Purposes?

Like the trash vs. treasure comparison, your point of view matters when figuring out the difference between billing vs invoice. You may bill Mr. John for his suit by creating an invoice. You may send him an invoice through email. After receiving the paperwork, he’ll have to pay a fee for the service. The same thing has happened, In various ways.

Are the terms “bill” and “invoice” synonymous? A suit may either be invoiced or billable to your customer. In either case, you’re delivering a billable document to your customer.

Nonetheless, you don’t always have to use both phrases when you’re discussing the subject of money. I have to pay my expenses now since I am obligated to that effect. “I have to pay my bills today,” is not a common phrase to hear. It’s also been used as a synonym for the perks of working. “I’m not crazy about my work, but it covers the bills,” he says. “It pays the bills” is not said.

Although the terms “bill” and “invoice” might be used interchangeably, there is a rationale for their existence. When it comes to the simplicity of communication that bills and invoices provide, they cannot be overstated.

Invoices and bills are used for fundamental administrative and communication reasons to keep everyone on track.

Automate Bills and Invoices with Moon Invoice

There is no end when it comes to billing & invoicing or the difference between an invoice and bill. Still, we are witnessing a rapid shift to reliance on technology by all-size businesses. And one such technology is preparing and sending bills using online invoicing software.

Yes! Online billing software is becoming a helping hand to businesses as it can serve multipurpose. You can create invoices with a clear description of the product sold or service rendered, send them to the customers with payment terms, track payments, collect immediate payments online, prepare and analyze business reports, and much more.

Whether you require bills or invoices, the Moon Invoice will simplify your job by automating the whole process.

Invoices may be generated in a matter of seconds thanks to Moon Invoice’s automatic invoicing software! Using our pre-made invoice templates, you may invoice your customers more efficiently. Using our invoice generating software, you can customize your invoices to fit your industry and begin sending them to several customers at once.

Users of Moon Invoice may now include various standard payment options in their bills. Bills may be sent with payment integration, enabling your customers to pay your bills without needing to open their banking app. Yes! It will be easy to receive online payments.

The relationship between a company’s financial well-being and its overall success is direct. Our web-based billing software provides more than fifteen financial business reports with a single click. These reports may help you improve your company’s operations. These reports may also help you make sound business choices.

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End Note

So, that was all about billing vs invoice from our end. Any of them is considered a commercial document issued. Customers may still refer to invoices as ‘bills,’ even though companies use the term “invoice” to describe these papers. In other words, the next time a client calls to complain about anything on their “bill,” remember that they may be referring to the invoice you just sent them.

Let us know if you still have something more to add to the difference between billing and invoice.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.