Have you ever found yourself drowning in invoices, trying to match them to purchase orders and receipts?

Manual invoice processing, payments, incorrect entries, and lost invoices can quickly become a nightmare, especially for small businesses needing a dedicated accounts payable team. Invoicing is a crucial aspect of running any business. Yet, it is also one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks.

Fortunately, there is a remedy – automated invoice processing! It is a technology that automates the invoicing process. It streamlines the invoicing process using artificial intelligence and machine learning, making it quicker, more accurate, and less error-prone.

This blog will cover automated invoicing, how it works, and how you can automate your invoicing process.

What is Automated Invoice Processing?

As a small business owner, invoicing can be one of the most tedious tasks on your to-do list. Fortunately, invoice automation is here to save the day!

So, what is automatic invoicing? Simply put, it is a technology that automates creating, sending, and tracking invoices.

Invoice automation processing uses technology to automate the tasks associated with handling and processing invoices.

The process typically involves digitizing invoices, extracting key data elements such as invoice numbers, dates, and amounts, and matching the invoice with the corresponding purchase order and other related documents. Once the invoice is validated and approved, the system generates a payment and sends it to the vendor.

Organizations may be able to process more invoices in less time by dramatically reducing the time and resources needed for invoice processing. It can also help organizations to manage cash flow better and improve vendor relationships by enabling them to process invoices more quickly and accurately.

How Does Automated Invoicing Work?

It must now be clear that invoice automation is the solution you need to streamline your invoicing.

But how does automated invoicing work? Well, it all starts with digitizing invoices. It means converting paper invoices into electronic format and extracting relevant data. Or you can create or receive digital invoices using invoicing and bookkeeping software. Once the invoices are digitized, they are processed by software to match purchase orders and receipts automatically, verify their accuracy, and generate invoices.

Automated invoicing typically involves several steps, varying depending on the software or system used. Here is a general overview of the process:

1. Invoice Capture: The first step is to capture the invoice data, which can be done by scanning or uploading a digital copy.

2. Data Extraction: Once the invoice is captured, the software will extract the critical data elements such as vendor name, invoice number, date, and line item details. It typically uses optical character recognition(OCR) or other data extraction technologies.

3. Validation: The system will then validate the invoice to ensure that it matches the corresponding purchase order or contract and that the amounts are accurate.

4. Approval: If the invoice passes validation, it will then be sent for approval to the appropriate person or department based on the organization’s workflow and business rules.

5. Payment: Once the invoice is approved, the system will generate an income and send it to the vendor.

Throughout the process, the software will also typically provide visibility into the status of each invoice, allowing users to track invoices, monitor payment status, and identify any exceptions or discrepancies that need to be resolved. Automated invoicing aims to streamline and optimize the accounts payable process, reduce errors, save time, and improve cash flow management.

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Automated Invoice Processing Workflow

The automated invoicing workflow aims to streamline and optimize the accounts payable process, reduce errors, save time, and improve cash flow management.

Here is an essential design for workflow automation:

  1. Invoice Management Automation Workflow
  2. Paper or electronic invoices are used to collect data as the invoice arrives.
  3. OCR technology automatically collects the invoice data and feeds it into the accounts payable (AP) system.
  4. The automated system carefully examines each invoice, then compares it to the relevant purchase order.
  5. The system checks the invoice for anomalies against pre-established business standards and validates it automatically.
  6. To prevent delays in the subsequent phases of processing invoices, the accounts payable team is informed immediately of any problems.
  7. The payment is made once all invoices have been approved.

Here is how to implement an invoice automation workflow using Moon Invoice:

1. Create a Vendor Database

Create a database of all your vendors in Moon Invoice. It will help you keep track of all the invoices you receive and avoid any duplicate entries.

2. Set up Automatic Invoice Imports

Moon Invoice allows you to import invoices directly from your email inbox, so you don’t have to spend time manually entering invoice data. You can set up rules to automatically categorize invoices based on the vendor, amount, or any other criteria you choose.

3. Automate Invoice Approvals

Moon Invoice allows you to set up automated approvals, so you don’t have to invoice manually. You can set up rules to automatically approve invoices based on the vendor, amount, or any other criteria you choose.

4. Automate Payment Reminders

Moon Invoice allows you to set up automatic payment reminders for your customers, so you don’t have to manually send payment reminders.

5. Generate Reports

Moon Invoice allows you to generate reports on your invoicing process, so you can keep track of your business’s financial health. You can generate reports on outstanding invoices, paid invoices, enterprise resource planning, check fraudulent invoices and much more.

Benefits of Automated Invoice Processing

Automatic invoicing can help organizations to optimize their accounts payable process, reduce costs, improve cash flow management, and enhance vendor relationships.

It saves time and lessens the possibility of mistakes. Ensuring that bills are processed and paid on time makes improved cash flow management possible. Additionally, it provides greater visibility into the invoicing process, allowing businesses to track invoice status and identify bottlenecks.

Benefits of Automated Invoice Processing

1. Increased Efficiency: It can significantly reduce the time and resources required to process invoices, allowing organizations to process more invoices in less time.

2. Reduced Errors: By automating, the risk of errors such as data input errors, duplicate payments, and wrong approvals is dramatically minimized.

3. Improved Visibility: It provides real-time visibility into the status of invoices, allowing users to track invoices, monitor payment status, and identify any exceptions or discrepancies that need to be resolved.

4. Faster Payments: It can help organizations pay invoices more quickly and accurately, improving vendor relationships and cash flow management.

5. Cost Savings: By automating the invoice payable processes, the risk of errors such as data input errors, duplicate payments, and wrong approvals is dramatically minimized.

6. Scalability: It can quickly scale to accommodate growing volumes of invoices without requiring additional staff or resources.

Automated Invoice Processing: The Solution to your Invoicing Woes

With Moon Invoice’s automated invoicing software, give your small business a competitive edge. Get greater visibility into the invoicing process and let your business track invoice status and identify bottlenecks.

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Steps to Implement an Automated Invoice Processing Solution

Although implementing an automation system can appear difficult, it doesn’t have to be. Check the system for good operation and deal with any difficulties that occur.

To get you started, follow these steps:

1. Define the Scope

Define the solution size by identifying the types of invoices to be processed, the systems that will be integrated, and the invoice processing workflows that will be automated.

2. Evaluate Software Options

Research and evaluate invoice automation software options that meet the organization’s needs and budget. Consider usability, scalability, integration with current systems, and functionality.

3. Plan the Implementation

Develop a project plan that outlines the critical tasks, timelines, and resources required. This plan should also include a communication strategy to keep stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the process.

4. Configure the Software

To meet the organisation’s requirements, including setting up invoice approval workflows, customising fields and templates, and integrating with existing systems.

5. Test the Solution

Test the automated solution to ensure it functions correctly and the workflows and rules are properly configured.

6. Train Users

Provide training and support to ensure they understand how to use the automated invoice processing solution, including handling exceptions and resolving issues.

7. Go Live

Launch the automated invoice processing solution and begin processing invoices. Monitor the system for proper operation and address any issues that arise.

8. Continuously Improve

Continuously monitor and evaluate the system’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes to optimize the accounts payable process.

Implementing an automated invoice processing solution can take time and resources, but the benefits of increased efficiency and reduced errors, and improved visibility and cash flow management can be significant.

How Does Moon Invoice Help in Invoice Automation?

Are you weary of putting in numerous hours manually creating invoices, reminding customers to make payments, and keeping tabs on expenses?

Automation can reduce the workload on accounting teams, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks like financial analysis and strategy development. Invoice automation is essential for any business to streamline its invoicing process and improve its financial operations.

One solution that can help with invoice automation is Moon Invoice. Moon Invoice is an invoicing and billing automation software that offers features like automated recurring invoices, online payments, and expense tracking.

With Moon Invoice, you can automate your invoicing process, leaving more time for fun, like brainstorming new ideas or taking a well-deserved coffee break. It is a superhero for businesses looking to streamline their invoicing process. This innovative accounting software can help you set up invoice automation, payment reminders, and online payment options while tracking your expenses in real-time.

Whether generating recurring invoices, sending payment reminders, or tracking expenses, Moon Invoice covers you. It’s the invoice management solution you didn’t realise you needed but now can’t live without.

Here are some ways that Moon Invoice can help in invoice automation:

1. Automated Invoice Generation: Moon Invoice allows you to create and send automatic invoices to your clients, saving time and effort. You can set up recurring invoices for repeat clients, which will be generated and sent automatically according to your schedule.

2. Payment Reminders: It also automatically sends payment reminders to your clients, which can help reduce late payments and improve cash flow.

3. Online Payment Options: Moon Invoice integrates with various payment gateways, making it easy for clients to pay their invoices online.

4. Invoice Tracking: It provides real-time updates on the status of invoices, including when they are sent, viewed, and paid. It can assist you in tracking your invoicing process and identifying any problems or delays.

5. Expense Tracking: It also provides expense tracking, allowing you to record and categorise expenses related to your business efficiently. It can help you track your spending and manage your finances more effectively.


With the power of automation, businesses can leave behind the days of processing paper invoices and chasing down late payments. For companies of all sizes, automated invoice processing is a game-changer. No longer will business owners have to play the role of accountant and superhero simultaneously. Instead, they can embrace the future of invoicing with software solutions that make invoicing a breeze. It saves time, lowers mistakes, and increases transparency in the billing process.

With the right automated invoicing system in place, businesses can soar to new heights and leave their competitors in the dust. They can focus on what they do best – developing new products and providing excellent service – while their trusty invoice automation system takes care of the rest. By following the steps outlined above and leveraging tools like Moon Invoice, businesses can streamline their invoicing procedure and focus on growing their business!


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.