If you’re a small business owner or a freelancer, you’re responsible for everything from marketing to bookkeeping to invoicing clients. Follow the methods below to simplify your invoicing system: Today, in this blog, we are going to describe how you can write contractor invoices and what common contractor invoicing mistakes you must avoid.

As a contractor, your time is better spent working in your business than on the task itself while you’re billing clients. However, invoicing clients for services provided is essential for maintaining accurate financial records and timely payment in any contracting company.

You undoubtedly have a number of projects on the go, each with its own set of payment terms, deadlines, and other billing specifics. The first step is to create a system that records data from the very beginning of the project.

If an independent contractor anticipates that a single project will consist of many discrete activities, they may begin billing for each of those jobs separately right from the get-go. In this manner, nothing will be overlooked until the very end, and the bill will be ready to go as soon as the work is completed.

How to Invoice as a Contractor?

A Contractor Invoice needs to be formatted appropriately since contractors operate on a variety of projects, each of which has its own unique set of invoicing conditions and schedules.

On Contractor Invoices, the business details, the billing information, the services supplied, the payment terms, payment method, and any number of other pertinent business particulars should be stated very precisely.

We have compiled a list of some of the essential elements that need to be included while you invoice as a contractor.

Must Include Business details

Do not neglect to pay attention to the specifics of the company. If these details were missing from the invoice, it would be meaningless. You are able to add the logo of your firm as a sign of identity, even if you are working as a contractor.

Provide the customer with as much information as possible on how to get in touch with you in order to make it simpler for them to do so in the event of an emergency.

Make sure the document is titled as an Invoice

Even though the invoice itself is a significant piece of documentation, you need to underline its significance even more by emphasizing it. Make sure that the phrase “Invoice” is highlighted and written in a larger font than the rest of the specifics on the page.

The customers will have a far better understanding of what they are looking at and its function of it as a result of this.

Assign an Invoice Number

It is critical to provide each of the invoices that you send out with an individual invoice number. You may use this information to keep track of every transaction for future reference, thanks to this tool. It will be much simpler to remember the correct sequence of the invoices if you assign them in consecutive order.

Include Client’s Contact Details

It is also extremely vital to provide the client’s contact information in the sentence. When dealing with larger businesses, there is a possibility that they have distinct billing departments, and in such instances, you will need to engage exclusively with those departments.

In the contractor invoice, you should thus be sure to include the name of the relevant department along with all of the other contact details.

Describe the Specifics of the Service You Provide

Make a table to categorize the list of items or services that you have given, and put the list in order from most recent to oldest.

In addition to the amount that is provided, it needs to provide a condensed description of the product. In addition to the rate of pay and the overall sum, the number of hours that were put in should also be indicated.

Include the Terms of Payment and the Method

When you send an invoice with the clarity of the payment method you accept – things become much easier for both the contractor and the client.

The prepared invoice has to have a crystal clear statement of the payment terms and conditions, as well as the manner of payment.

To eliminate the possibility of any more holdups, the payment terms and policy should be explained together with the penalties for late payment.

Include the Invoice Date and the Deadline for Payment

The Invoice Date is another key component of Invoice details. Make sure the due date for payment is very apparent on the invoice. It should be written in a typeface that is simple and easy to read so that everything can be understood.

Mention the complete date to prevent misunderstanding. Also, mention the due date for the payment.

Invoice Your Clients Highlighting the Payment Due Date

Moon Invoice lets you mention the payment due date separately that, helps your clients to remember the date and pay on time.

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End with Total Amount Including Taxes or Other Charges

Even if you give the price per unit of the service or product, it is important that you also mention the overall amount. The customer is able to comprehend the situation and make the payment with much less effort.

To further facilitate its visibility inside the invoice, the quantity should be written in a typeface that is both bold and larger than the others.

7 Contractor Invoicing Mistakes to Avoid

So now that we have everything covered, what are the steps you recommend an independent contractor do when drafting and delivering bills to their customers? But it’s just as crucial to remember what you shouldn’t do while making contractor bills.

Let’s talk about some of the most important things to avoid invoicing mistakes for contractors.

1. Don’t Be Late with Invoices

Your chances of being paid swiftly increase if you submit the contractor invoice to the customer right away. Send an Invoice as a contractor to the customer as soon as you’re through providing services is essential, as mentioned earlier in this blog.

As a result of being reminded of the project, the customer will be able to expedite the payment process. It is less likely that you will forget to charge for anything if the invoice is sent straight away since your memory of the task will still be fresh.

Having an impact on the business as a whole is forgetting to submit invoices on a regular basis. To the customer, it will seem like you don’t care about being paid, and the delay will slow down the process overall.

2. Never Send Invoices that are not Correctly formatted

Working independently, you’ll be exposed to a wide range of businesses and assignments. It’s possible this may impact how you charge customers, too. Inconsistency in bill presentation across jobs may lead to wasted time and a less-than-professional image in the eyes of your customers.

Make a fresh blank invoice using an invoicing template that fits your needs, and use it as a foundation for all future bills. It will help you save a lot of time and keep your brand consistent every time you send a bill to a customer.

Moon Invoice provides its users with a number of customizable, professionally-formatted blank invoice templates. It’s easy to modify them, and there are many different professional looks. Utilize our Invoicing Software if you want individualized invoice templates.

3. Failure to Create Backups of Vital Documents

It’s always a good idea to keep old files around just in case you end up needing them in the future. Use a specialized tool like our Invoicing Software to keep track of all the details of your invoice in one place. Records of purchases and hours worked must be preserved for audit purposes.

Maintaining accurate records is essential. The contractor will be paid for the job they record rather than the labor they actually do. You will require proof of pricing and conditions of payment in the event of a payment dispute.

Digital document storage is a convenient approach to keeping track of all your crucial files. As a result of the increased efficiency brought about by financial accounting software, contractors may spend more time on other tasks.

The privacy of these records must be protected because of their significance. Your files will be protected from prying eyes thanks to Moon Invoice’s robust encryption, and you’ll be able to maintain tabs on their whereabouts in a matter of seconds thanks to the app’s intuitive interface.

4. Failure to Keep Time

Since most of your customers will be charged an hourly rate, you should start keeping track of your time as soon as possible as a contractor. Manual timekeeping entails noting the beginning and ending times of each project, as well as a short description of the work done.

You may also streamline your time-tracking process using a cloud-based accounting system to record your hours worked directly inside the application. This may be used as evidence during invoicing to ensure your customer is comfortable shelling out the full amount listed.

5. Not Including an Extended Payment Plan

You must include your payment terms and conditions on every invoice to receive payment timely. It will be inconvenient for you and your customers if they don’t know your payment conditions and choose a method of payment that doesn’t work for them.

You’ll have to wait longer to be paid since the customer will have to go through the payment process again. That’s why it’s crucial that you and your customer agree on payment terms and rules before the job starts.

A clear understanding of your company’s payment procedures can provide you with an edge in the marketplace and simplify your future endeavors.

6. Recognize the Importance of Late Payment

Maintaining on-time delivery and quality requires persistently pursuing the overdue payment, as we’ve already established. You could feel uncomfortable thinking about sending a reminder for late payment.

You may worry that it may come off as disrespectful and cause you to lose a customer. To be sure, there is nothing negative to say. In order to remind the customer that they need to pay for their line items, you may send them a friendly email.

7. Not Organizing Your Files for Tax Time

It’s not all about the money when billing clients as a contractor. It’s also important to file your taxes on time.

An important aspect of your accounting records is the invoices you send out. They serve as proof for your tax return if you’re self-employed. Maintaining compliance with healthcare, social security, and income tax obligations requires constant tracking of revenue, company costs, and tax deductions.

The use of professional invoices is one method through which a company may present itself in a favorable light to its customers.

Being prepared for tax time only requires that you be organized.

If you receive money from clients through Digital Medium or other methods, your bank will issue a 1099-K to the IRS. The numbers on the 1099-K form are compared to your own meticulous records, of which you have received a copy.

In January 2023, many single entrepreneurs, independent contractors, and freelancers will get 1099-K forms for the first time.

A change in the rules means that any income exceeding $600 is subject to the new regulations. In the past, only companies with over $20,000 in revenue and over 200 transactions were required to comply.

The 1099-K is a new form that has to be familiarised with small enterprises. However, you may account for this in your procedure. Make sure your system can keep tabs on different forms of payment. This will make settling your 1099-Ks a breeze.

Download the Contractor Invoice Template

Creating contractor invoices on a regular basis and making sure they are formatted correctly might seem like a hassle. Moon Invoice has provided a flexible invoice template that may be altered to meet your specific requirements. Furthermore, many free, customizable templates are accessible online that contractors may use for their own projects.

To help you save time, Moon Invoice provides you with free contractor invoice templates. Blank invoice templates are provided so that freelancers may quickly tailor a form to their needs. Your new invoices will already include all the information you need, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks and wait for prompt payment.

We’d want every entrepreneur to feel confident they can submit accurate invoices. Even the most efficient independent contractor has responsibilities outside their primary job. The time and effort saved using a basic invoice template cannot be overstated.


The formerly laborious process of generating invoices has been made easier and quicker thanks to technological advancements. Moon Invoice is the best estimate and invoice software if you’re looking forward to making estimates, invoices, and managing your accounts with a few clicks.

You can simplify your company’s finances and be aware of any tax implications by using Moon Invoice’s invoicing solutions, which make estimating and invoicing a breeze.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.