Owners of landscaping businesses may count themselves among the market’s most sought-after segments. If you are considering selling your company or have already received an offer, now is the time to learn as much as possible about the sale process.

This post will tell you how to sell a landscaping business and what to take care of.

How to Value a Landscaping Business?

In 2023, the landscaping industry in the United States was predicted to be worth around $176 billion. The landscaping industry reached a record-high value of almost $100 billion in 2016. In the United States, the market for this service is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 8.1% between 2018 and 2023.

How Do You Know It’s Time to Sell Your Landscaping Business?

The establishment of your lawn care company was not a simple task. Developing a successful company calls for a major time and effort commitment on the part of the entrepreneur. However, for many business owners, selling the company is even more difficult than starting it.

However, remember that selling your company will demand time to prepare for the transaction.

Before placing your company up for Sale, you should allow yourself at least one and preferably two months to concentrate on getting it ready. The Sale is more straightforward and financially beneficial after enough preparation.

In most cases, when business owners are ready to retire and have no heirs interested in taking over the company, they decide to sell their company.

In addition, if you need a significant sum of money quickly, you might consider selling your company. Even if your company is successful, there is always a possibility that you could run into a circumstance in which you need immediate access to funds.

When you sell your company, you can convert the worth of the company into actual cash, which you are free to utilize in any way you see fit.

In conclusion, if your company is not doing well, you should seriously consider selling it. Suppose you cannot bring in the customers necessary for the expansion of your company. In that case, selling the company as soon as feasible may be in your best financial interest.

Honestly, there is no right or wrong time to sell your landscaping business – it’s just that whenever you feel you are ready to decide. However, you need to have a thorough understanding of the whole sales process.

There are many other reasons why you could decide to sell landscaping services firm, such as the following:

  • It would help if you had a significant sum of money and would want to get it from your company.
  • Because the company isn’t doing very well, you’ve called it quits.
  • You are relocating to a different location but want to keep the company operational.
  • You are prepared to enter retirement.
  • You want to explore additional chances, whether in work or personal life.

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Selling A Lawn Mowing Business: 4 Buyer Options

When it comes to selling your landscaping business – to whom can you sell?

The answer is there are four buyer options for selling landscaping businesses globally.

You Can Sell Your Landscaping Business To A Strategic Buyer

The primary distinction between strategic buyers and direct rivals of your company is that strategic buyers are not considered to be direct competitors of your company.

A strategic buyer is a company that is active in a sector connected to the sector in which your company works.

Regarding landscaping, this might refer to a property management firm. This company provides irrigation and stormwater services or is just another landscaping company outside your area.

Someone who regularly uses your services is an example of a typical strategic buyer. Think about it for a second: do you have any clients whose companies may profit from you taking over the role you provide?

You Can Sell Your Business to a Competitor

Are you considering selling your company to one of your rivals? If you’re considering selling to a market leader, there are several considerations.

A landscaping firm that competes with you could be interested in buying it. They will experience increased success in your market due to your customer list, procedures, and other competitive advantages.

When selling your company, a rival will almost always offer you a lower price than an individual would be willing to pay.

Why? Because your rivals have little interest in purchasing many of the assets that go into making up your business.

These are the following:

  1. The name and standing you’ve built for yourself in the marketplace (goodwill).
  2. Employees who are no longer needed
  3. Equipment, software, or inventory that does not adhere to specifications

You Can Sell Your Landscaping Business to an Individual

Suppose the valuation of your company falls anywhere in the area of $400,000 to $2,000,000. In that case, the most probable buyer for the enterprise will be an individual.

It is generally more lucrative to sell your company to an individual than to sell it to one of your competitors. This is because a single buyer has to acquire the whole of your firm in its current operating state for this to be possible.

However, when the firm’s size and the acquisition price rise, the number of potential individual purchasers decreases.

When your company has reached a specific size threshold, a strategic buyer or a private equity firm will be the most suitable purchaser for your company.

Talk to people on your team and your network to identify potential buyers. One of your workers or a friend who is also an entrepreneur may be keen to take over the landscaping business.

Before finalizing the Sale, please consult with your attorney and insurance agent regarding crucial person insurance. Ensure it covers you and any other key employees. You may also hire a business broker to get the individual buyer for your business.

You Can Sell Your Landscaping Business to a PEG (Private Equity Group)

Despite the financial benefits, landscaping firms seldom sell to private equity groups (PEGs). Private equity firms aim to profit by buying a stake in a company, growing that company’s market value, and then selling the company at a higher price.

If you engage with a business broker, it will take longer to sell the company, but you will make more money due to the Sale.

It is still crucial to learn the inner workings of private equity. Private equity firms are more like equity partners than buyers. PEGs are enthusiastic supporters of company owners committed to staying in the game but might need some assistance growing.

The PEG acquires a controlling interest in your firm, but you keep minority ownership and stay on board to help run things. This collaboration aims to raise the company’s value so that it may be sold to a strategic buyer or a giant Private Equity Group.

How to Prepare Your Business for Sale?

A successful sale can only be achieved with the right amount of preparation. Your company needs to be able to run entirely on its own.

That means the new owner may begin using it immediately without making any more preparations.

Before you sell your company, there are a few preliminary actions to determine business value; you need to do, which are as follows:

Put in Place the Appropriate Documentation for Your Employees

Numerous illegal employees are drawn to the landscaping sector due to its popularity. It’s possible that some prospective customers won’t care if you have illegal employees on your staff, but others definitely will.

In most cases, selling your company will be simplified if all your employees have documentation of their employment status.

Avoid Having a Concentration of Customers

Prospective purchasers will be skeptical about your company’s ability to generate future profits if most of your income comes from a few clients. This is particularly the case if a significant number of your customers already know, like, and trust you.

Instead, it would help if you strived to achieve the most significant potential diversity in your consumer base. Suppose you have an extensive customer base, even though some current clients could leave once the firm is under new ownership. In that case, you can assure prospective purchasers that your company will remain lucrative.

Reduce As Much As Possible the Outstanding Account Balances

You want as few bills that are still overdue as feasible. If your company has a lengthy cash flow cycle, prospective buyers will hesitate to purchase it from you. To maximize the growth of your company’s overall working capital, you should pay off as much of your accounts receivable as possible.

Make Your Billing and Invoicing More Accurate

Invoicing that is both effective and well-organized may assist in enhancing your cash flow and make your company more appealing to potential customers. Ensure your invoices are correct, presented professionally, and sent on time.

It would help to consider investing in billing software to speed up the process. You can also utilize a landscaping invoice template to create professional invoices.

Keep Your Equipment Well-Maintained

Check that all of the equipment used by your organization is in excellent condition. A new owner does not intend to replace any of the aging machinery.

Even though it would seem contradictory to buy new machinery shortly before selling your company, doing so often makes it much simpler to sell your company.

Foster Long-Term Contracts As Much As Possible

If you have ordered from satisfied clients, your company will seem more appealing to potential purchasers. Try to get your customers to sign on for longer-term commitments. Prospective company purchasers want to hear that it is unlikely that your current clients would terminate their service after you sell the company.

Concentrate On Business-to-Business Customers

Customers from other businesses are often the most lucrative customers for a lawn care company. Even though you want your firm to have residential customers in its portfolio, you should also ensure you have a solid variety of commercial clients.

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How to Market Your Landscaping Business for Sale?

Marketing to other businesses is not at all like marketing to consumers. Flyers and door hangers will not help you sell your landscaping company. These methods work better for business-to-consumer campaigns. You may advertise your landscaping firm in regional business journals or by word of mouth among your professional contacts.

Adopt a plan that is more targeted, and start marketing the key capabilities that set you different from the competition. Here are a few instances:

  • What procedures are in place at work to ensure everything runs smoothly?
  • Carefully plan out you’re landscaping or lawn maintenance company.
  • Key personnel’ names, titles, and areas of expertise should be recorded.
  • Describe your clientele, including the numbers and types.
  • What kinds of landscaping do you do, and what tools and equipment do you regularly use?
  • What is it about you that makes you stand out from the competition?

Remember that highlighting your landscaping company’s capabilities, experience, and unique selling factors is the key to effective marketing. It is possible that doing so would help you attract serious buyers willing to pay the price acceptable for your firm.

You should seriously consider working with a property management firm to assess and advertise your landscaping business’s worth.

How to Negotiate With Potential Buyers?

You’ve done a great job getting your landscaping company ready to sell. You’ve just established your first contact with a possible customer.

However, the finish line of the race has not yet been reached by you. The next step is to engage in contract negotiations with the buyer.

Try to retain your cool under pressure, too. Many conflicting emotions may arise when considering selling a treasured business. Don’t ignore a great deal because you have rosy expectations for your company. Hiring a third party that is not emotionally invested in the outcome of the negotiations might be pretty beneficial.

First, you shouldn’t be reluctant to go. Once you’ve caught the eye of even one prospective customer, you’ll likely catch the eye of many more.

You are not obligated to go further if unsatisfied with the contract terms.

How Recorded Invoices Help Your Landscaping Business During the Sale?

When you are between a sales deal and finalizing a sale contract – the buyer may ask you to present your financial statements and details about tangible and intangible assets and invoicing records too!

When you have a solid invoicing record(the majority with Invoicing software), potential buyers can be sure about how well your business has performed. Also, potential buyers can get the data such as client details, average sell values, profit, and loss data, accounts payable and accounts receivable, etc.

Final Thoughts

Once you’ve found the ideal buyer for your landscaping firm and established some ground rules, you may begin formal negotiations. The ultimate sale price and the parameters of the agreement are established during negotiations, making them an essential part of selling your landscaping firm.

A business broker may assist you with selling your company, whether you choose to retire or move on to new endeavors. Business brokers focusing on landscaping firms may help you sell your company for a fair price and promptly if you own one.

But ensure the business’s invoicing record and financial data are entirely accurate.


Jayanti Katariya
Jayanti Katariya About the author

Jayanti Katariya is the founder & CEO of Moon Invoice, with over a decade of experience in developing SaaS products and the fintech industry. He holds a degree in engineering. Since 2011, Jayanti's expertise has helped thousands of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, streamline invoicing, estimation, and accounting operations. His vision is to deliver top-tier financial solutions globally, ensuring efficient financial management for all business owners.