Do you need to send quotations or prepare estimates? For example, do you offer an estimate? When you should use quote versus estimate – is it quite debatable? And know major difference between them requires thorough understanding.

Understanding the difference between a Quote vs estimate requires understanding what each term means. There are some widely accepted definitions – let’s see them.

What is a Quote?

The terms and circumstances of the proposed transaction, including the total price of the goods or services, project scope, the duration of the project, specific price, and the completion dates, are all included in the written quote. The typical paper is a single page long. It contains essential information with all the showcase values and estimated prices.

Once they’ve accepted what you’ve offered for a new project, the consumer may no longer request adjustments. Instead, installation and repair professionals often issue estimates after consulting with potential new customers.

You should be prepared to quote whether you work in the construction business, the financial sector, retail, or event planning. Each estimate comes with a specific number. A consumer looking for a quote may use this reference number to find it quickly.

With this figure, you can quickly know the cost involved, verify the final costs of specific suppliers and arrive at a satisfactory reconciliation. A standard validity period ends when the date on the detailed quote expires.

What is an Estimate?

Let’s have in depth understanding of the estimate.

An estimate details the predicted price of a project. It is the price that a company or contractor decides on before finding out how much the goods or services would cost. Experts make these inferences because they have experience in related fields.

Because it is just an estimate and not the final price, the written estimate leaves room for adjustments and provides a rough idea. It’s flexible and includes estimates for materials, labour, transportation, and taxes in more detail.

It might be rather lengthy since it details several stages of the project, the schedule, and prospective costs. The constant evolution of this text means that it is seldom considered complete. Many businesses may use estimates, but the most common users are professionals in the construction sector, loan authorities, and contractors to assist clients.

What is a Bid?

Typical bids are presented when the nature of the task is known. For example, consider a government agency that needs skilled contractors to complete a project. They will identify their requirements and make them available.

Companies will then submit bids for these projects with their projected completion costs. The agency will then choose a winning proposal from among all submissions. Bids like construction bid and financial bid are something you can call an educated guess for small businesses.

The construction business regularly employs bids, and subcontractors frequently give a general contractor a proposal to complete a specific project segment.

What is a Proposal?

Although “quote” and “proposal” are often used subject to change in business, there are important distinctions between the two.

All of the material provided in the estimate or quotation and any additional safety documents should be included in the proposal.

In contrast to previous documents for estimates and quotes, the proposal offers more detailed information about the project’s scope, specific time frame, deliverables, and expenditures. As a result, the proposal helps to establish credibility and fixed costs involved.

You may incorporate additional information to emphasise the need for specific methods or skills if you so want. This allows you to market your competitive advantages successfully.

When to Use: Quote Vs Estimate

How to use the Quote vs estimate is the project subject of the next part of our exclusive read. But first, let’s begin by discussing the evaluation.

In other situations, a written contract is unnecessary, mainly when the certain amount of labor involved is little. For example, when a client asks, a quick estimate may suffice for a project that can be finished in a few hours or days with little resource consumption and additional costs.

However, a quote may be recommended for more significant projects since it itemizes your costs. This can avoid disputes.

The key differences between estimates and quotes are that a quotation may be legally enforced.

If you lack time to do an urgent investigation, rely on an estimate as a small business owner. To prevent the customer from attempting to hold you to the estimate’s price, avoid using the term “quote.”

When Should You Use an Estimate?

When an estimate-based project is made available to a contractor or company owner, it is time to provide cost estimates. This customer is now speaking with several suppliers for cost estimates on the current project.

Each contractor will utilize their expertise and experience to establish a fair pricing for the job.

You use an accurate estimate when the prospective client requests a cost breakdown or when you are unfamiliar with the project. It provides the owner with a high-level overview of the expenses and specs of the project.

When Should You Use a Quote?

The successful bidder must provide a detailed written estimate of the project’s overall cost. After bidding, the business owner can choose the handyperson or building contractor that best fulfills their demands.

At this point, the contractor will develop a document explaining every element of the project, including what is and isn’t included, who will be involved, how much it will cost, any unexpected expenses, and the deadline for completion. A quote also covers specific details of materials needed, past work, and all the information for many industries.

The estimate would include information about probable execution delays and their causes.

Essential Elements to Include in Your Estimates and Quotes

Ensure that the following essentials are included in your estimates and quotes:

Customer Information

The customer’s contact details should also be included in the estimate. Information such as their name, address, contact and all the details are sufficient.

Business Information

First and foremost, every accurate quote or estimate should be your company’s data (such as name and address, quote number, and contact information), no matter how unimportant they may appear. New customers might use this data from past projects to contact your company for additional questions.

The importance of sharing company data has prompted regulatory mandates in various jurisdictions.

Itemized Breakdown

Customers, as indicated previously, are interested in learning more about the estimation process and significant differences. The easiest way to convey just supporting information is to itemize the cost of the goods and labor required. Five components of each item are outlined in a typical quotation:

  • Product or service
  • Short description
  • Quantity (if applicable)
  • Unit cost
  • Total item cost

The sum is then added to the appropriate taxes to arrive at the final cost.

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Optional Items

Products or services that may improve the quality of the task as a whole but are not part of the defined work would be much appreciated. Customers could make well-informed purchases with the help of such possibilities being made available to them.

This roofing estimate form is just one example of how optional extras are acceptable in many quotations. For example, the estimate might include maintenance like annual gutter cleaning or improvements if needed to go the extra mile.

Total Estimate

This is the total amount determined for work-related and non-work-related expenses, such as taxes. The final price is an essential part of any estimate; thus, it is customary to include it twice: once at the work begins of the report and again after the breakdown of the components.

Accepted Payment Methods

Be sure to include in the quotation how you want the client to pay for the goods and services you will provide. While it’s possible to transact with cash, remember that not everyone has a large quantity on hand.

Accept more convenient payment methods, such as credit cards or external wire transfer providers, if your company’s standard prices are in the hundreds or thousands.

Terms and Conditions

The T&C section of a quotation might be the longest part of the document. Yet, it plays just as significant a role as any other part.
Without it, a company’s cash flow might decrease, primarily due to late payments. If you need help writing your T&Cs, a company law attorney is a good resource, but don’t forget to keep things simple.

Dates to Remember

Remember that your estimate from today may not hold for a month due to market volatility. Consequently, a schedule of events like:

  • Date of sending to customer
  • Quote expiry (‘valid until’) date
  • Scheduled work date, if accepted

In the race of quote versus estimate, If you’re concerned about the validity of your quotation, the standard time-consuming frame is 30 days (another main difference). But it may be considerably shorter depending on the company and the market. Find out how often prices shift in your sector.

Quote Vs Estimate

These papers have certain commonalities, but each has its characteristics and ramifications. Some key differences between the two sets of paperwork are highlighted below:


The precise cost of all materials and labour involved in a particular project may be seen in a quotation. It is non-negotiable, it seals the deal between your firm and the customer.

Therefore, subject matter experts should engage with potential clients and compile estimations before drafting this paper from a legal standpoint.

For a quote to be as precise as possible requires more time and thought than an estimate. Remember that your estimates will likely go through several revisions before you present them to a supervisor or customer.

Quality of Information

A quotation is often short and to the point, with the main emphasis being the price. However, the document contains vital data for the ongoing project.

An estimate is an approximate calculation of the time and money required to finish a project. They’re longer than citations and often run many pages.

Duration of the Project

Suppose you don’t have enough time to do the job in its entirety. In that case, you may have to reconsider the document you plan to write or submit to the customer for client expectations.

An estimate may be enough for jobs that may be completed in a matter of hours or days. However, a contract or quote outlining the cost of a project that may span months or even years is necessary.


Multiple revisions to estimates may need ongoing updates to this report. However, you may jot down preliminary estimations during a project’s duration.

In most cases, you only ever prepare quotations before the start of an endeavour. However, unforeseen developments may necessitate rewriting this paper at least once.

To provide just one example, an unexpected increase in the cost of supplies might cause you to go over budget well before the project is finished. Therefore, when communicating an unexpected setback to a customer, it’s essential to provide a breakdown of how current pricing compares to the original quote.

If you can persuade the customer to adjust their budget to reflect the new client’s requirements for the job, you’ll need to create a new quote.


Understanding the legal standings of these papers will allow you to choose the most appropriate one for a specific job or customer.

In contrast to an estimate, a quote is a legally enforceable contract. This document is admissible in court and has legal status. Once a client’s business accepts an estimate after a client meeting, there is a legally enforceable contract between the contractor and the client.

Before sending a quote to a customer, make sure you’ve taken the specific time to mark it and inspect its contents properly.

Are Estimates and Quotations Legally Binding?

Let’s tackle this problem one step at a specific time. When defining the scope and budget of a project, estimates are utilized as ballpark figures. They may either estimate the costs of the identical materials at the current rate or utilize the figures from completed projects.

Since it does not consider the project’s scope or demand, an estimate cannot be legally binding. You are speculating based on the limited information at your disposal.

If a quote is provided but not signed, it does not have the same legal weight as a signed one. This is more akin to a pricing offer presented to the customer. However, if the quotation is accepted and formalized as an offer, the estimate takes on the force of law.

For instance, if the winning bidder delivers an estimate for the project and the customer accepts it, the quote becomes legally binding. On the other hand, if there is no signature or acceptance on the document, it is not valid.


Knowing if you are required to submit a quote or estimate at this time is crucial. Imagine you’re in the early stages of a project where several individuals are fighting for the same role. If that’s the case, a rough estimate of labor costs will come in handy throughout the bidding phase.

If you have already been chosen as the supplier, the last step is to have the customer sign the quote.

It is essential to provide detailed information in your estimates and quotes to meet client expectations.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.