Here are a few simple questions for you: As a contractor running a contractor business, how do you build a marketing strategy? Putting marketing efforts in the right direction is essential to achieve better results. Do you know what contractor marketing is?

What are the contractor marketing ideas that can help the contracting business?

We have the answers, but contracting business owners often need to pay more attention to the digital marketing strategy and just put their occasional post on social media and think that their marketing is done. Social media posts are just part of it.

In today’s business environment, you need a solid marketing campaign along with first-hand marketing tips for contractors to reach your target audience better. For the same reason, we have outlined this blog of general contractor marketing ideas that may help you to have an SEO marketing strategy to gain potential customers.

15 Best Contractor Marketing Ideas For Busy Contractors Like You

Promoting your construction business effectively is essential to ensuring its continued success in the long run. Because of the nature of the construction industry, it is necessary to have a constant flow of fresh leads and tasks to maintain a successful firm and work with potential clients.

There is no such thing as a job that will remain forever, and every new project you begin will be finished at some point. Contractors need to have the following tasks already lined up to keep their personnel employed and meet their fixed expenditures.

So here are the 15 contractor marketing ideas you need to include either in the social media marketing strategy of your contractor website or in your current ongoing strategy.

1. Create a Modern and Mobile-Friendly Website

Talking about marketing ideas for contractors, the first idea that comes to my mind is to build brand awareness. And that begins with a website.

It’s 2024, my friend; if you are running a business, then you must have a website (that is what your potential customers will be able to see on search engine results pages).

So, create a modern and user-friendly website. But the task continues – put the website name everywhere, like on Google, circulate it in local businesses, get it added to local business directories, etc.

A website is a core part of your digital marketing plan. If you are preparing invoices, add your website name on each invoice, estimate, etc. How? Try Moon Invoice’s contractor invoice template and see how your business logo, name, and website, with other details, fit perfectly into an invoice.

Don’t forget to track and measure website traffic to know how many customers are coming from the website.

2. Claim Your Google Business Profile Listing

Moving ahead with marketing for contractors, Do you know if you have a business profile or page on search engines like Google or Bing that may assist businesses like yours in marketing your service business and acquiring testimonials from satisfied customers?

Claim Your Google Business Profile Listing

Your business will be shown higher in search results when you claim your Google Business Profile, also known as GMB. This will bring more prospective customers your way, resulting in increased growth for your organization.

Google Analytics help the contractor in understanding the positive and negative outcomes of the entire contractor marketing strategies.

3. Use Business Tools

If you ask me for marketing tips for contractors, apart from word-of-mouth marketing, using some professional business tools is pretty helpful in general contractor marketing.

You can use business tools that can send direct mail to your prospective clients, get your time tracking done for the employees, or even manage your expenses better.

One such tool is Moon Invoice – Our innovative business tool lets you create professional-looking invoices and estimates, track time, manage expenses, analytics, etc.

Using such a business tool creates a better impression in the market and helps to gain more business. It can be proven as the best marketing strategies for contractors.

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4. Get The Most Out of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Now that we are discussing how we can miss SEO as the best marketing strategies for contractors?

Regarding contractor advertising or online marketing for contractors, SEO can be a game-changer. Suppose you want to rank higher in local search results using SEO. In that case, you should update the pages of your contractor website and company listings with the appropriate keywords for your industry, specialty, and location.

Google will now consider how well your site displays on mobile devices when determining where to place it in search results. These finer points will be crucial selling points when searching for a local general contractor.

5. Run Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads for New Leads

Have you heard about PPC? PPC stands for Pay-per-click. Regarding contractor marketing for generating leads, PPC is a great tool. Your PPC ads should link to a landing page that prompts visitors to take action, such as making an appointment or requesting an estimate.

Since you can specifically target individuals based on their interests and demographics, internet marketing often generates more quality leads than organic advertising programs for your construction company.

Run Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads for New Leads

You only pay for advertising using Google Local Services’ PPL (pay-per-lead) model if a user provides their contact information in a form designed to generate leads.

6. Be on Social Media

When drafting marketing ideas for contractors, I considered where to rank social media. Because marketing for contractors can only be completed with social media management.

First, you must be present on all social media sites. It is an essential marketing tactic and important for search rankings. Now that you have the account or pages on all sites, post about your contractor services, customer reviews, etc.

7. Invest in Local SEO

Contracting business is more about getting local clients rather than global clients. An SEO marketing technique for acquiring leads, especially in your service region and community, local SEO stands for search engine optimization for local search.

Your local SEO will inspire consumers to immediately take action by contacting you to obtain a quotation or schedule service since they discovered you right in their backyard. This will encourage customers to take action immediately.

8. List Your Business in Directories

Tell me by yourself, is adding your business in directories a great idea? Business listings are an integral part of contractor marketing ideas. List your business page on your contracting community site (online / offline).

You may consider joining. Local business hubs by which you can attract local customers.

9. Do Email Marketing

Are you more into sending marketing messages? Then, take the benefits of email marketing.

Advertising of a business’s products and services via email in order to get new customers and retain existing ones by offering discounts and other incentives. Marketing through email is a great way to let your consumers know about sales, promotions, and other offerings.

It’s a great way to ease customers towards a purchase or to keep them interested in your business in the meantime. It’s also open to anything in the middle.

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10. Make High-Quality Content

As they say, content is the king. There is a proven track record that making high-quality content has always helped the business to get new clients, especially small businesses.

Customers who are considering doing business with you are interested in seeing email marketing, social media postings, and blog articles that showcase the projects you’ve worked on. A piece of helpful material may be the tipping point that causes a customer to reach out to your company for assistance.

11. Get More Reviews for Your Business

Aren’t you taking reviews from your customers once the job is done? What if I tell you that it is the best marketing strategies for contractors? As a contractor, all you need to do is ask your customers to go to your website or social media page – and post a review of your services.

Get More Reviews for Your Business

The new word-of-mouth is online recommendations, reviews, and testimonials. More interactions with customers are needed to close a deal, finish a project, or address a complaint.

12. Use Analytics to Monitor Marketing Campaigns

No marketing ideas for contractors would prove successful if you are not monitoring them.

The numbers don’t lie. Therefore, it’s essential to keep tabs on them. Metrics are available via tools like Google Analytics and Facebook advertisements that show you who is clicking on your advertisements and where they are being seen. This data is crucial for the long-term growth and promotion of your contractor company.

13. Use Video Marketing to Engage Your Audience

Out of the many excellent contractor marketing ideas, conveying thoughts through video is a great way.

Marketing using videos is a very effective strategy for drawing in viewers and getting your message through. These films provide a fun medium via which viewers may learn crucial lessons. It’s a fantastic chance to promote existing projects, clarify complex concepts, and raise brand recognition.

One minute of video may convey as much information as eight million words. It’s a great strategy if you want to provide your audience with a lot of information while keeping their attention.

To effectively promote your general contracting business, you should make educational and valuable films for your target demographic. It’s a perfect chance to give them what they want to hear. Your movies will make it easier for them to take in a lot of data at once.

14. Use Marketing Tools to Manage Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Having a large number of initiatives active at once might make it challenging to keep track of everything. Marketing tools are your company’s solution if you’re seeking time-efficient marketing strategies for contractors.

Tools for marketing provide for more streamlined campaign management. You may choose from a wide variety of campaign-specific tools.

Some of the popular digital marketing tools for contractors are:

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a web analytics platform that helps contractors make data-driven marketing decisions.
  • Hootsuite: Hootsuite allows contractors to manage their social media accounts across many networks from a single dashboard.
  • MailChimp: MailChimp an automated email marketing solution, helps contractors manage professional email marketing.
  • HubSpot: HubSpot is a platform for marketing, sales, and customer care that enables extraordinary customer experiences.
  • SemRUSH: SemRUSH keyword research tool can streamline SEO and SEM operations for contractor businesses. 
  • Canva: Canva is an online graphic design tool used by contractors to create branding, social media, and marketing graphics

15. Use Website Call-Tracking

In the realm of contractor promotion, this is the last step. When investing in digital marketing, it’s important to maximize the value of the information gathered. Call monitoring is helpful in determining the source of inbound leads and keeping tabs on caller information for analysis purposes if numerous individuals are inquiring about your services by telephone.

You may learn more about your customers’ call-to-action by using call tracking. Using it, you can determine which promotional efforts really bring customers in.

Use high-quality call-tracking management software to maximize its benefits. With this tool, you can see call transcripts (valuable content), understand how a lead stumbled onto your company, and much more. Your knowledge of your audience and their experience will increase.

Start Implementing Your Marketing Strategy & Ideas

So, that is it when it comes to contractor marketing or marketing ideas for contractors. Following these tips will help you to get more leads.

Whether you’re looking to expand your online or offline customer base, marketing your contracting firm is essential. You need to put money into your digital marketing strategy if you want to attract high-quality leads and boost sales.

We would suggest that you Try your hands on Moon Invoice’s business tool, which will not only streamline your invoicing process but also help you to create estimates and track payments.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.