It has been more than 4 years since the introduction of GST in India, but there is still much confusion about a particular item’s GST rates, and even for many small businesses, the big question is, “What is GST tax?” and How does GST Inclusive Vs GST Exclusive differ?

Consider purchasing an online accounting software if you run a small business and want to save up to 80% on expenses while streamlining processes. Inefficient printing equipment, paper, ink, and other resources are wasteful expenditures. There is just one requirement: automatic invoicing with an inbuilt GST calculation feature.

Preparing actual bill printouts is no longer a requirement due to the modern era we currently live in. Instead, cloud-based invoice management software is now being used in almost every industry due to its wide range of advantages. 

This article will discuss GST Inclusive Vs GST Exclusive  – the definitions, differences, calculations, and critical reasons you need to have the best accounting software for small businesses.

As a result, let’s begin with explaining “What is the GST tax?”

GST inclusive Vs GST Exclusive: Guide to GST  (Goods and Service Tax)

It’s referred to as the GST. In addition, changes were made to the excise duty, the value-added tax (VAT), and the services tax in India. The goods and services tax act went into effect on July 1, 2017, after being approved by the legislature in March 2017.

As a result, goods and services are subject to the Goods and Service Tax (GST). Indian GST is a multi-stage, destination-based tax imposed on all value additions in the country. Goods and services tax is a domestic indirect taxation system under the GST (Goods and Services Tax).

With the introduction of GST, any online accounting software calculating taxes, vat, and other charges changed drastically. Also, with the diversification in businesses and the applicability of different GST under different heads, all sectors need the best billing software for all businesses.

GST Inclusive Vs GST Exclusive: What is GST?

There are two methods to tax goods. Understanding if the price of an item will rise at checkout may be complicated and time-consuming for the average customer. Business owners must realize tax Inclusive and tax Exclusive expenses to implement a system that works best for their company using online accounting software.

Tax-inclusive and exclusive rates assist you in grasping typical tax tactics and managing expenditures by distinguishing between them. So, now we are clear: “What is the GST tax?”

What is GST Exclusive?

In this blog where we are explaining the difference between GST inclusive vs GST exclusive, let’s move to the individual definition of both.

GST exclusive implies that tax is not included in the pricing of products or services. The price includes tax; however, it is paid individually. So, in this case, the online accounting software will calculate it in addition to the rate of item or service.

Now, let us say that if you are into selling electronic goods and using the best accounting software for small businesses (Like MOON Invoice). Now, if you sold a product worth Rs. 5000, which is excluding GST, and the applicable tax rate is 18%. Then the buyer needs to pay 5000 Rs + the 18% GST on Rs. 5000 (Which is 900 Rs.), so the Total would be Rs. 5900.

This implies that the price of the product or service does not include any taxes. In many instances, the phrase “plus taxes” is utilized when you make an invoice of sale using the best billing software for all businesses.

When pricing their goods or services, company owners that do not wish to consider the impact of taxes may choose Tax Exclusive prices. When generating an invoice using online accounting software, this approach also offers a more thorough accounting of costs.

Consumers may desire a clear indication that tax isn’t included in the price, so they know to anticipate a more extensive final bill at the time of purchase.

What is GST Inclusive?

This implies that the price paid for products and services includes tax as part of the total price charged to the customer. Tax is not included in the purchase and will not be delivered separately. In such cases, the best accounting software for small businesses will show the product or service’s value, including GST.

Example of GST Inclusive

Now, let’s take the same example of selling electronic goods. Now, you are selling a product worth Rs. 10,000, which includes GST, and the GST rate is again 18%. So, your online accounting software will calculate the item rate as

Example-of-GST-InclusiveAs a business owner, you don’t need to worry about errors when you have an online free GST calculator to make accurate calculations.

Tax included pricing, mainly using cash methods, is preferable in certain situations for speedy transactions. However, while waiting for the Total at the end of the transaction is more convenient for the retailer, it’s also more difficult for consumers.

Customers will compute a final invoice more quickly if you tell them that sales tax is included in online accounting software. If the cost of your product or service goes up, so will your tax rate.

Tax Inclusion Essentials

  • Customers pay a set price for a product or service.
  • Tax rates are calculated in advance of the transaction; thus, the unit price will be lower before the tax percentage is applied.
  • Tax-inclusive is a common way to describe income tax rates.

When Would You Use the Term “Inclusive GST” in Online Accounting Software?

When the MRP, or maximum retail price, is posted on products sold in retail shops, websites, advertising, or any other way.

In cases when the seller is ready to maintain his price cheaper than rivals by not charging customers GST, and therefore keeping the price inclusive of GST.

As a result of the GST Act, everyone who sells goods or services must be registered. Because GST is not obliged to be paid if he is not registered, the price would be the same regardless of whether GST is included or not.

When comparing prices, it’s critical to remember to take GST into account for the following reasons.

  1. Customers should be informed about the exact price before buying so they aren’t taken advantage of by the vendor.
  2. The consumer should be aware that just because the price includes GST, it doesn’t imply it doesn’t apply to the product or service in question.
  3. Depending on the client and competition types, a seller may decide the right product or service pricing.
  4. Even though the amount charged includes taxes, a seller must realize that GST must be individually stated in the GST Invoice using the best GST billing software for all businesses.

GST Inclusive Vs GST Exclusive: Differences

Generally speaking for GST inclusive vs GST exclusive, Tax Inclusive prices will always include taxes in the Total that you see in the unit pricing, while Tax Exclusive rates will only include taxes applied to your Total at purchase.

Tax exclusive rates will inevitably be lower than tax-inclusive rates, and the gap will become more significant as the sums increase. Please keep in mind that when the market value of a product or service rises, the tax rate will increase proportionally as well.

The distinction between exclusive and tax-inclusive rates may be helpful to a company owner who wants to maximize his profits using online accounting software. In addition, you can better anticipate the total cost when purchasing products and services if you know how to distinguish between flat rates and rates subject to an extra tax amount.

Key Reasons Why You Need to Adopt a Cloud-based Accounting Software

1. Workflow Optimization and Process Simplification


Purchases and receipts, including GST data, may be easily tracked using the best accounting software for small businesses. Trying to find an invoice shouldn’t take hours of sifting through files. Through the web interface, you’ll quickly see all of your online receipts. In addition, you may put a single electronic invoice in a few minutes to multiple receivers.

2. Less Human Errors

Making mistakes while drafting invoices manually increases the likelihood of making mistakes, even in GST calculation. When inputting numbers and prices, it’s simple to make a mistake. Is this true for both manual and automated processes? Your network type has everything to do with it.

Any cloud-based accounting software can automatically fill in those areas on your invoice, saving you time and effort. For example, imagine entering all of your client and customer data into the system. What would happen? In that case, it will automatically insert personal details into the paper, thus reducing the possibility of miscommunication between parties.

3. Customizing Invoices Using Templates Offers Numerous Advantages

Do you have high standards for the marketing of your company? Customers will know where to submit their payments if you brand the receipts with your business name.

You may change the color of the headers or add your company’s branding to the paper with the best billing software for all business customizable invoice templates.

Selecting a specific writing style may remove boxes and lines to make the text more readable and understandable. If you wish to send an SMS, you may use your prototype to streamline the process.

4. The Cost Parameter is the Most Readily Visible


Hard copies of receipts are expensive to produce. Paper, ink, and pricey printing equipment are all required to accomplish the project. Anyone who runs a company, particularly a small business owner, must be thrifty. Spend less money on online accounting software for small companies if you can afford it.

5. Keeping Track of the Company’s Finances and GST Becomes Simple

Different business reports for taxation are required to keep track of the incoming and outgoing cash flow, including taxes. So to make better financial choices for your business, this tool lets you see how much money you’re earning and how much money you’re losing.

Data monitoring is available in all online accounting software, allowing you to maintain tabs on your account and see which invoices are still pending payment. In an ideal world, you’d have a website that enables you to check the financial status of any bills so that you can identify which clients have outstanding debts.

Your accounts department would have more options for managing a client’s account, making debt collection more straightforward for everyone. 

In Conclusion

So, we have covered all the information about what is GST tax? What is GST inclusive vs GST exclusive? What are the perks of having a business? 

With the advent of Cloud Accounting Software, businesses now have a new smart key to unlocking growth and success. Using Moon Invoice’s online accounting software, companies can create or generate online invoice free while staying organized and settling their tax calculation.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for additional information at or +1-805-491-9393 if you’d like to check out our free accounting software for businesses.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.